Happy birthday to me, now I know it's backward but here's a present for my fans. When I wrote this I'd planned on uploading all of 5th year at once, unfortunately I got to the title of the next chapter then Umbitch showed up and chased away all my ideas :[ . Anyway here it is.

LW: 5th year come and get it!

Sirius: So can I have some written time in this chapter?

Hermione: I'll make sure of it.

Sirius: OK, see you later then (leaves)

LW: Good Luck, bye!

Hermione Bella Riddle – No. 12 Grimmauld Place

The summer leading to Hermione's 5th year was different to the rest. Obviously there was the fact that her father was back and he was recruiting as well as planning raids on the muggles while staying off the ministry's radar. Hermione got to help mainly thanks to a small push from Severus, Lucius and Snaky towards Tom and because she was a little genius and skilled planner. Soon after she received a letter from Dumbledore informing her she will be brought to Sirius' home 'For her own protection' which was Dumble speak for 'So we can keep and eye on you'. They owled Sirius who couldn't tell them where he was staying because Dumbles had recently warded the house with a Fidelius charm, luckily Snaky was powerful, determined and a little (ok a lot) insane. The next day he'd apparated with Hermione to Grimmauld Place and stood in front of 11 and 13. Hermione looked at him as if to ask what was going on but Snaky just walked to the gap and kept walking, his steps creating cracks for footprints revealing the outline of steps then with a punch revealed a door or wall.

In no. 12 Sirius, Remus and the rest of the order including the Weasley's watched through a transparency charm on the front door as the slightly reptilian looking being just walked right up to their doorstep, Hermione following him exactly in his 'footsteps' until she was beside him outside the door. Sirius was about to open the door and let them in but was stopped by a livid Molly Weasley. He couldn't figure out why but it may have had to do with the fact he (Snaky, not Sirius though him too) wouldn't stop smiling. As though he could see them all he reached out and gripped the door knob and the Black family defences kicked in. A jolt most likely capable of stopping your heart 9 times over spread across the wards and into the intruder, but the slit eyed man barely flinched and pulled open the doors.

Hermione was extremely confused but followed her godfather, only stepping on the cracks his steps made in the air as they were the only parts of the hidden building she could feel was there. When she got to the door and stood beside him she could see 2 bulges in the cracked air and Snaky palmed them and just barely visibly flinched, Hermione could only see it because she was good at reading people knew her godfather quite well. Then he pulled on the bulges and the air around her cracked and revealed a fog like landscape in front of her. Before she could fully admire her surroundings Snaky grabbed her around her waist and pulled the 2 of them over the divide where her vision blurred then refocused into the image of a dark and badly kept house and she noticed they were surrounded by people who had their wands pointed at them, Snaky's grin not leaving his face the entire time infact she was sure he was egging them on with his eyes. The only thing that stopped them doing it was Sirius shaking the snake's hand and pulling him into a hug, which significantly diffused the situation and like a light bulb was switched on people noticed Hermione was with him and was quickly swarmed by the twins, Ginny and Luna who was staying with them too. Ron was currently glaring at her as if she showed him her Dark Mark (No she doesn't have one but it's an example)

Molly: How'd you get in here?

Snaky: There wasn't a no.12 so I thought it was hidden and decided to try find it.

Hermione: Sorry about him, he's a little crazy

?: Don't worry we have Sirius, we're used to it.

Hermione turned around and her gaze met a girl of about 20 with pink hair and familiar features when she suddenly realised who it was; her other cousin, the up until recently 'half blood' Nymphadora Tonks nee Black nee Grindelwald. She made a note to talk to Sirius about her and how who they could trust in the physical 'House of Black' (aka Grimmauld Place). She was lead by Ginny to the room she would be sharing with the 2 girls and soon after the twins appeared as the adults had taken to questioning Snaky in the kitchen behind a silencing ward he'd put up and Ron was avoiding the 'Corrupting influences of the dark witch'

Ginny: So is it true?

Luna: The Dark Lord cometh?

Fred: That's what the Order …

George: …say in each of …

Fred: … their meetings. It's even why …

George: … we're here for the summer.

Hermione: Yes he's back but he's trying to stay under the ministry's radar until we're ready to tear the place apart.

Luna: It makes sense; if they are unaware of his existence until he's prepared they will be unable to properly fight back.

Hermione: Exactly!

Later – Black family room (One with family tree)

Some time later Hermione was able to get away from her friends and met up with Snaky and Sirius. Soon after they were joined by Remus and Tonks, the only people in the order with any twinge of a dark magical core. Also they were part of his family, something that was important to purebloods like the Blacks.

Sirius: Well guys you already know Remus, but our other guest is my niece NymphaDora Tonks

Dora: Sirius Black I'm gonna kill you!

Remus: Calm down Nym, Pad's being a deush again

Snaky: OK now that everyone's here we have a few questions to ask and then we'll need an oath from you guys before we go any further.

Remus: I have a bad feeling about this but ok.

Hermione: 1st what is your view on Dumbledore? and 2nd what do you know about Voldemort's actual goals?

Dora: Well I know Dumbledore used to be powerful and a genius but from more recent experience I think he's starting to become senile in his old age. As for Voldemort I don't know other than the usual 'Destroy the inferiors' thing we hear about.

Remus: similar for me, Dumbledore used to be good and powerful but after the events with Sirius and the fact he never uses any of his powers to change the word even though he literally rules the court systems. As for Voldemort, as a 'dark creature' I have a bit more info such as making the society closer to equal for all, though muggleborns will be lower for the most because very few actually have the power to make a powerful pure blood.

Sirius: Well that's good now onto the oaths. We need you to swear not to reveal any information you learn to the rest of the order though you can speak to any of the kids about it except Harry and Ron.

Remus and Dora: I swear on my life and magic not to reveal any information learnt today to anyone other than those allowed by Hermione, Sirius and Snaky.

Snaky: (shrugs) Ehh, close enough. Hermione lets begin.

Hermione: Let's just be blunt and simple. I'm not Hermione Granger Slytherin's 1st muggleborns, my name is Hermione Bella Riddle and my parents are Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Black. The creapy lizard over there is my god father and he's the only reason I don't think I'm just some mud blood, and one last thing.

With a wave of her wand the glamour surrounding Hermione faded leaving the pale skinned, red eyed, black haired dark witch.

Remus: That was you! The Boggart was you?

Dora, Sirius & Snaky: What?

Remus: 1st class I had with them they each fought a Boggart, Hermione's was what it turns out to be her being killed which she changed to her rolling over and killing them.

Snaky: (Laughs) That sounds like Hermione alright. So who wants to tell Dora about her family problem?

Dora: What problem?

Hermione: (glaring at Snaky) Dora when your father was conceived your grandfather died and your grandmother renounced magic and remarried. Your father was born and grew up unaware of his magic till he was accepted into Hogwarts and ended up in Hufflepuff. I'm sure you know the rest of the story but there is one very important thing we need to tell you ... you're a pureblood of two dark families, your grand father was Gellert Grindelwald.

Dora & Remus: WHAT!

Sirius: I was given the proof by owl if you want to see them.

After discreetly moving to Sirius' study and Dora got a look at the evidence she believed them and they could continue to explain about the death eaters views and Dumbledore's idiocy. By the end of it Hermione was happy to admit she had 2 more people in the order on their side (Total: Snape, Lupin, Black, Tonks). Soon after Harry arrived after being expelled for using a patronus against two Dementors to protect himself and his cousin. Hermione felt bad for him but really there was nothing she could do. Voldemort ordered the Death eaters not to interfere with the trial in either direction and in the end he was pardoned. Harry and the Weasleys had a small celebration and were soon ready for another year at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts express

Draco: Father says the ministry has brought in a liaison for this year for safety or more likely 'ministry surveillance'. He says it's that pink toady one um, um, Umbitch!

Ginny: Is Umbridge doing an actual teaching job or just the ministry spy in the castle?

Hermione: I suppose we'll find out in an hour or 2.

Hogwarts – Great Hall

Dumbles: Now this year we have a few changes to staff; 1st because of Professor Sprout's departure we now have a new Herbology teacher Professor Granz. Also we have 2 for our defence position Professors C.P. Armtyle and Diabound Necrophades.

Hermione looked toward the staff table to the new teachers, Anthony's pink and white hair kept out of his eyes for a change and as he smirked at the students his amber eyes roaming around the hall. At the other end of the table Armtyle and Diabound. His black eyes covered by black unkept hair, his long nails carving symbols into the table, Hogwarts magic repairing it as he went. Diabound appeared to be trying to ignore everyone, her features hidden by her usual wide rimmed hat.

Draco: Any idea why Dumbles hired 2 people this year?

Hermione: Snaky most likely twisted his arm just beyond shattering bone, also they might be like a partial deal thing, like one does up to OWL while the other does the NEWT level. If it is my money's on Armtyle for NEWT.

Pansy: So, think Umbridge's gonna be a problem this year?

Draco: Well as a ministry appointed position and a complete blood purist she'll leave us alone but take it out on Harry as much as possible, also she'll take Hermione down on principle.

? : True so keep your eyes peeled for what ever she's planning.

The trio nearly jumped and looked around for the voice found nothing, then noticed a lotus flower on their table, the petals opening to reveal a amber irised eye (Like the locket Horcrux) the other area black.

Akuma rōtasu: Watch out for the toad, she will use and abuse any opening she finds to take Harry Dumbles and anyone else in her way down. We would kill her but that would make too much of a scene, so for now you'll just have to live with it.

The flower closed up and before their eyes turned black and decayed to dust. Hermione looked up to the table to see Anthony with a dreamy look on his face, the black in his eyes draining out, a grin on his feature soon after.

Pansy: well that was weird.

Draco: He's our new teacher, we'll have to get used to it.

Hermione: It's time to head to out dorms, we'll find out what's going on soon enough.

The trio left for the dungeons, knowing this year was going to be interesting.


LW: Well here's 5th year, time to start annoying the toad.