Suddenly the phone in the booth started to ring. Kanon paused a moment in his frantic search. Who would be calling a pay phone? Kanon got inside and answered it.


Suddenly a man answered.

"Kanon Hilbert."


"I believe I have something you might want."

Kanon got a shocked expression on his face, then it turned to one of anger.

"Where is he!?"

The man on the other side made a tsk-ing sound.

"Tut-tut. I would have expected better from the leader of the blade children."

"Shut up. Where is he?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Kanon growled in he back of his throat.

"Where is Eyes?" Kanon's voice was dangerously low, warning any one with common sense to be ware.

"I'll tell you what," The man said, his smirk could be heard in his voice. "Meet me at the fountain at the park in the middle in town."

There was a short silence.

"And don't forget, come alone. Tell no one."

Suddenly the line went dead. Kanon glared at the phone in his hand. So he wanted to play a game did he? Well if it's a game he wants, it's a game he'll get. Kanon wasn't about to let this man win. He would get Eyes back, somehow.

review or no update!

over and out!