Title: "The Passion Game"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Summary: Paige sets out to get what she wants.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Drabble
Challenge: For a fill on a FemSlash100 LJ comm prompt table
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 17 March, 2012
Disclaimer: Paige "Husk" Guthrie, Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee, Jonothon "Jono" "Chamber" Starsmore, all other characters mentioned within; and Generation X are ᄅ & TM Marvel comics and Disney, not the author. Everything else is ᄅ & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

"Ah know! Let's play Th' Passion Game!"

"The what?"

"The Passion Game. It's where ya kiss everybody in th' room," Paige blushed, "ta see who makes yer toes curl th' most."

Jubilee Looked at her, not realizing they were alone. "What were you people in th' hicks doin'?! No wonder ya marry yer cousins! Yer nuts! Ya have any idea how easy it is to get a disease doin' that - that Passion Game?!"

Paige returned Jubilee's look, a thoughtful expression settling over her pretty face. "There's somethin' else 'bout us country folk ya don't know, Jubilee."

"What's that? That ya eat corn in yer grits?"

"Grits're corn, but that's 'side th' point. Today is Sadie Hawkins Day, an' that's th' day we women get ta go after whoever we want an' make th' first move."

Jubilee grinned. "Then lay it on Jono already!"

"No." Paige grabbed Jubilee's grinning face in her hands and kissed her before she could stop herself.

Jubilee stood with her mouth wide open afterwards. Paige looked up and beat a hasty retreat as their teachers appeared. "Damn."

"What was that, Jubilee?"

"Nothing," Jubes murmured, although she felt like she'd been given everything, and chased after Paige.

The End