The long, shinny limousine pulled up in front of the Pine Peak Hotel. The light rain fall still laid over the driveway as the grey clouds of the previous soft rain still occupied the skies. The large, six story, 458 room hotel towered over the rich, posh vehicle.

The concierge outside opened the back passenger door to the long, black car and waved out the passenger.

Stepping out with his guitar case in hand, Dante took in a long inhale of the afternoon air. His boots slightly soaked in the rain water. His red coat flowing down to his ankles and his short, white hair draped in the same style he always had it. His stone blue eyes scanning the hotel with not one emotion crossing his face.

The concierge was still bent over pointing Dante in the direction of the front doors to the hotel. Dante slightly moved his head to look at the penguin-suited man and said, "You know, stay bent over like that and I'm sure somebody will give you a tip. Just not me." That was when he walked away.

The concierge stood up a bit confused. He sneered behind Dante's back and went to go park the vehicle when the limousine driver, whoever it might have been, drove away with a squeal of the tires and a roar of the engine. Again, the concierge was left standing with a confused and upset look on his face.

Inside the hotel lobby, several of the hotel underlings had tried to take Dante's guitar case away from him. One violent and demonic look from him and there was nobody willing to go within twenty feet of the red-coated, white-haired, seemingly misanthropic young man.

He walked up to the check-in desk and asked for his room key. Reservations had already been made. The man behind the counter took a key off the wall from the rows and rows of others. He handed it to Dante and he couldn't help but smile at the old style key. It was one that had an actual key with the large, imitation leather tab attached to the key. The room number stitched into it. It felt good in his hand.

He turned around to head there when suddenly a woman came up to the check-in desk of head turning beauty. She was an older woman but that didn't take away from her in anyway. In fact, it only added to her unparallel beauty.

Dante had to stop and admire her but didn't say anything knowing that she would be the first one to say something. He did however make sure that she noticed him looking at her.

She did noticed but she had played this game before. More times then she could keep track of. She eyed him up and then said, "Well, are we going to stair at each other all day or are you going to introduce yourself?"

"Well, its not like I have a problem with that alternative however I guess we have important matters to get busy with. I'll start - names Dante."

She smiled not hearing the name for a long time. "Dante? What an old name. It gives you a sort of ancient, foreboding air about you. Like a girl should be weary of you."

"I guess that's up to the girl but I get the feeling you're not too concerned."

"Fascinated would be a better word. Of course, I'm no girl. I am all woman." She said letting her hands slip down her waist. Her dark purple dress folding at her very touch outlining her voluptuous legs. She wore a woman's cloak along with the dress of a matching color with an even darker purple. Her chest hidden by a woman's vest and a black business dress shirt. Her long, flowing, raven hair stretching down to her lower back and her large eyes, emerald in color, with a tinge of bright purple. Dante had picked up on her eyes right away.

She then introduced herself, "I am countess Lydia." She extended her hand so he would take it in a gentlemanly fashion.

Smiling a bit, Dante said, "My hands are a bit full Lydia."

Lydia just lowered her hand and looked at the guitar case in his hand and said, "Oh, a musician are you?" She received her key and flashed it in front of him and said, "Maybe you can play for me later?"

He made an entranced moan and said, "You may not like my song."

She turned to stair at him walking backwards, "I'm sure there's a way you can pluck those string to enticeā€¦" She nearly tripped over a small girl in the lobby who was only about age 5 and seemed to be playing with a kitten in the lobby totally oblivious to all the adults around her.

Lydia caught herself though and looked down menacingly at the playful child. The child was dressed in a powder blue dress made of seemingly expensive lace. She had on black dress shoes and white stockings. She was playing with a small grey and brown kitty.

Lydia growled with an almost demon sound to her voice and yelled at the small girl, "You petulant, sickly looking, little vermin! Wiping you from the face of the Earth would be not only a service but a heroic endeavor!" Lydia twisted her head so her hair would fly out at the child.

The small girl was left in the lobby with her kitty hissing at the woman and a dumbfounded look on her face. She pouted and then started to cry until two black boots stared her in the face. She looked up with her kitty close to her chest and a sad look to her eyes.

Dante extended his hand down to her and helped the 5yr old to her feet. He then said to her, "You shouldn't play were adults are. You can get hurt. We adults tend to play some pretty violent games with each other."

She nodded her head rubbing her teary eyes and said, "Thank you, mister." Walking away with the kitty dangling down from her arms.

Dante slightly smiled and said, "My pleasure, little lady."

Dante went to his room and no sooner that he entered, he got a phone call from Morrison. He picked up the phone with his foot and held it with his hand up to his ear, "Hello Morrison, What kind of lame job did you hook me up with now?"

"How did you know it was me Dante?"

"Because you're the only one dumb enough to call me before I call room service for a pizza."

"Well, its good to hear your voice too Dante. Have you located the target yet?"

"Oh yeah. I even saw the purple tinge to her eyes. Are you sure Lady's right about this?"

"Damn it Dante, this grand-high witch is nothing to take lightly. Lady wouldn't have had me pass along the job if she wasn't sure."

Dante spun the phone like one of his guns and said, "Witches. You know I don't do witches!"

"There about as devilish as you can get without finding a demon. Besides, this is the grand-high witch. According to Lady, she won't be the only one there either." No sooner did Morison say that, did several ladies pass by Dante's room door. He looked out and saw at least five more pass on by behind the others.

He got up and looked out into the hallway as three more passed on by. He saw the slight purple tinge but it was hard for him since they seemed to be in a hurry to wherever they were going.

"Dante?" Morison yelled. "DANTE!" Morison yelled out again but this time Dante answered him.

"Got to go Morison. Looks like a convention." Dante threw the receiver back onto the old phone and walked out into the hall. He found himself back in the lobby and saw all the women jam-packing themselves into a meeting hall. He went up to the front desk and asked the man, "Excuse me, but what is going on?"

The man at the desk answered back, "Why you remember the lady you were talking to earlier?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Well, she is the chairwoman of a very big children's organization. They're a sort of Big Sisters' company. All the funding is from donations. Isn't that nice of her?"

Dante looked over at the guy and even he seemed to be smitten by the ladies. He just said monotoned, "Wonderful. I'll be right back." Going back to his room to his guitar case. He snapped it open and looked at his equipment. Sword and guns both there to do what they did best.