Hey everyone! This is my entry to CrimsonpuppetP's contest. So here I go!

Pairing: EyesxAyumuxKousuke

Things to note: this chapter will be back stories for these three. Please take note that they are important for the story.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own.

Ayumu's story:

(My name is Ayumu and I am six. I love with my brother, because know one else wants me. I am not good enough, or smart enough, because my brother was better. My mommy only loves my brother. Why else won't she hug me?)

The six year old jumps into his brothers loving arms. His brother spins him around.

(One day, I want to be just like him.)

And places him on the couch. He then proceeds to tickle the small child.

(My brother loves me and I love him, and respect him.)

The older man takes his brother and sets him at the table and gives him his dinner.

(My name is Ayumu, and I am six. My brother loves me, so my life has a bright fix, to my longing of affection.)

Kousuke's story:

(My name is Kousuke, and I am seven. I am amazing. I am smart and I am clever, and I am better than all the rest. Who doesn't love me? I am talented and the most popular. I am not afraid to speak, in fact I speak rather well.)

Kousuke walks through the front door of his house and is greeted with the smells of his mother's cooking. He is a good sized boy and eats rather well. He walks up to his mother and smiles, and gives her a hug. He turns his attention to the living room door, happiness filling him.

(My dad just got home, he is earlier than normal, which means he can play.)

A man enters the house, in his arms is a large box. He calls his soon and sets it down in front of him.

(My dad brought me a present, he must have had a good day.)

The man walks into the kitchen and kisses his wife. The child turns his head and 'eww's

(My dad got me a new model plane. Isn't it great?)

His father says that he got it at a fund raiser to help abused children. He continues to say

such loving things to his family.

(My name is Kousuke and I am seven. Everyone loves me, and says I came from heaven.)

Eyes story:

(My name is Eyes and I'm only seven. My body hurts and I bleed a lot. It is hard to see strait. I must be stupid, bad, a monster. Why else would daddy be so mad? I wish I were better, I really do. I try my best, but always fail. I'm afraid to speak, not that I can do so very well, and am to scared to do what he doesn't say I may. Or else I am locked away in our cellar. Chains on my hands and on my feet, they bind me to the wall. I try to be nice, I try to be good, when daddy is here. Maybe tonight, if I try hard enough, I will only get one whipping, and dinner tonight.)

Little Rutherford's eyes open in fear, he is frozen to his spot in the corner. He is a whole lot smaller, than he ought to be.

(I just heard a car, it means daddy is home. He's later than usual, which means he's had twice the amount he normally does.)

He trembles in fear and listens as the front door is opened, then slammed shut. He hears his mother scream, then begins to beat on a door.

(Daddy has locked Mummy in there room. I'm scared, for now I know there shall be no mercy.)

Suddenly the small child hears curse words being yelled from the living room. Suddenly a loud, thunderous voice yells the small child's name. he arises and goes.

(What did I do to make him mad?)

The small child presses himself to the wall. He tries to hide, disappear into the wall, with no such luck. He is scared, because of what he sees in those horrible eyes.

(I'm so afraid right now, I might cry. No, I must hold them back, or enrage him more. Maybe I'll cry later, when I'm alone.)

Suddenly the man starts to yell and say ugly things to the terrified child. The man raises his hand and strikes the boy. He does this over and over and then stops to yell some more.

(I run to the door to try and escape, but it is locked. I am trapped.)

Little Rutherford presses his back to the door.

(I didn't mean to make daddy have a bad day at work.)

The man grabs him and throws him against the wall. The boy falls to the floor his bones nearly broken, his father continues, with more horrid words spoken.

(Oh God! Please save me!)

"I'm sorry!" He screams, but it is far to late. The man's face is twisted, an evil smile on his face. He then continues to beat the tiny child. Again and again he hits him.

(Oh please! Someone save me!)

Finally the man stops, and heads for the door across the room, leaving the small child, who bleeds, but not enough to kill him, sprawled on the floor.

(My name is Eyes, and I am seven. I am a afraid to die, because I don't get to go to heaven. No one can love me, for what I am. Why, oh why was I ever born?)

Do to the fact this is still a fic, and it is fun to leave you wanting more, I need 1 review until I update. (Just so I know who is reading this.)