"Are you two going to continue staring at each other like lovesick birds the entire day?" Sasuke frowned at the couple sitting on the couch.

Hinata buried her head on Itachi's shoulder to hide her red face. It's been five months since the divorce and the pair have practically become inseparable. His brother didn't take long to ask her to become his girlfriend, which he thought he should have at least given it some time, but he asked her the day after the papers were signed.

It's been a long time coming, but Sasuke was happy that Hinata broke free of that marriage. She'd suffer through hell being with that man. The first few years of her marriage weren't the best, the rockiness began the moment he caught Kakashi kissing that woman the day of Hiyori's birth. He'd never forget how pissed he'd been. The audacity he had to do something like that one the day his daughter was being brought into the world, not only that Hinata was just a room away suffering in pain.

Sasuke Uchiha hated the man and didn't make it a secret. Naruto had always been more mature when it came to how he reacted to Kakashi, even Itachi. He knew that between him and his brother, he had been the hotheaded one, but when it came to Hinata…

His eyes glazed over to see her peeking up at Itachi with a smile when he kissed her forehead.

...he wanted to protect that smile, even if he got him in trouble.

His brother and Hinata deserved their happiness. There had been a moment in his life when he wondered what it would have been like to be the one by her side, but after realizing how much his brother loved her, Sasuke knew he couldn't betray him. Hinata had always been someone he could rely on. Her gentle heart and kind words always made him feel better, even on his shittiest days. He loved her just as much as he loved Naruto. They became his family. The ones he'd do anything for, including their children.

Now that Hinata and his brother were finally having their happy ending, he felt his heart swell. Though he'll never admit it aloud, he found the couple to be cute.

"Could it be that my little brother is jealous?" Itachi asked, wrapping his arm around Hinata.

"Jealous of what?" He eyed the couple. "You being in a relationship? I think I prefer the bachelor's life more than dealing with a nagging girlfriend."

Itachi raised his eyebrow. "Are you calling Hinata a nagging girlfriend?"

Sasuke flushed a dark red when he made eye contact with Hinata. "Of course not!" he looked away, feeling embarrassed. "Though she can be annoying sometimes," he said, looking from the corner of his eye at the Hyuuga.

Hinata threw a pillow at him, but he caught it right before it could hit his face. She was frowning, though it contradicted the amusement in her eyes. The couple had stopped by to visit him after dropping Hiyori off at Kakashi's. Things were still awkward between Hinata and her ex-husband, but they had been doing fairly well with co-parenting. Itachi didn't make it a secret that he was with Hinata, almost as if he wanted to rub it in Kakashi's face. It was cruel. Too cruel. But Sasuke loved every moment of it.

The way Kakashi would glare at his older brother he wrapped his arm around Hinata's waist or purposely referred to Hinata as his girlfriend whenever he could in the silver-haired man's presence. Kakashi still loved her. Anyone with eyes could see it, but he had to take that big regret pill for the rest of his life. Luckily his relationship with Hiyori had been improving. The girl went from not wanting anything to do with her father, to looking forward to spending time with him.

Hinata excused herself to go to the bathroom, leaving him in the room alone with his brother.

"I need you to do a favor for me."

Sasuke looked over at his brother, waiting for him to continue.

"This tomorrow is Hiyori's birthday. I have to work overtime. I know Kakashi will be there. Can you watch over Hinata for me?"

A slight red color appeared on his cheeks, which Sasuke knew he was embarrassed to even ask. Itachi didn't trust Kakashi alone with Hinata. Not one bit. He thought it was a little excessive. Hinata could protect herself just fine. She didn't need him to look over her, plus she was very loyal to her feelings towards Itachi. Yet, none of that mattered to his brother. The thing that worried him the most was losing her to Kakashi...again.

Sasuke shrugged. "Sure. I doubt you have anything to worry about. Kakashi hasn't tried anything yet."

Though that could be due to the fact that the older man hasn't had the chance to even be alone with Hinata since the divorce. Itachi made sure he was always around.

Itachi looked over his shoulder when he heard the water from the sink running in the bathroom. Shifting his attention back to Sasuke, he spoke in a hushed tone. "Just watch over her for me. I don't trust that man," he said.

Sasuke only nodded, not having enough time to respond when Hinata walked out.


"Are you sure you don't want to invite more friends over?" Kakashi asked, looking in the rear mirror at his daughter sitting in the backseat.

Hiyori nodded. "I only want to spend my birth with Sanji. He's my best friend!"

Kakashi chuckled. "Alright. If you're happy with just him, that's fine with me."

Almost two hours ago, Itachi and Hinata dropped Hiyori off at his place. Well, Itachi was the one that brought the young girl to his door while Hinata stayed behind in the car. It was a bit frustrating to see the closeness between his daughter and Itachi. It's something he's learning to get over, especially now that Hiyori seems to be fond of him, but it still hurts to see that twinkle in her eyes when she looks at Itachi. That admiration hasn't been directed towards him, yet. Soon enough it would be.

"You'll be there too, won't you?" Hiyori asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." He smiles from behind his mask.

In the back of his mind, he was worried about being there. He hadn't spent much time with Hinata ever since the divorce, and he wasn't really looking forward to being around Sasuke. Even if Hinata was with Itachi, it had always been Sasuke who he disliked the most. The younger Uchiha was more aggressive, with the shortest fuse he'd ever seen.

They've been in two fights, and even though he hated to admit it...he had his ass handled both times by Sasuke, who left the fight without any bruises.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel as he made a stop at the light. It pissed him off just thinking about it. If he didn't calm himself down, he'll be speeding down the street the moment the light turns green.

Things were a bit different with Naruto. It wasn't any secret that either of her best friends cared for him, Naruto was a bit more polite and he could tolerate him more. In the past, he would observe how close Naruto and Hinata were. Unlike with Sasuke, it appeared to be like an actual sibling bond. Sasuke has said that Hinata was like a sister to him, but from his perspective Sasuke acted like a jealous boyfriend, which was why he never had a huge problem with the blonde. There was an issue, but not that big in comparison with Itachi and Sasuke.

"Is that lady going to be there again?" Hiyori asked.

Kakashi flinched knowing exactly who she's talking about. "No, she won't be showing up again."

Sakura had been hard to get rid of, especially when she caught wind of the divorce. The amount of begging she did made him realize how desperate she had become, or maybe she had always been like that and he was just too blind to notice.

Eighty-three text messages.

Two hundred calls.

Ten pop up visits.

Four visits out of those ten, Hiyori happened to be spending the night with him at his new house. Sakura didn't want to give up, but he gave her the opportunity to say whatever it was she needed to say. Maybe if he heard something reasonable, maybe, he would have considered welcoming her back into his life. After all, he was now a single man and if he wanted to resume things with Sakura he could. Then those memories of Hinata calling him during those late nights asking where he was, would flash through his mind.

It would feel wrong to return back to the woman he cheated on his wife with. Hinata may be in a committed relationship, but he knew that would just be reopening the wound, adding salt and lemon into it. He didn't need Hinata to start hating him again.

So he decided to leave Sakura in his past where she belonged. Hiyori didn't like her and that was another good reason not to pursue her any further, not that he had any ideas of doing so.

Turning down the neighborhood street, he pulled into his driveway at the house on the corner. It's been a couple of months since he had a decent paying modeling gig, which Iruka once told him it's probably karma due to how he treated his family. He didn't want to believe it, but this had been the first time in his modeling career that he had trouble getting work. His last gig had been in a commercial magazine.

He wasn't a commercial model.

He's a high fashion model.

The one and only Kakashi Hatake.

He was known worldwide and now no one is barely talking about him. Luckily he was smart enough to save the money he has made over the years or else he would have still been hotel hopping.

Parking his car, he turned off the engine and pulled the key out of the ignition. He wasn't the greatest cook and didn't want Hiyori to suffer eating his food. The pizza he bought was the best option for dinner.

The pair exit the car and walk to the door, with Hiyori holding the box in her hands. Throughout the years, he'd been traveling the world living in one five star hotel room to the next. He had his share of women besides Sakura, though he'd never admit that to anyone. Iruka had already given him many lectures when he was sneaking around with Sakura. Not even Hinata had known about the other women.

What's left in the dark needed to stay there.

He'd never truly been alone until now. Of course, his daughter provides a great company, but it made him realize how much he took Hinata for granted. He was one of the best girlfriends he'd ever had despite their age gap.

She was beautiful.

She cooked some of the best meals he's ever eaten.

She had her funny moments that made him laugh.

No matter how many fuck ups he made, she still waited for him. Called him to check on him, even when he was rude as hell, she spoke in a calm tone even if she were upset, but she never was rude to him the way he was towards her.

Before the infidelity, the sex he shared with Hinata had been amazing. She seemed a bit inexperienced, despite saying it wasn't her first time when they were first together. He had to teach her new things and eventually she caught on and it became interesting…

It's been nearly six years since he last had sex with her.

He sighed as he opened the door, dropping his keys at the small table near the front door. It's so frustrating. Why had he been so stupid? He could be going home to his wife right now.


He looked around his furnished apartment. It felt cold and empty, even when his daughter left he felt lonely.

"Let's eat!" Hiyori slipped off her shoes, marched towards the kitchen with the box in her hands.

Kakashi smiled moving his mask down to under his chin as he followed behind her into the kitchen.

"Why do you always wear a mask?" Hiyori asked as she set the plates on the table.

"It's a part of my aesthetic for my career. Plus it adds some mystery for me." He grinned down at his daughter, as he sat down across from her.

Hiyori grabbed a slice of pizza, sliding the box closer towards her father. "I think you look much cooler without it!"

He wanted to ask if his face is better than Itachi's but knew it'll be childish of him to ask his seven (soon to be eight years old) daughter who looked better in her eyes. Either way, his heart swelled when those words came out of her mouth. He couldn't understand how stupid he'd been to think he'd choose Sakura over his daughter. A damn idiot.

He pulled two slices of cheese pizza from the box onto his plate. The two began eating in silence for a good ten minutes, lost in his own thoughts until he heard Hiyori's small voice.

"Daddy...do you really love me? And did you really love mommy?"

He froze. "Of course I love you. Why would you even ask me something like that?"

She shifted in her chair, her eyes glued to the crust left behind on her plate. "I heard uncle Sasuke once say you don't care about me or mommy. That you never were around because of the whore," she mumbled the last part, as if she knew she were saying something wrong.

That damn bitch. He was definitely going to have a word to that man the moment he sees him. Not only that, his daughter is learning new bad words thanks to him. Fucking asshole. He hated him.

"That's not true. I love you with all my heart." He responded, pausing for a moment. "I love your mother too."

She poked out her bottom lip, frowning. "Then how come you weren't around whenever mommy was sad? If you love us as you say, why was dad-...I mean, Itachi, always around us more?"

He noticed slip up but pushed aside his jealousy. These were rough questions that he didn't know how to express with a child. She wouldn't fully understand, but he didn't want her to assume that he didn't care. Though at one point that had been true about his wife, sadly enough.

"Daddy was being blind about many things, but he can see much clearer now. It's a bit too late to make mommy change her mind about me, but that doesn't mean I'll disappear from your life. I'll always be here for you and love you. No one and nothing will get in the way of that anymore, understand?"

Hiyori stared blankly at him for a few seconds, her eyebrows furrowing, lips pressed into a thin line. "You better not. So far you've been good. Even mommy said you're doing a lot better. Don't mess this up again."

"S-She did? Has she said anything else?" he asked, black eyes shifted to the side. "Anything about me?"

"Mommy only said that you're doing a better job being a father and that she's happy." Hiyori pushed her plate away from her. "I'm done. May I be excused now?"

Kakashi nodded. "I'll wash your plate. Go watch television or something," he smiled when she pumped her fist into the air and left the table, announcing that her favorite cartoon was going to come on soon.

Within the past five months, he's been able to see more of her personality and realized that she acts nothing how he was as a child. He had a feeling Hinata wasn't as animated the way Hiyori could be. Though her mature moments did remind him of himself.

A small gathering will be held at Hinata's for Hiyori's birthday. From what he knew Naruto, Sanji, and Sasuke would be there. A part of him felt relieved when he found out Itachi wasn't going to be there. He really didn't want to be in the same room as the man.

Leaning forward, he rested his head in his hands. Tomorrow will be a long day.


Next day...

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Itachi cupped Hinata's face into his hands, his black eyes piercing her own white irises. "I can call off and spend the entire day with you. Just say the word, I'll do it."

Her lips were mushed together as he pressed her cheeks. "It-Itachi…" she frowned, her cheeks being pulled and pushed by his fingers. Despite his stoic expression, he was teasing her which is something he rarely does...at least not in this way.

Once he let go of her cheeks, he pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm scared to leave you alone with him." His voice was shaky, as he pulled her into his chest, one hand on her head and the other hanging by his side. "I know he still loves you."

Hinata tried to lift her head to look at him, but he held her head in its spot. Whatever expression he had on his face must have made him feel vulnerable and self-conscious. Although they haven't talked much about Kakashi since the divorce, her boyfriend's actions were easy to read. Whenever they dropped Hiyori off to Kakashi's, he wouldn't allow her to take her daughter to Kakashi's door. Even the times when her ex-husband would pick her up from her house, he'd already had Hiyori all ready and at the door, just so he could greet Kakashi.

It wasn't her that Itachi didn't trust, it was Kakashi.

"I love you, Itachi." Her words muffled in his shirt. He loosened his hold on her head, giving her the chance to lift her head. Looking up at him, she blushed. "I love you and only you. No one can take that feeling away. Don't worry about Kakashi. Put your trust in me, okay?"

He pressed his lips together, eyebrows furrowing a bit. "I do trust you. I just…" Words caught in his mouth when she silenced him with her finger.

"What did I just say?"

Itachi raised his eyebrow. "Is that a stern tone I hear?" he asked, smirking at her flushed face. Leaning forward he pressed his lips on her forehead. "I think I like hearing you talk like that. Keep it up and I don't know what I'll do to you tonight."

Hinata yelped in surprise when she felt his hands reach down and cup both of her butt cheeks. Pressing her face against him, she could hear the vibration of his laugh once he let her go. Ever since he officially asked her to become his girlfriend, it felt as if they've become closer than they've ever been. He's been trying to convince her to move in with him and leave the house behind because in his eyes it's a place she shared memories with Kakashi, the minor good ones…but mostly the bad ones.

The house was already paid for, but it would be too much trouble to put it on the market. Kakashi had already bought himself a condo thirty minutes away from her, so she couldn't ask him to move back in while she moved out. It wouldn't be fair of her.

"You two can't keep your hands away from each other, can you?"

Hinata turned around to see Naruto leaning against the wall near the kitchen with a grin. It was so silent in the house, she had forgotten that he was in the kitchen setting up the cake with Sanji. Remembering the young blonde haired boy, she quickly pushed Itachi away from her, glaring, even more, when his smirk widened.

"What i-if Sanji saw?" She whispered flushed cheeks.

Itachi chuckled. "I was watching," he said, glancing down at his watch. "Shit, I have to go. Tell Hiyori I said happy birthday. I'll be back late tonight after work. Have fun, and don't forget what I said," he said, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. Nodding in Naruto's direction, he rushed towards the door and slid his feet into his shoes. Glancing over his shoulders, he smiled at Hinata once more before leaving out the door.

"You're happier lately," Naruto glanced back into the kitchen to make sure Sanji was still in there. Noticing that his son was sitting in the chair playing his handheld video game, he turned his attention back to Hinata. "I'm really happy for you, Hina."

She hadn't heard that nickname in such a long time. Throughout their friendship not once had they ever had a falling out. Naruto was such a loyal friend and was always there for her, the bad, good and ugly. He always had her back, no matter the situation.

When they first met, he had protected her from a group of bullies who taunted her because of her eyes. Although those three bullies beat him up pretty badly, he still grinned and made a promise that he wouldn't allow them to hurt her anymore.

Smiling at the memory, Hinata approached the blonde. "Thank you, for everything you've done. You're like a brother to me."

Naruto's eyes watered, his cheeks turning a bright red as he pulled Hinata into a tight bear hug. "You're going to make me cry," he cried loudly.

"You're already crying," Sanji's annoyed voice came from the kitchen. "You're so embarrassing, dad!"

"I can't help it. Hinata is my most precious friend." Naruto squeezed tighter, not realizing Hinata was trying to push herself away, lacking the proper airway to breathe.

"Na-Naruto, I can't bre-breath," Hinata pleaded.

If he squeezed her anymore, she was afraid they'd merge into one person.

He immediately let go, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry about that," he laughed. "I almost suffocated you."

Sanji came from the kitchen, game in his hands, yawning. "When is Hiyori coming? I want a slice of cake," he whined.

Naruto ruffled his son's blonde hair. "Be patient. They should be here any moment now. Then you can eat all the cake you want." He turned his attention down the hallway at the closed door. "Do you think Sasuke is pooping? He's been in there so long that I almost forgot he was here."

Naruto had no filter when it came to that sort of thing. If Sasuke heard he'd probably punch him out of embarrassment. Though, she had wondered what was taking him so long. It's been a while since he went in there.

Speaking of the devil…

The door opened revealing a stoic looking Uchiha, walking slowly out of the bathroom. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at the three standing in front of the kitchen door. Sanji was the first one to start laughing, pointing at the oblivious man.

"Uncle Sasuke was pooping!" He held his stomach, laughing loudly.

Sasuke's face turned a dark red. "What?" His black eyes darted to Naruto, who merely shrugged his shoulders, then Hinata who wouldn't look at him. "What were you talking about while I was in there?"

"You pooping!" Sanji continued laughing.

Sasuke's eyebrow started twitching. "I wasn't doing...that." He hissed, glaring at the little boy.

"Everyone poops. It's okay uncle Sasuke. No need to be embarrassed. I pooped earlier this morning," Sanji said proudly.

Sasuke grunted, choosing to ignore the seven-year-old. "Where's Kakashi? Shouldn't he be here by now?"

"So you did poop?" Naruto snickered.

"I didn't! I was doing something…" he paused, face turning even more red. "It doesn't matter. Just stop talking about it."

Hinata looked to Naruto who also looked a bit flushed and back to Sasuke, but he quickly averted his gaze elsewhere. Whatever was going on, they both were in on it and were suddenly too shy to say anything else.

"Perverted bastard…" she heard Naruto mumble under his breath.

Just as she was getting ready to make a comment about their strange behavior, rapid knocking interrupted her thoughts. Sanji ran past her towards the door, shouting that it's Hiyori.

"Hey! This isn't your house. Don't just open," his words were ignored when Sanji opened the door revealing Hiyori and Kakashi.

The silver-haired male was slightly slouched over, both of his hands on Hiyori's shoulders. "The birthday girl has arrived," he said, his eyes closing slightly when he smiled behind his blue mask.

Hinata watched as her daughter rushed towards Sanji, the two fell to the ground laughing as they started tickling each other. Kakashi entered after her, shutting the door.

The awkward atmosphere was filled with the sound of children's laughter. Sasuke glared at Kakashi. Kakashi glared back. Naruto watched both males with cautious eyes, while Hinata decided to approach her ex-husband to break the tension.

"Kakashi, do you mind helping me with something in the kitchen?" She asked.

He seemed surprised, but nodded saying he'd help. Hinata sent Sasuke a look, knowing the raven-haired male was going to follow. Luckily Naruto grabbed Sasuke by his shoulder, holding him back. And judging by Sasuke's face, he wasn't happy being held back by the blonde.

Shaking her head, she walked into the kitchen. She and Naruto had done most of the decorations. Multi-colored streamers were hanging from the ceiling, a white tablecloth covered with confetti, six plates surrounded the circle table and in the center was the cake. She was quite pleased with herself (and Naruto of course) with their work. Sanji was being such a handful that Sasuke had to take him out the room to play with him. He loved both Hiyori and Sanji, he had always been such an awkward man around children.

"How was she?" Hinata asked, turning to face the taller man.

Kakashi placed his hand on the back of the chair, leaning his weight to the right side. "Same as usual. She's becoming more talkative with me. Last night, I had to tell her that I was sleepy because she would have talked all night if I'd let her," he chuckled.

"That's Yori. I'm glad she's getting along with you better." She said, walking towards the counter and pulled out forks and a knife. "Thanks for coming. I didn't think you would."

"Why would you think that?" He walked around the table and stood in front of her, narrowed eyes and as he peered down at her, lines ceasing between his eyebrows. "It's my daughters birthday," he said.

She glanced up at him, his face hidden behind the mask. "It didn't stop you before…" she whispered, shifting her gaze off to the side.

Kakashi had missed many birthdays, first steps, first words and first days of school. His excuse each time was always work, but deep down she knew what it really was. It was reasonable to assume he wouldn't have shown up today, despite how he's been towards her and Hiyori for the past two months.

"Hinata," he called to get her attention. When she didn't look up at him, he gently grabbed her by her chin and pulled her to face him. "I'm never going to miss anything in her life again. I'm sorry. I really…"

"Alright, I think it's time to get started." Sasuke's voice interrupted Kakashi from saying anything else. Walking inside the kitchen, he pushed himself in between the divorced couple, glaring at Kakashi. "Why don't you go get Hiyori. I'll continue helping Hinata in here."

Kakashi looked as if he wanted to protest, narrowing his eyes at the shorter raven-haired man, but casually walked around him with hands deep in his pockets as he called his daughter's name.

"Annoying…" Sasuke grunted. "Don't let him get too close." He turned his attention back down to Hinata, frown still in place.

"I don't need your protection. He is Hiyori's father."

Sasuke shrugged. "But that doesn't mean you have to be close."

Hinata sighed. "I'm starting to think you're the annoying one, Sasuke." She poked his forehead.

He placed his hand on his forehead, flustered. "Don't do that," he muttered, ignoring her teasing grin. "You've been around Itachi too much."

Hinata didn't get the chance to reply when everyone started coming into the kitchen, Sanji and Kakashi holding Hinata's hand guiding her towards the table (Sanji pulling more than guiding, mostly excited to eat the cake). The get together was a very intimate one. She had asked Hiyori if she wanted to invite her entire class, but she insisted that she only wanted Sanji, her uncles Naruto and Sasuke, and her father. She wanted Itachi to be there, and honestly Hinata did too, but the man had to work a double at his job. But he promised to make it up to her the next day.

"Happy birthday to you," Sanji and Naruto started singing, Kakashi and Hinata also joined in. Sasuke remained silent, only offering a smile at the young girl when she gazed over at him.

Once they finished singing, Sanji and Hiyori immediately sat down next to each other, begging for the biggest slice of cake. Hinata cut Hiyori's first, then Sanji's. As she was getting ready to cut the others, Naruto jumped in asking her to sit down and he'll handle the rest.

Sitting next to her daughter, Sasuke pulled out the chair on the other side next to Hinata to sit down until Kakashi sat down in the chair, winking at the now frowning Uchiha.

The rest of the time eating cake (and Sasuke and Naruto trying not to stare at Kakashi's exposed face) had been filled with Naruto telling funny stories about their childhood, and Sanji and Hiyori trying to show them a magic trick they had learned. Hiyori opened her presents, excited for all the toys she had gotten, not so much about the clothes. It was a pleasant evening, more so than what Hinata had been expecting.

Once everyone finished, Sanji and Hiyori ran into the living room to play with the toys she'd gotten, leaving only her with Sasuke and Kakashi who were both in a very intense staring match.

They were acting like children, but she decided to let them play as she began to wash the dishes.

"Let me help you with that," Sasuke broke his gaze away from Kakashi, standing to approach her.

"I can help you." Kakashi interfered.

Without looking over her shoulder, she spoke, "I can handle it. Thanks anyways. You two can just go out there with them. I'll finish up here." She paused for a moment, "Thank you," she added, hoping they would both take the hint to leave.

It was becoming a bit tiresome with them hovering over her the entire time. Sasuke was being extra protective, and she couldn't help but to feel Itachi was the one that set that up. Shaking her head, she continued washing the dishes, listening as both men walked slowly out of the kitchen.

It wasn't long after she finished the dishes when she could hear approaching footsteps coming into the kitchen. It wasn't the pitter-patter of tiny feet. No. This was either Naruto or the other two coming back.

Shutting off the water, she turned around to see Kakashi. He pulled down his mask, showing his bare face once again.

"Hinata...can we talk?"

Nodding she crossed her arms. "What do you want to talk about?"

"About everything," he pointed his chin towards the door leading to the back patio. "Is it okay if we talk in private out there?"

"Sure," she said, motioning for him to lead the way.

Following after him, he opened the door and allowed her to go out first as he went after, closing the door behind them. The patio hadn't been used in months, maybe even a year. One wouldn't be able to tell considering Hinata kept it clean often.

Kakashi sat down on the bench, patting the empty spot next to him. She was a bit hesitant, but decided to sit down. Their knees bumped against each other, both startled by the contact as they tried to give each other space, but realized there wasn't much space to give each other.

"This feels a bit...strange, don't you think?" Kakashi chuckled. "We haven't been this close towards each other for years, but I'm to blame for that." Lifting his head to the clouds above, he slouched down in his spot, spreading his legs to get more comfortable, ignoring the fact that his knee was against hers. "I miss you," he said, never removing his gaze from the sky.

She didn't know what to say or where to begin. All the abuse he put her through the years and now he wanted to tell her that he misses her. Regardless if it's because of her relationship with Itachi or because he finally realized he took her for granted, it's his own fault. Their relationship could have taken another path if he hadn't cheated on her multiple times. If he had shown the love he had for her like he did in the beginning, then maybe, just maybe they would still be together.

Screw up after screw up, Kakashi didn't seem to give a damn. The only thing on his mind was his modeling career and Sakura. His career wasn't as popular as it once was when they first started dating. It was almost as if karma decided to humble him. Some other silver-haired model has been making talk across the world named Hidan. It's said he's the new Kakashi considering he's much younger.

Should she feel sorry for her ex-husband? No. But her personality wouldn't allow her to think in a petty way, no matter how much she wanted to. The loving and caring nature side felt bad that he was losing most of his gigs to Hidan. She wouldn't be surprised if he had to switch to a nine to five job soon.

Glancing down at her hands on her lap, she tried to think of a response. Just anything to break this silence that loomed over them like a dark cloud. His tone sounded sincere enough. Years ago, she would have loved to hear those words. It was much too late now. Somewhere during the fourth year of their marriage, her love started dying down, but she held onto that thin string in hopes that something would change. Itachi would tell her constantly that it wouldn't and he had been right, regardless if he just wanted her for himself...he was definitely right.

Tearing her gaze away from her hands, she turned to look him in the eyes. Lurking within those dark eyes had a look she remembered seeing when they first started dating. That yearning of love and compassion. She had gotten used to the distant look in his eyes that she had almost forgotten that he had once in fact loved her.

"Are you finally coming to terms with what happened? Or is this because I'm with someone else now?" She asked.

He seemed somewhat taken back by her blunt question, but at the moment she didn't care.

Straightening his posture, he sat his elbow on top of his knee and rested his cheek on his fist as he looked at her. "Itachi has made me realize the many fuckups I've made in our past marriage. I've allowed myself to come to terms with how things are now, even if I don't like it. There's a part of me that wants to win you back, but even before I came into the picture Itachi was there." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes this time. "You're special, very special. I knew this the very moment I first laid eyes on you that day waiting in line to see me," he chuckled.

Hinata could feel her ears heat up at the embarrassing memory.

"I hate that I took you for granted. Our relationship. Our marriage. Our child. Everything. It's my fault. I may not like Itachi, but he's doing something I failed to do. He's making you happy. Maybe in another lifetime I'll get my redemption arc and we can start over from there," he said, lifting his other arm to pat the top of her head, ruffling her hair.

"Kakashi," she pouted, slapping his hand out of the way to fix the strands of her hair that was sticking up in every direction. "I'm not a child, you know."

The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. "I couldn't help myself. You're still so adorable to me," he said, dropping his hand back down to his side. "Let's go back in. I don't want Mr. Bodyguard to come out here asking why we're alone without his supervision. Speaking of which, please have a talk with him about the language he uses in front of our daughter. I planned on telling him myself, but I don't want to get in another fight with him."

Hinata sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

He stood to his feet. "Don't be. I'd be wary of me too under the circumstances." He walked back towards the door but stopped momentarily to look back at her. "I really am sorry for all the pain I caused you. I meant that."

"I know you did." She wasn't ready to accept that apology just yet. "Thank you, Kakashi," she said. It's the only thing she could show appreciation for the time being.

"Where in the hell did they go?"

Kakashi and Hinata shared a look, smiling, when they heard Sasuke's panicked voice from inside.

"Mr. Bodyguard is anxious. Let's not give him any ideas." He pointed his thumb to the door leading back into the kitchen. "Shall we?"

Hinata nodded, as he opened the door. Sasuke immediately rushed towards her, glaring daggers at the older man and started questioning what happened and if he tried anything. She knew that he'd question her well into the night and possibly tell Itachi, which will lead to her explaining that nothing happened.

Sasuke used to be cooler in comparison to Naruto, but as the years went on he became more vocal and a bit more overbearing when it came to how protective he is over her. She'll have to have a talk with him one of these days about boundaries.


Itachi tapped his foot on the floor, eyes focused on the clock. It was almost time for him to leave work. Just ten more minutes. It was hard to focus on work when all he could think about was Kakashi and Hinata.

Being self-conscious had never been a part of his personality trait. Ever since he was a young boy he'd been very confident in anything that he did. That wasn't to say he was cocky. No. Not in the least bit. He wasn't at all. Maybe Sasuke, but not him.

Yet, Kakashi worried him.

This was a man that was named the sexiest man in the world at one point. He could get any woman he wanted, but he chose the one person Itachi wanted. He stole her away from him, just as he was getting ready to ask her to become his girlfriend. He married her. He got her pregnant. He cheated on her. Then after all of that, the man seemed to be bettering himself almost as if he wanted to win her over.

Hinata loved him. Even when her marriage was rocky with Kakashi, she still had love for him. Itachi may finally have the woman he always wanted, but he still feared Kakashi would swoop in and take her away once again. Maybe it was childish of him to ask his little brother to watch over his girlfriend, but he couldn't be there to show Kakashi that she's no longer his. That relationship fell apart because he felt the need to be an idiot.

He'd never hurt her the way Kakashi did. Never in a million years.

His heart had always been for her, even during the times he tried to forget about his feelings and date other women. Hinata lingered in the back of his mind like an annoying fly that wouldn't stop buzzing near his ear. It got to the point he gave up dating and decided to wait. The marriage was on its last leg. Kakashi had really messed up when he went missing for three months without contact. There had been moments years prior, but it was during those three months Itachi knew something was going to break.

And it did.

Grateful for that opportunity, he knew he had to be sensitive towards Hinata. After all, she had been married to the man for nearly seven years. He needed to take his time just to be there for her as he always had been. And he was. Until that day happened and they dry humped each other into blissful ecstasy.

His cheeks turned a lovely dark shade of red just from the memory. Since the divorce, they've had a few dozen chances to finally become one without their underwear separating them. It felt even better then, and probably the best sex he has ever had.

Despite all of that, Itachi Uchiha was still worried.

Glancing once more at the time, his eyebrow twitched. He had gotten so lost in his thoughts, he assumed the ten minutes were over and he'd have time to leave.


Only one fucking minute passed.

Fuck it. He didn't care anymore. He was going to leave. If he gets in trouble by getting a call or email about it from his boss, he'll deal with it then. Sitting around waiting was taking too long. All he wanted was to go back home and be with Hinata...and ask what happened with Kakashi.

Quickly walking out of his office, he ignored the stares he was getting from the other night workers. They could snitch on him for all he cared. He was going to leave regardless, though he did have to take another way out to avoid his boss's office.

Using the elevator to go to the lower level. It felt like forever, but it made sense considering his office was on the top floor of a forty-floor building.

Pulling out his phone went through his most recent calls until his eyes landed on the person he wanted to call. Pressing the name, he placed the phone to his ear. Ring after ring, his heart pounded hard. Usually, after three rings, she answered. Why isn't she answering? Is she with Kakashi? This is the sixth ring and still no-


His heart calmed down after hearing her voice. "Hey, were you busy?"

I just came from the shower.

He leaned against the wall, smiling. "You took a shower without me? I don't think I appreciate that."

Oh? What are you going to d-do about it?

He couldn't help but chuckle at her reply. She was probably burning red right now. She was easily embarrassed whenever he tried talking dirty. There had been moments she'll come out of her shell, but that was usually during the high rise of an oncoming climax.

"You'll find out when once I get home," he smirked, imagining what her face looked like at that very moment. He glanced at the number on the elevator. It's only level thirty-seven. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm himself down. Change of topic. "How was it today? Did Hiyori have fun?"

It was really nice. Naruto helped me set up everything, while Sasuke kept Sanji busy. Hiyori loved all the toys you bought her. She and Sanji had a good time playing with the Lego set. I took tons of pictures. I forgot to send them to you, but I'll show you later.

Home. He'd never get tired of hearing that. He had been thinking about moving into their own place or at least moving them in with him, but Hinata wasn't ready to leave just yet since Hiyori's school was so close. He'd been going back and forth from his house to Hinata's, but every time she used that word: home, it made him feel like he had his own family. In a way, Hinata and Hiyori were his family...but sooner or later it would become official.

Are you almost finished with work?

"I left work a few minutes early. I should be home in about twenty minutes," he said. Finally, the elevator doors opened and he walked out into the parking garage. "Was Kakashi there?"

It felt a bit awkward asking. The man was being a good father lately, so there should be no reason why he wouldn't have come, but he still thought he should ask.

He was here. We talked actually. He apologized for a lot of things he has done. It was nice to hear him hold himself accountable, but…

"But? What happened?"

Hinata laughed. "Don't sound so worried. I was just going to say that I'm not ready to forgive him yet. I went through so much with him and I'm still carrying some of that hurt. The only thing that I'm happy with is his relationship with Hiyori. She's happier when she's with him. I saw it in her eyes today.

Itachi relaxed after hearing her words. He shouldn't be on edge about it. Hinata was so important to him. The last thing he wanted was to lose her. "I'm glad. He seems like he's trying," he mumbled.

There had been a part of him that wanted so badly to ask more probing questions, but deep down he knew those were just his own insecurities bubbling up. Pulling out his car keys, he unlocked his car door and got inside. "Hey, I'm in the car now. I'll see in twenty minutes."

Okay, I'll see you when you come home. I love you.

"I love you too," he smiled.

By the way, Hiyori is staying the night with Naruto and Sanji.

He didn't need to be a genius to know what that meant. He told her to wait for him until he got home, before ending the call.


The sound of the front door gently closing alerted her senses. Sitting up in the bed, she watched as a darkened figure from the hallway approached the bedroom. Itachi emerged into the room, his shoulders were slouched a bit, but his eyes had that smoldering look she had grown accustomed to seeing since they started their relationship.

"I'm home," he smiled.

She blushed watching him remove all of his clothes, knowing he loved to sleep nude. "Welcome home."

He crawled into bed, sliding next to her as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms. "You smell good," he murmured into her hair, holding her tightly against his chest. "I was missing you while I was at work. It feels good to finally be home." His hand traveled down her back, squeezing her butt for a brief second, sliding his hand down the back of her thigh as he raised her leg over his waist, pressing his hardened length against her.

Lifting her head to look at him, his eyes were closed but he was smiling. "Itachi…" she tried biting back the moan that desperately wanted to escape her lips.

He opened his eyes the moment she spoke his name leaning his head down, he captured her lips with his own, rolling on top of her. "You have no idea the things you do to me. You make me feel like I can climax without sex. The very thought of you makes me feel like I'm surrounded by the sun," he kissed the side of her mouth, trailing his kisses down her neck, "I don't think you'll ever understand how deeply I care about you. I never want to lose you," he said against her neck.

Lifting his head, he looked at her flushed face. "I love you, Hinata."

Her vision started to become blurry as the tears escaped her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. "I love you too, Itachi. I love you so much."

He wiped her tears away with his thumb. "I'm glad I waited," he said.

Not giving her the chance to respond, his lips crashed down on her into a passionate kiss. Hinata knew she would be in for a long night because Itachi Uchiha had the stamina of a horse. There were times she just wanted her body to have a moment of rest, even if it were just for five minutes. He was never tired and has proved that countless nights...just as she knew he planned on doing tonight.

She tried to remove her panties, but he seemed to be impatient and only slid them to the side and pushed his cock inside her in one swift motion. She arched into him, as he moaned into her mouth. Their hips danced in perfect rhythm for what felt like hours. Hinata didn't know how many times she climaxed, but each time was more explosive than the last.

Itachi collapsed on top of her, his body was heavy and sweaty, but she's gotten used to this. Each time he'd always say the same thing: Let me rest here for a moment. I don't have the energy to move right now. She placed her hand behind his head, her fingers ran through his hair until he finally rolled off and pulled her on top of him.

"I don't know what you told Sasuke earlier," she whispered as his body stiffened underneath her. "He was being very annoying all day, but I want to let you know that I only love you. No one else, just you. Please don't be worried," she turned her head, her chin rested on his chest as she looked at him.

His face was flushed, whether that was from their activity or from her words, she didn't know, but the corner of his mouth turned up into a gentle smile.

"Thank you," he grinned, something she rarely saw but it made her heart jump. "I won't worry anymore."

Hinata snuggled against him as she began to drift off to sleep unaware that somewhere hidden inside one of his pants pockets in the closet there was a black box with an engagement ring.


This is the final chapter everyone. I'm not quite pleased with the way it ended, but at least it's long and updated! Twenty-three pages to be exact. There were some things I wanted to include in this chapter that I decided not to, one of which was having Kakashi make a move on Hinata and Sasuke catching it, which would have led to a fight between the two. I decided against it because I wanted them to just come together and talk it out instead. Although it wasn't verbally said, I did kinda include Sasuke's behavior towards Hinata, which reveals he does have feelings for her but wants the best for his brother considering he knew Itachi has been in love with her for so long. So, what he was doing in the bathroom was well...maybe I shouldn't have included that, especially considering what day it was, lol. Hinata didn't know what he was doing, but Naruto caught on quickly and knows that Sasuke does have some sort of lingering feelings for her despite Sasuke mentioning before that he doesn't.

Just wanted to add that in as background information. Either way, I hope everyone enjoyed it! I'll be updating Glass Tears and Spectacular Act soon! Sorry for the way, especially with Glass Tears considering readers seem to really enjoy that one the most.