Luka-Neko: :3 She finally got a new story up!

Kaito-Neko: Why are we Neko's?

Rin-Neko: She will upload the other stories and as for the disclaimer: Dreaming'Of'That'Perfect'Sky does not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX or vocaloid :3

Len-Neko: Thank the lord.. Anyways, a few things about this story. Judai (Jaden) and Jesse (Johan) are girls :P. Jehu and Haou are their loves so what shipping would it make this? .?

Meiko-Neko: XD Idk either. Read on for full summary! Oh this may have MAJOR OOC (ZANE AND ASUKA) AND AU. AU means like own settings and stuff right? Well anyways, this has nothing to do with dueling :D meaning, I'm really just using the characters.

Miku-Neko: YUP. Anyways here's the summary: After being kicked out of 3 High schools, Judai and Jehu are forced to move away from their family and attend Sakura star high school. Here, they vow to each other to never get in trouble again and start a new way of life (for school). But with Jehu and Haou around, will they be able to keep their promise? Will they be able to stay sane? Will miss Yumine stay sane? With double the twins, no ones safe! And will they grow certain feelings for each other?

Gakupo-Neko: AND SO ON! Please read and review.


"Jesse we there yet? My butt's going numb!" Judai complained to her twin sister. Said Bluenette sighed and turned to glare at her sister. "Are you the one driving? No I don't think so. And yes Judai, we're actually here-" Jesse started but was cut off by Judai's loud "HORRAY". "I thought we'd never get here! Hey, this place is actually nicer in real life, BUT TELL ME SOMETHING. Did we really need all the space? Jesse for heavens sake this is a mansion! Oh wait, you were planning on a few parties and stuff! Oh yeah!" Judai ranted on and on.

Jesse sighed and shook her head as she took her bag inside. "Judai, can you please tell me the reason we had to move from America all the way to Japan?" Jesse said, quickly un-packing silver ware and stuff. Judai pondered on the question for a bit before smiling childishly. "Because we got kicked out like 3 times for our terrible behavior. But still, that doesn't explain why- Oh yeah, we're supposed to turn our personalities around!" Judai said, pulling her bag out of nowhere.

"Bingo Princess." Jesse smiled, looking around the place.

"It's at time's like these that I thank our parents for being rich." Judai grinned, jumping onto their huge white couch.

The room was a very extraordinary room. The walls where painted black with white polka dots. The carpet was white and the curtains where black. Their couches where large and Black, only the love seats where white. Their kitchen was also large and the decoration was the same as the rest of the house.

"Um, Jesse, how many room does the house-er Mansion have?" Judai asked, looking around. "It said five. Oh well, if 'rents ever visit. Or Dhavie." Jesse said, climbing up the spiral stairs.

Dhavie was the twins older brother, who was the only 'Normal' one of the family. Yeah, crazy runs in the blood. "Oh awesome sauce! We have spiral stairs!" Judai yelled, running up the stairs, following Jesse.

"No dah. Go choose a room and un-pack, I'll order a pizza or something." Jesse said, putting in the last of her clothes. Judai blinked and nodded, slowly making her way out of her sisters room which was Light-teal blue with Black stripes. 'Wow, she works fast' Judai thought, arriving at her room. How did she know it was her room? 'JUDAI' Was printed in bold letters on her white door.

Judai grinned, wondering what her room was going to be like. Once she opened the door, she froze. Her room was just like Jesse's except hers was Brown and Black. What made her freeze? The huge round bed in the middle of the room, covered in stuffed animals. Posters of her favorite Vocaloids decorated the walls, and so many more things.

"KYA!" Judai yelled, running to the bed and jumping on it.

"I'm guessing you liked your room?" Jesse asked from her room. "Chez!" Was her response.

Jesse smiled. She knew just what Judai liked, her ultimate secret. Judai was completely in-love with stuffed animals and could not resist them. Back at their old school though, Judai had to keep this a secret because of their reputation, but now that their allowed a change, she could change. This made Jesse very happy. Jesse turned to the Giant mirror that decorated her left wall.

She stared at her reflection, before smiling. She never did care what others thought of her, all that mattered to her was what she or Judai thought. Back at her old school, People would always call her a freak of nature because of her natural blue hair. And she never cared. Jesse was a tall, slightly pale skinned girl with nice light-teal hair that fell a little past her shoulders. Sea-green eye's matched her hair, illuminating her face a bit more. She always wore a kind smile, one that Judai loved. That's why she would keep smiling, for her sister. Jesse also had an obsession, just not with stuffed animals. Her obsession dealt with bows. Yes, bows. Judai always joked with her, calling her Minnie mouse.

Truly in all, Jesse was a very pretty girl, with a heart made of gold. Just like her sister. Her personality was also matching. She was a calm and collected person that always wore a kind, encouraging smile no matter what the situation. Yet, she was also a bit crazy, but she blames her family for that.

Jesse, grinned, slipping one last bow onto her teal hair before dialing the Pizza hut number.

Judai smiled at her stuffed animals, already thinking of a name for each. She was currently holing a panda bear while looking in her large mirror that decorated her right wall. Judai was not much different than Jesse, with the exception of her hair and eye's and a bit of her personality. Judai's hair was a chocolaty brown that turned into an orangey-brown once you reached the top. Brown bangs decorated her fore-head, growing longer as they reached the sides. The sides of her bangs reached a bit past her shoulder, framing her face perfectly. The back of her hair was spiked up a bit, resembling that of a boys.

Just like her twin sister, she dint care of what others thought about her. She was Judai, and she was happy with that. Judai's personality consisted of extreme hyperness and cheeriness. The air around her practically screamed Happiness. To others, she was fun to be around. Despite being Jesse's twin, she was the one that was loudest and more energetic. While Judai preferred to ride her bike or skateboard, Jesse preferred to read a book peacefully in the garden, under a tree.

Once Judai finished un-packing, she ran down stairs. "Pizza here yet?" She asked Jesse. Jesse nodded and pointed to the box on the table. "Hey, look at that! We have a huge garden! In our backyard!" Jesse yelled, just now noticing it. She quickly ran our their glass doors and into the backyard, Judai following with tomato sauce and bread crumbs all over her face.

Just as they both suspected, their garden was A-MAZ-ING. Large rose bushes where planted all around the fence, tulips spread across their green grass along with other little flowers. Right in the middle of it all was a large pond filled with small fishes'. Just a bit to the left was a large cherry tree, with cherries growing out of it. Jesse grinned and jumped up and down while Judai stared. "Cool" Judai managed to say after swallowing another bite of her pizza.

"Cool? This is so magical! So wonderful! What are you talking about?" Jesse said, running to the pond and dipping her hand in.

"What ever, don't we have school tomorrow?" Judai Asked, heading back inside.

"Yeah why? Our supplies are already bought anyways." Jesse said, following Judai inside.

"Remember we have to practice trying out our new personalities?" Judai asked, flopping on the white couch which he has now claimed hers. Back off Jesse! Her's! All her's!

Jesse sighed and shook her head. "No Judai, we're being ourselves. I already told the 'rents my plan. We're gonna be ourselves, which means you get to take you little stuffed animals to school!" Jesse smirked, enjoying the blush on Judai's cheeks.

"Wha-what? But what if they-" Judai said, but got interrupted by a suddenly serious Jesse. Mood swings much?

"No Judai, we're gonna be who we want to be, who we are ok? Do this for me" Jesse said, staring deeply into Judai's honey-brown eyes.

Judai gulped, then sighed and nodded. "Alright, but what's the point in me taking my stuffed animals?" She asked. Jesse's seriousness faded away and was replaced with a large grin. "I think it'll help you with you grades!" Jesse said.

Judai sweat-dropped. What a sister she has. "Wait, does that mean you're going to wear your large bows?" Judai asked, smirking at her sister, who blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I am." Jesse finally said. "Aw man, I'm so nervous!" Judai yelled, flopping back onto the couch. "It's alright, we have the same classes." Jesse said, trying to ease her twins nervousness.

"Really?" Judai asked, sitting up. Jesse nodded and pulled out their schedules. "We, my friend or sister.. Whatever, are prepared!" Jesse grinned, pointing upwards. "Woot!" Judai yelled, standing up on the couch.

:::The Next day Because I want it to be!:::

"Ugh, Judai get up.." Jesse said, yawning as she walked into her sisters room. "I don' wanna." Was her response from the giant lump that sat on the giant round bed. "Get up Ju-Ju, we have school." Jesse tried again, using Judai's childhood nickname.

"Mleh" Judai groaned, finally getting up and walking into her shower. Jesse smiled tiredly before walking back to her room and into her own bathroom. "Hope she doesn't fall asleep in the shower" She mumbled tiredly as she herself took her shower.

Many minutes after, Jesse was the first one to finish changing. She wore a white, knee high sundress, with ruffles covering her chest area. Another thing, she and Judai where a bit flat-chested, but they dint care. Jesse hummed softly as she fixed the giant white bow on her ponytail. She quickly tied her ankle-high black boots. "There" She whispered before walking towards her younger twins room. Yeah that's right, younger by 10 seconds.

Judai was wearing black thigh-high shorts, a plain white tee-shirt, a brown vest over the white shirt, knee-high black socks and black boots that where similar to her sisters. "Jesse, which stuffed animal s-should I-I T-take" Judai stuttered. Jesse smiled and walked over to one that looked like a giant brown puff ball with wings, dragon feet and arms and a matching tail. "This one's cute" Jesse said.

Judai nodded, put on her checkered backpack, then grabbed her stuffed animal. She looked over at Jesse who had her binder and textbook in her hands. "You're not using a backpack this year?' Judai asked, already heading towards the front door. How they got all the way there was beyond them.

"Well yeah, I mean we only got one text-book for one of our classes so why not?" Jesse asked, walking towards their limo.

"We get a limo to drive us to school?" Judai asked, getting inside the limo and sitting next to her sister.

"Mom's orders. To and from school." Jesse informed. "How come they never tell me anything?" Judai whined. "Cuz, I'm more responsible." Jesse smirked.

Once they arrived at the school, the nervousness and the butterfly's came back. Everyone stopped walking or talking and stared at the limo. Judai and Jesse slowly got out, waving good bye to their limo driver who I shall name Alto. All eye's where on them as they slowly strode towards the front doors of the school. "Their staring at us" Judai whispered towards Jesse. "It's alright, just don't look back at them." Jesse instructed. Once they opened the doors and looked inside, they weren't so sure if they where to stay sane for the rest of the year…


Meiko-Neko: Er, Jesse kind of sounds like Luka/ Miku and Judai kind of sounds like Rin/ Len…

Miku: Sorry for the small amounts of mary-sue ness and er the OOC in between Judai and Jesse but D.O.T.P.S'S story, her rules.

Kaito-Neko: And she needed them to be like that so the story can flow perfectly.

Rin and Len-Neko: Please read and Review! She worked hard on this! :3

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::LOVE YOU ALL:::::::::::::::::::::::