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Hayley charged for the boarding door, and hurriedly punched in the code, the rest of her gang drew close, with some of the Fellowship behind them, mainly the taller beings. She threw the door open, and the girls hurried inside, slamming the door behind them.

The Hobbits and Hannah were still trying to get into the I.T. Room, but it was pretty well blocked. Rae had now logged onto 4 computers, and had internet search engines working.

As she sped between the computers, on the office chair, she noticed a figure creeping in through the door. Leaping up, she jumped over the table and whacked the figure, over the head with the lacrosse stick; the figure collapsed.

Suddenly she noticed that the figure was Hannah, and whacked her 4 more times on the general principle that she had a head of iron, and was her sister. (A.N. Come on! How many times have you wanted to kill a younger sister? I can't count mine, but it's in the millions.)

Hannah was then pushed out the window, and the door relocked. Rae sat down and looked at her search results.

"I don't believe this!" she muttered, before clicking on the link, and waiting for the page to turn up.

Up in the dormitories, Hayley held a large bottle of sleeping pills, which she'd found hidden in the top drawer of the cupboard.

"Now, what do we do?"

"Crush them in water, and get the Fellowship to drink it."

"I'll do Boromir!" Jess yelled

"Aragorn and Arwen."

"Pippin and Merry." Sarah volunteered

"Sam and Frodo." Louise offered

"Gandalf and Legolas."

"I'll do Hannah." Sophie said, reluctantly, knowing full well that tackling Hannah, was worst than tackling all the Fellowship solo!

"Let's go!" Hayley yelled, charging at the stairs.

They mixed the sleeping pills with water, and approached the Fellowship.

"Here Legolas!" Hayley flirted, "Have a drink of this." She offered him the clear, plastic cup; as he took it, her hands dropped to hang suggestively either side of her untucked shirt. Obediently Legolas drank the liquid, staring at the slowly appearing skin. "There's a good boy." Hayley smiled roguishly

Suddenly his eyes glazed over, rolled up, and he slumped to the floor. Sarah turned in surprise to look accusingly at Hayley.

"Oopsie! I must have over done the pills! Never mind, he can sleep it off in my room."

"I bet!" Sarah muttered, as she tried to work out how to drug Pippin and Merry, who were currently trying to fly. They were having trouble with their take off (to fly, all you have to do is fall, but forget to hit the ground; this is achieved by being distracted at a crucial point. Pippin and Merry were just falling, but they had a conviction that if they tried hard enough they would succeed.)

Henry had already drugged Arwen, simply by tripping her up, and holding her nose, until her mouth opened, and then poured the liquid in. Henry had also overdone the dose, in an attempt to kill Arwen, again, and again she had failed. She was trying to persuade Aragorn that she would do a favour for him, if he drank the drugged water (A.N. the favour would mean that Henry was never 'sweet sixteen'. If you don't know what that means, you don't want to. If you do you get the point. I just happen to like my PG rating. Okay?).

Sophie was having a rough time, Hannah was chasing her round the courtyard. As they passed the I.T. window for the 5th time, Hannah fell over, unconscious.

"Thanks!" Sop panted, as Rae withdrew the lacrosse stick, which Hannah had run into.

"I thought you could use some help. Now drug her, quick!" Sophie poured the liquid down Hannah's throat, and waited for the others to finish.

Louise was done, she hadn't bothered with niceties, she'd just got Sam into a chokehold and strangled him; after he'd gone blue, she'd let him go. As he drew in breaths of air, she had chucked the liquid down his throat. Then she'd repeated the process for Frodo.

Hayley grabbed Gandalf's stick arm and rammed it up his back. Before releasing his arm, and she rammed her knee into the small of his back; he arched and cried out in pain. Then she forced the drink down his gullet, as his head came into easy reach. She then released him, and went to watch the others.

Sarah had found a way to do Pippin and Merry. She kicked Merry in the groin, as he doubled over, she swept his feet from under him, landing him on his back. She then pried his mouth open, and poured the sweet-tasting liquid into his mouth. Then attacked Pippin in the same way.

Henry had succeeded with Aragorn; they had drunk to their life together, Henry drinking plain water, Aragorn the drugged stuff. Henry smiled as Aragorn entered the realm of sleep.

"He looks so sweet, when he's asleep." She commented, to no one in particular.

Jessica was having real problems; Boromir was trying to rip her clothes off, and wouldn't drink; normally she wouldn't have minded, but it was so public. She tripped over a disgarded trolley, as she looked behind her to watch Boromir. As she crawled away from him, she threw the liquid in his face, to try and stop him. A certain amount got into his mouth, and he collapsed into a doze.

"I think I over did the dose." Jess pondered.

"No sh*t Sherlock!" her sister commented.

"You finished?" Rae asked from the IT room.


"You found anything?"

"I think I have. But you ain't going to believe it."


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