Chapter 39: Epilogue

It's been a month since the court date. Ever since then, Kagome and Inuyasha decided to tell the real truth to their friends Sango, Miroku, Koga and Ayame. They're all in Kagome's bedroom doing their homework. "That girl was ordered by her parents to kill you?" Sango grabs hold of Kagome's shoulders. Kagome nods. "Yeah and I had no idea about throughout that time." Kagome frown for her answer to her friend's question. Ayame frowns as well, "But why didn't you keep the truth from us since the beginning?" She asks her question. Kagome looks down to her shoes with so called interest with her bangs covering her eyes. "I couldn't take the risk to let you guys know because of Kyoko's friends would know about it and make my life a living hell." Kagome honestly answers back.

That answer alone was more than enough not only to widen her friends' eyes but to understand where this was going. Kagome did have a point. Just telling her friends would be too much to do tolerate. And if Kyoko's friends were to eavesdrop on the conversation, they'd used it to their advantage to make her do whatever they want. "But you could've told us when we were hanging out of school. Being at your house would've been a good idea." Ayame suggested. "No. My parents didn't want to get the wrong idea to know that you guys would know despite that you're my friends." Kagome quickly disagree with her.

Sango looks at her attentively. "She's right. It was better that it was a family issue that they took care of it, not us." Sango states out. Ayame knew that it was too much for them to know about the difference between being Kagome's friends and Kagome's family. "Sorry. I shouldn't have been too hasty to think that." Ayame apologizes. Kagome smiles to them with such forgiveness. "It's okay. I just wished it didn't happen." Sango and Ayame decided to hug her. And it's good thing too. It's because Kagome's hand is finally out of its cast. No more pain from the time Kyoko slammed Kagome's locker door since the beginning of the year.

Meanwhile Inuyasha's friends weren't that shocked as Kagome's. "I had no idea you would keep this from us, Inuyasha." Koga said as he leans back on the desk chair in basement's media room. Inuyasha told them about the scenario. "Pretty much. But then something got me thinking." Inuyasha replies as he then holds his chin. "When Kagome screams with pain in her voice, wouldn't you be able to hear her when it happened?" Inuyasha asks him. Koga hmms, "You got a point there. I'm a wolf demon and as such, I would've been able to hear her as well. But back then we weren't friends at the time so I wasn't able to hear her." Koga answers back. Miroku nods. "Afraid so. For the bondness between such a group, they would be able to sense that something went wrong with one of our own and as such, we had to make sure she was okay."

Inuyasha nods. "Yeah. But the worse was that when we went to the nurse's office, she so called 'calmly' told us it was none of our business and made us leave. And boy was I so angry about that, but I didn't want to throw a temper out inside of the school." Inuyasha explains his experience. "Well at least Kagome's hand is healed. Let's just hope it'll never happen." Miroku spoke his behalf as he crossed his arms.

After the conversation, there was an assembly in the school's auditorium. Once everyone took their seats, the principal comes up to the podium. "good morning, class." He calls out them. "Good morning, Mr. Buriko." The students reply back to him. Mr. Buriko smiles. "I know I called this assembly on such short notice, but there's a few things I want to discuss with you." He spoke with such seriousness. "First of all, you guys must know, that whenever someone is wounded by another student, there's a list of consequences on how the sceranio was. For the past month, there was a student that injured another student that it's my responsibility to punish the student who did it." He narrows his eyes. "I'm not going to tell who was student was that injured the victim. The point is that when a student is such a person is considered a bully. But that bully did something so horrible to the victim that I shouldn't done something about it. But I didn't."

Some of the students widen their eyes, while other gasps their breath and a few others kind of closed their mouth in such a manner. "The reason I didn't do anything about it is that I've been blackmailed by that bully's parents to keep their child in the school, with no discipline whatsoever. And because of my actions, I'm resigning my position as this school's principal." Mr. Buriko admits to them. "Students, I'm sorry it had to be like this, but for those who are bullies will no longer be allowed to attend this and be transferred to a facility for them." He leaves the podium and to backstage of the curtains.

After the assembly, the students were allowed to leave school at noon since it was in the morning and there was no point for them to go to their scheduled classes. "I never expected that Mr. Buriko would resign." Kagome spoke to herself. She really didn't see that coming. "Maybe it was for the greater good." Kikyo replies to her as she takes a hold on her sister's shoulder. "The crazy part is that our parents are going to be informed about our very early dismissmal." Kagome spoke as they enter their home. "We're home." Kagome shouts out. But no respond from their mother. Kagome goes into the kitchen to find a note on the fridge. "What is it?" Kikyo asks as she comes in a short time later. "You won't believe this Kikyo." Kagome hands it over. Kikyo reads it.

Girls, your father and I are in the police precint where Kyoko and her parents are being held in. we have no idea how long we're going to be there for. But if you want to make sure we're okay, here's the address."

Kikyo and Kagome widens. "I guess they're not officially done." Kagome comments as she goes up stairs to put her backpack in her bedroom. Kikyo sighs, "I guess not." She agrees with her sister and does the same thing. 'And I have a feeling that this isn't the end of this.

The girls arrive at the police precint to look for their parents. "May I help you?" One of the officer asks them. "We're looking for our parents. They told us that they'd be here." Kikyo said to him. The office nods. "Ah, yes. You see. Your parents are in a private room talking with the family that had a connection with them earlier in life. And I'm afraid that you girls cannot go in there for a reason. I'm sorry." He said sadly and suggested that they take a seat and wait until their parents come out.

About an hour later, Kagome dozes of and lies on Kikyo's shoulder as a make-shift pillow. "Kikyo, Kagome." The same officer calls out to them. Kikyo lightly shakes Kagome to wake her up. The officer opens the door to let them into one of the detective corners of the building. Inside are their parents. "Mom, dad. What is going on here?" Kikyo asks casually, not to frightened Kagome. "Girls. Because of what happened, we're informed that their daughter, Kyoko has escaped prison." Hige confessed to them.

To Be Continued.

I want to thank you for all the reviews about this story. Rest assured, I'll be writing a sequel to this, and it might a take me awhile to come up on what to write about. But for now, I'll try to finish any of my other uncomplete stories.
