I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, but you already knew that. Also, italicized parts = thoughts.

The blunette stared down at the simple red rose in front of his feet. Another one? he thought as he picked it up and read the little card attached by white ribbon. "To my love Johan, from your secret admirer," he said out loud. Johan scratched the back of his head and brought the rose into his dorm, putting it into the vase with the other ones.

For the last week, Johan had been finding at least one red rose a day in front of his door with a hand written note tied to it telling him it was from his "secret admirer". Other than that, there was no sign of who left it. Whoever it is, they have sloppy writing. With a sigh, he hung the older roses to dry then left his room.

Strolling along the dirt path leading to the cliff overlooking the ocean, he mused over who his self proclaimed admirer could be. Asuka? No. Rei? Yikes, I hope not! He shook his head. It wasn't like he actually cared who it was; he already had his eyes on someone. Of course, there was the slight, gleaming possibility that they were from that person. But that's impossible. Judai's not romantic.

Speak of the devil, that's exactly who Johan bumped into, breaking him away from his thoughts. "Oh! Sorry, Judai!"

"It's okay," Judai laughed. "So where're you heading to?"

"Nowhere, really. Just taking a walk, thinking…"

"About what?" asked the brunette curiously.

Hmm, maybe I should tell him. Just to see his reaction. "Well," Johan started to explain, "for the last two weeks, someone's been leaving roses in front of my door. 'From your secret admirer' they say."

Judai didn't react at all. "That's sweet. Any ideas who it is?"

"No," said the green eyed boy not doing well at masking his disappointment. "I don't know if I really care though."

He tilted his head. "Why not?"

"I…" He scratched the back of his head. "I kinda already have my eyes on someone…"

"Oh…Well, sorry for keeping you. I need get going."

"Um, okay. Bye!" On that note, the two boys parted.

Later that day, the blunette decided it was high time to head back to his dorm. Upon his arrival, he noticed another presence, a duel monster. He smiled warmly at the sight of the winged brown puff ball with an odd resemblance to his friend's hair and…a rose in his claws?

"Kuri! Kuri!" the little Winged Kuriboh panicked before dropping the flower and fleeing.

That was strange… He picked up the red rose and then stood still for a moment. "Wait…" If Winged Kuriboh has been bringing the roses this whole time… Calmly, Johan strolled into his room, shut his door, and proceeded to hop up and down like a kid on Christmas morning that got everything he wanted.

But wait…His happy dance halted. What do I do now? Should I confront him? Or should I just go along with it for a little longer? Johan snapped his fingers at the arrival of a fresh idea.

"Ruby!" he called.

The blue carbuncle was at her master's feet almost immediately. She tilted her head expectantly.

"I have a delivery for you to make."

When Judai arrived at his dorm he was running so fast he nearly ran right over Ruby, who was seating in front of the door. She dropped the note clenched between her teeth, winked, and left. Just a little too dense to put two and two together, he still wondered "what's up with this?" as he picked it up and entered. Now sitting on his bed, he opened the letter. It read "Dear Judai, thank you for the flowers. I love you too! Yours truly, Johan."

Should I write another chapter for this? Reviews and suggestions are always welcome.