
I don't know why I have to write this D*MN Disclaimer every time, this is the 3rd time I've had to write one, so this is it!



It was a mighty battle. The Fellowship was doing well, but they seemed to be fighting a losing battle, against the orcs.

"I wish we were somewhere else!" screamed Pippin.

Unknown to him, and the rest of the Fellowship, they were in an area, where the separation between 2 Universes is very thin. And like feuding countries, each wants more; more people mainly.

So one universe, given extra power by this wish, reached out and pulled them in. Just as Gollum reached Frodo, and started to strangle him.

The grass under their feet, became cobbles; and the surrounding trees, became buildings.

Gollum got hit by and orc; and together with Frodo took flight. A short flight.

Extremely short, straight through a large window. They hit the back of someone in a chair looking at a glowing, light grey box, their hand moving a small, light grey oval.

The person spun round and accidentally knocked Frodo and Gollum apart. Gollum tried to strangle this person, but they just strangled him, instead. So soon Gollum was dead.

Frodo looked at the person. It was female, with very short, messy, dark brown hair; her eyes were the same colour. She was wearing a grey and blue tartan skirt, a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt, with a white tree embroidered on it. She looked about 25, and was extremely messy. When she stood up she was very tall.

She looked at the dead Gollum, as if seeing it for the first time.

"Oh dear! I am sorry. Exam stress!" she peered out of the smashed window, at the proceeding fight. "Oh GREAT!"

She turned towards the door, opened it,

"HENRY!" she yelled, "Come here! You HAVE got to see this!"

Another figure arrived. Again female, and wearing the same clothes, but they looked a bit tidier, though that wasn't saying much. She had long, blonde hair, about waist length, done up in a ponytail. She had blue eyes. And was shorter than the first. She looked about 15.

She too looked at the battle.

"Oh BRILL!" Henry turned and yelled "SARAH! Come here!"

A shorter female entered, wearing the same clothes as the other 2. She had shoulder length, light brown hair, and light brown eyes. She was a lot shorter, than the others. Almost hobbit size. She looked about 11.

They got into a huddle and started to talk.

"Wow! Looks like World War 3 out there!" Sarah yelled

"Nah, World War 4. World War 3 was when Nemesis found the cigarette packets, at the tree." Henry said

"No! That was World War 4! World War 3 was when Morgoth blew it at Kitty-Kat, for skipping lessons!" the eldest argued

"Wasn't that WW5? I thought WW4 was when Battleaxe found the radio, playing the football, at full volume, in her room, during a lesson!"

"I could have sworn that WW5, was when Live and CG managed to lock themselves in the Common Room. And set the toaster on fire!"

"Wasn't that WW6?"

"Nah! That, I think, was when Old Softie was letting us run riot in the Spanish Room. And the Executioner walked past."

"When was that?"

"The party…The Summer Term…After the England Vs Argentina game. We trashed the place!"

"Oh yeah! H*ll, I remember that. We were lucky Guillotine wasn't' around."

"Excuse me?" Sarah asked interrupting the argument


"What are we going to do?"

"Help them!"


"Go grab 6 knives!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I've got a plan."


"Just hope it's better than the last one." 6 plain eating knives were produced, not very sharp, and were distributed among themselves.

They had a short whispered discussion, before going outside, and launching Sarah into the battle. She started running on the orcs HEADS, stabbing each one.

Henry was then launched into the air. She started to do exactly the same.

The tallest, and as yet unnamed, clambered onto a windowsill, and jumped into the fray.


Guys, you all know what to do.

Read and REVIEW!

I want your input!