Well here is my first fan fiction...it's been on my mind for a long time and I just had to write it out! I hope you like it!

NOTE: I made some changes in Hope's flash back to those of you who have read this chapter already hope you still enjoy it.






Chapter 1: Regret

A well polished onyx velocycle zoomed through the pink-ish Orange red skies of Gran Pulse nearing the outskirts of New Palumpolum. The engine reeved loud and gave off light blue energy that fell and dissipated into the evening airs. The hovering vehicle finally began to desend and slow to a decent speed as it entered city limits. For a city that's only been around for four years New Palumpolum already had a population of over 14,00000.

The velocycle slowed and came to a stop in front of a peaceful yet melancholic area of Palumpolum. The driver, that looked to be around the age of nineteen, inhaled softly then exhaled a shaky breath. his hands tightly gripped the steering wheel before hesitantly standing to his feet. He wore an all white polyester suit with a black casual dress shirt underneath and a white silk tie. His silver hair, that stopped at his neck, was pushed back into a neat ponytail, though his bangs hung in his face. On his right shoulder, was a black iron puldron with three neon yellow lines going horizontally across it symbolyzing his rank. The male had soft pale skin that went well with his flawless facial features. Pain and sorrow showed in his striking emerald orbs as they gazed up at the ebony steel gates that read; Palumpolum Cemetery. The male's body slightly tensed up as he took a few steps inside the cemetery and stopped, heart racing at an unhealthy rate. The cemetery was rather large, stretching almost one-hundred acers moist soil and beautiful jade grass that gave off an eerie but radiant glow when the sun was setting. He exhaled nervously and then raised his foot from the ground and began walking again. A lump formed in his throat and he started to choke up as he neared an off grey gravestone plated in glass and golden letters etched into the stone reading;Bartholomew Estheim.

The male knelt down in front of the gravestone and lowered his head in respect, silver strands of hair fell dourly over his mourning eyes. A pale hand briefly ran across the stone then fell back to the male's side.

"Hey dad." He started, voice not going above a whisper.

"It's me, your son Hope."

A sullen laugh passed his lips as he tried to think of what else there was he could say. It had been four years since the fall of Cocoon and also since the death of Hope's father. Bartholomew had developed an unknown sickness a few month after Cocoon's demise. He died just five month after. Ever since, Hope blamed himself in many ways and hasnt been the same. First his mother during the purge now his father, the only family he had left, is now deceased. Hope had groan distant, harsh and cold towards everyone that cared for him.

"I joined the army, after your death it's kept me occupied, focused. who would have thought me, Hope Estheim, the kid that use to be whinny and pathetic would be a Sergeant in the Guardian Corps, and in just four years."

A slight smile shaped his lips as he recalled the days when he and the others were l'cie. The days when he was unsure of himself. The smile quickly faded, he pressed his lips into a straight line and stood to his full height. He glanced down at his fathers resting place one last time then turned his back, ready to leave but said one last thing.

"If you were here...no if both, you and mom were here, I know you would be proud of me."

He noded firmly and slowly walked away.

"Rest in peace dad."

Hope exited the cemetery and hopped into his velocycle. He layed his head back against the soft leather seat and stared aimlessly at the sky that was now navy blue littered with bright twinkling stars. He didn't realize how long he stayed but he didn't mind, it's been a while since he visted

his father's grave. it was about time he'd muster up some courage and go. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key. before he had the chance to stick it in the ignition, his phone rang.(ringtone: One Winged Angel) He looked down at the calle ID and realized it was his superior calling.


But why would he be calling?

and not to mention on my week off. not that I particularly care.

but for him to call me out of the regular like this is off. something must me up!

With no further hesitation, Hope swipe his finger across the answer button on his touch screen phone and raised it to his ear.

"Sergeant Estheim Speaking." He said in his utmost serious tone.

"Estheim." He began

"Apologies but your vacation is going to have to be cut short I need you back here at the Guardian Corps base pronto. I'll explain all else when you arrive. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

Hope responded then hung up his phone. something was definetly out of place, Amador's voice sounded a little off though he tried his best to cover it up. and that never happens. Hope stuck his key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. In a flash, he took off into the sky and was on his way to New Oerba.

New Oerba- Guardian Corps Base

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeep!

Security System: Access granted. please step in front of the camera for identification.

Hope stepped away from the key pad and directly in from of the camera. A bright red fluorescent light glided horizontally across his body then a blue one followed the same pattern but vertically.

Security System: Identity recognized Hope Estheim.

The locks on the steel door could be heard releasing. A long steel pole holding the door shut slide from its metal grooves and the door swung open.

He walked inside passing by many important people as well as receiving salutes from other soldiers, while he passed them by. He returned them in a quick motion and moved along towards the elevator. Some wanted to stop him for a quick talk but he had no time.

Inside the elevator Hope pushed the fifth floor button then leaned against the wall. The doors slid shut and the elevator began moving up, creating an odd feeling in Hope's stomach. His eyes glanced over to his right shoulder at his poldron that had the symbol of the Guardian Corps deeply etched into it and three neon yellow lights showing his rank. Then he remembered, someone else who use to wear the same one. Hope's stomach twisted at a certain memory that flashed across his mind. That sad and bad memory, the last time he had seen her.

"L-lightning.." He whispered sullenly, a hand reaching to glide through his soft silvery locks.

It had been three years since Hope last seen or spoken with Lightning. Sure he received letters from her but they remained unopened. He wanted nothing to do with her anymore not after their last words to each other last argument.


Lightning sat at the kitchen table in her Bohdum home starring outside the window. The sun was hot and beaming down on the soldier but it didn't seem to bother her at all. Hope entered the kitchen and stood about ten feet away from where Lightning was sitting. His hair hung over his eyes, face partially flustered from crying. She turned her head and focused her emotionless azure hues on him.


He walked up to a chair and sat down, taking in a deep breath before releasing it.

"Lightning..." He said his voice monotone.

Lightning looked over at him, expression blank but serious as always. but she reached one hand out and gently placed it on top of his.

"What is it Hope?"

His body slightly trembled and the hand that she was holding clenched into a fist.

"Uh Light, I've decided, that I want to join the Guardian Corps."

Lightning's eyes narrowed, her gaze showing nothing but disapproval.

"I don't think so!" She answered firmly.

Hope's sad puffy eyes shot up at Lightning, the tone of her voice sent chills down the center of his spine.

"B-but Light I- " Hope tried to speak up for himself but Lightning cut him off.

"No Hope! do you realize how dangerous that is for you? You're only 16!"

Hope bounced up from his seat and angrily slammed his hands down on the table.

"So! You were my age as well when you joined!" He retorted.

Lightning sighed out of fruestration

and pinched the bridge of her nose and turned her back to him.

"My reasons were good enough, to protect Serah. But now, she doesn't need me anymore. Now its you I must look out for you. I promised a certain someone I would."

"And I'll be damned if that promise goes unkept."

Hope glared hard at Lightning but it was nothing compared to her's. The soldier just stood there not even flinching, like she was immune. Hope gave up and drew his eyes away from the stubborn soldier, but still proceeded to speak out for himself.

"Well, I'm not a kid anymore. I can look after myself! Besides I never asked for you to look after me you offered! I don't need you to make my decisions for me! I can decide myself and I'm joining the army!"

"Like hell you are!"

Hope thundered out of the kitchen and up to his room. No one understood what he was going through he thought Lightning would knowing she had gone throough the same issue at his age but she didn't and that hurt him the most. He absently picked up a bag from beside his bed and began stuffing it with his clothes, tears trickling down his as he did so.

Lightning's figure leand against the door's frame as she watched him. Her stoic expression still in tact. The boy could feel eyes staring at his back but it didn't phase his since he was in such a rage. Hope finished his packing and stood to his full height, wiping his red puffy eyes but keeping his head turned to the floor not even bothering to make eye contact with the stern pinkette standing at his door. He picked up his duffle bag and just walked passed him like she wasn't even there.


Hope managed to make it to the bottom of the steps and to the door before he heard Lightning's voice ring through his ears but with a certain emotion that he couldn't put his finger on. He's heard it before but not in her voice, this shocked him causing the silver-haired boy to turn and face her.


Hope asked dryly.

"If you walk out that door I..."

Hope waited for her to finish but apparently nothing else came. So he pulled open the front door and left.



Hope muttered to himself as the elevator doors opened. That memory hasn't bothered him for the past couple of years so why now? He stepped out the elevator and straight to Amador's office. He raised a hand to the door and gave a firm knock.

"Come in." Called a voice from the other side.

Hope turned the knob and let himself in. He stood at attention and saluted his superior.

"Good evening sir." He said now lowering his hand form his head.

Amador turned in his seat, his usual expression plastered across his face but anyone could tell something was wrong by the way his eyes narrowed.

"Have a seat Estheim."

Hope pulled up a chair and sat down. Judging by the look on his face the news he had to share wasn't good new. But what could it have to do with Hope?

"Sir, what's going on?" Hope asked eagerly.

It's Farron, She's missing. She's been missing for almost three years now. Went out on a misson and never returned.

Hope's eyes widened and his jaw fell open.


three years...?

Lightning, where are you?

So what did you think? I know, I know Hope is OUT OF CHARACTER but he's an adult now so he has to grow up. but anyways, let me know how you feel :DD more chapters to come.