I'm such a slow writer. Yes, I know. It's taking me ages to this - and it's not because I don't wanna work more on it, but the thing is that I can't work on it for more then a certain amount of time before having to do change project. I dunno, my mind just can't stand working on one project for more than a chapter or maybe two.:

Anyway, I hope you like it - AND, this is an announce meant - stuff will be happening in chapter 13 - so make sure to subscribe ;)

Also, please leave a review in the bottom so I know what you think. Not only does it make me all warm inside, but it also motivates me to write more and more frequently.

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«I do not own any of the following pictures, music, characters or the original universe. I only own the story itself the main character and to the idea.»
Thank you to LadyMinecrafter for betaing on this chapter.

Chapter 12: The Shadow

Orihime opened her eyes and looked up at the white ceiling. Was it morning already? she thought. It didn't feel like it was, her whole body was begging her to close her eyes and go back to sleep. She wanted to do so, but as she let her eyes shut, she suddenly remembered. It had been a sound. She remembered that now. A sound that had woken her. A thud? Maybe she'd pushed down one of the books from the nightstand again? It had happened before, both here and back home. She pushed herself over to one side and glanced over at the nightstand.

"Ah!" Orihime's eyes widened. She was not alone in the room! In the shadow of the furthers corner she could make out a silhouette of someone. She couldn't see what or who it was, it was so dark. However, there was no way she would dare do anything that might attract his attention. Narrowing her eyes, she squinted, trying to make out some characteristics. No, it didn't help. Maybe if she… Orihime put her weight on her elbow and pushed herself even more over to one side to lean closer to her guest. As she did, a few things became viable. It was definitely a person - or something with a similar shape of body. An Arrancar maybe? But who? and why? Her heart jumped, could it be? She held her breath as she pushed herself even further. She could almost see it now, if she just could get a little closer.


The floor hit Orihime as gravity took its toll, and she fell to the ground with a thump. Laying still, she dared not move a muscle. Had it seen her? Or heard her? She laid still for a while, waiting for the stranger to react to her in some way. But nothing happened. Slowly, Orihime gathered her courage and did her best to move her head without making a sound. From her point of view she could better see the guest. It was a man, she could see. He was dressed in white, and on his head she could make out a mohawk.

Zommari Rureaux.

Orihime didn't know whether to feel relieved or not. She remembered the Espada from when Aizen had assembled all the Arrancar to inform them of her as she'd been brought here, however, after that she hadn't seen him at all.. Then why was he here? Well, regarding his reason he wouldn't harm her. Orihime felt quite sure of that. Since her arrival she'd learned to trust her base instincts, and besides, all the Espada were trusted by Aizen and were unlikely to harm her - well, aside from the sadistic five.

Grabbing the book, she carefully pushed herself back and onto her toe pads and rose slowly to sit down on her bed. The shadow didn't move, and a relieved exhalation left her lips. Nothing would happen. She was safe. With an easier heart she put down the book and looked to both sides for an explanation. There, on the nightstand, just as she had thought, she could see a new item. Orihime reached over and picked up the letter. The envelope this time was one of pale navy blue, and there was no decor but a simple writing of her name in black ink.

'Orihime Inoue.
In the cause of recent event there has been an alteration of the situation concerning your routines. In the absence of a replacement of the role of your caretaker, it's been decided that you, for the time being, will be assigned multiple elite members of the council until another solution is found.'

Orihime looked puzzled. What was happening? She looked again, searching for a clue what was going on. It wasn't signed, she noticed. There were no names mentioned besides her own and- and the council? The council was Aizen, Ichimaru and Tousen, wasn't it? or did that include the Espada too? She didn't know. It seemed strange whatever would be the case. Why would they send such a later? Could something have happened? Well, it seemed so, but if something happened that was great enough to have an influence on her, then…


Suddenly the pieces of information fell into place. Ulquiorra's absence, Grimmjow spending time with her, and now this? It had to be connected somehow. But how..?

Orihime turned her head and looked at the seventh Espada. Could it be that he knew something about what was going on? He probably did, but would he tell her?

"Ehm… Excuse me?" Orihime tried carefully, not wanting to anger her current caretaker. "Zommari?"

The eyes of the dark skinned Espada opened abruptly and fixated his gaze on her. However, not a word left his mouth..

"Ehm, hi… It's been a while, hasn't it?" She tried a nervous laugh, but the look he gave her made the laugh die out. "Ehm, so… How have you been? Have anything interesting happened to you lat-"

"Stop this ridiculous chit-chat. What is it that you want?"

"Ehm.. " Orihime wasn't quite sure. She had hoped that a friendly gesture would ease up on the tension in the room, but it seemed like there were no chance of that. "I was just wondering if you could explain what's happening? Why are you here?"

"Read the letter."

"I did."

"Then read it again."

"I-" She didn't know what to say. For some reason she had gotten the impression that the seventh Espada was harsh, harsh, but fair. She knew that she had no real reason for this presumption, but her impressions were mostly true from what she knew. No...That wasn't true. Back when she had arrived she had been under impression that several of the Espada liked her and almost saw her as a friend… What a wrong presumption that had been…

"In the place of Ulquiorra Schiffer, us other Espada have been instructed to make sure of your safety and protect you if need be."

"Protect me?" Orihime didn't understand, what was he talking about? Was he referring to the bear? Did they think it could happen again? "I don't understand. I thought the bear was-"

"Huh!" Zommari let out a snort. "That incident was pathetic - even for a human like you. No, even though it seems like you need protection from the slightest things, our main focus is on the approaching enemy."

"Enemy?" The human girl wasn't sure she had heard correctly. An enemy? She didn't even know of an enemy. Or wait… Could he mean the Shinigami? And if so… "Ichigo..." The words escaped her lips before she could stop it.


"Oh, nothing." Frantically she waved her hands in front of her.

"Is that so..." The Espada didn't seem to believe her and, as on reflex, Orihime found herself defending herself with her rehearsed lie.

"I lied. What I said was 'Ichigo', the name of my former allay. The mention of the Shinigami made me think of him again. However, neither him nor any of the others are important to me anymore. I only live for Aizen and have dedicated myself to him, and him only."

"That's a wise decision." He nodded slightly. "In that way the coming event will have no influence on your work."

"Oh?" Orihime wondered. "What event?"

"The annihilation of the Shinigami and human race."

"The-!" Lost for words, Orihime realized that an expression of shock had made its way through her pretense.

"What? You do not agree, do you?" In less then a second his voice had gone from calm to ice cold and then to steaming with underlying anger."The Shinigami cut us down as though it were simply the natural way of things! Do you truly think they're in their rights?! Who exactly gave them the right to cut down the Hollows?! Is it because we feed upon you humans?! Why, then who gave them the right to protect you?! Nay! Nobody has granted them the right to undertake any of this! The Shinigami label us as evil, and thoughtlessly slice us down purely because in their arrogance, they fancy themselves to be the purveyors of some great 'justice' of their own making!"

"Ehm, I-"

"You do not agree. I can see it in you. You might belong to our lord Aizen, but there is still some traitorous feelings in you. Do not think you can fool me, girl. Nay!"

"I-" Once again Orihime tried to cut in and defend herself, but before she got the chance to do so, a hard knock on the door made them both shut their mouths.

"Hello?" The knock was repeated. "Is there anybody in there?"

"Y-Yes!" Orihime stuttered. "Come in." The door opened and an Arrancar looked inside. Orihime blinked, she couldn't remember to have seen this one before. "Yes?"

"Am I interrupting?"

"What?" Surprised she looked over at her guard and then back at the door. "Ehm, no. No, of course not. How may I help you?"

"Me?" Now it was the young man's turn to look surprised. "Oh, no, I'm here to help you - that is if you need any."

"Oh, thank you." Orihime couldn't help but smile. This was something she wasn't used to. All the other Arrancar were merely delivering food or clothing - or in some cases preforming other tasks; however, it was all in the regi of the leaders. They never communicated with her, but simply did as they were told and said what was needed. He, however, seemed very… well, human. "I'm Orihime, what's your na-"

"Stop fooling around!"

Both of them jumped, they had forgotten about the Espada present in the room.

"What is your business here?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Coughing, the Arrancar straighted up before giving Orihime a short bow. "Lord Aizen sends his regards and wish for you to join him in the hall if you could spare the time."

"Oh..." Orihime didn't know why, but she felt disappointed. For some reason her hopes for a change to happen had flamed up again, but she should have known better. There was no 'new' here in Las Noches. All stayed the same and was repeated over and over. She should have known...

"Next time, deliver the message without any delay. Your duty is to serve. Do not forget that."

"No, sir. I'm terrible sorry. It will not happen again." Although the words where apologetic, the Arrancar didn't seem too affected by the scolding.


"Y-yes?" Orihime turned to Zommari and noticed that he was now heading towards the door.

"Get ready." As he reached it he stopped to look down at the servant. "You are now responsible. Make sure you get the human to Aizen." He then turned and looked back at Orihime. "Do not let Lord Aizen wait."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry." She nodded and rose from the bed. "I won't." For a second the Espada studied her, but then her turned around and left them.

"So, are you coming?" The friendly Arrancar went inside the room and leaned towards the wall. "I don't mean to hurry you, but I have another task to do, and I-"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Orihime walked towards him. "I don't mean to hold you back from your duties. Please, go ahead. I'll have to use the bathroom, first, but after that I can find the way there on my own. I'm familiar with the way, so there is no danger of me loosing my way."

"Well..." The Arrancar thought about it for a second, but then gave a nod. "I guess that should be fine. Just make sure you get there, okay?" He smiled at her as she reassured him and the, as he was about to close the door behind him, he stopped. "Oh, and my name is Sabesion, Sabesion al Suerte." Then he too left, and Orihime was alone.

For a moment she stood still thinking, considering the new turns of event, but then she shook her head and went to the bathroom. After she had done her business she studied herself in the mirror. She looked tired. Not that she hadn't expected that. Ever since her arrival, Orihime had been held to a schedule with lots of tests and meetings. It had taken up much time, but Orihime had to admit that she didn't see the point in most of what she was put through. The blood sampling and medical check ups were one thing. They made sense since health was important to their… Well, plan. It was different with the other things. Some of them she thought of as just not relevant - conversations and questions about her former life and her interests, but some were... just strange. Who knew what Aizen had planned for her today.

She closed the door behind her and walked down the corridor. 'If she could spare the time' he'd said. Orihime knew far too well that this was just a way of speech. There were always a lot going on in Las Noches, no, in the whole Hueco Mundo. However, one of the things she had learned during her stay was that there was always time for Aizen. She turned around the corner and came to an abrupt halt.

Was that? Yes, it was.

Out from a door about ten meters down the hall, she saw someone she recognized. She was about to speak up and call out for the Arrancar, but decides against it in the last second. Standing still, she waited as he closed the door and walked down the corridor, away from her.

What had he been doing? Orihime thought to herself, but at once felt a slight guilty for doing so. It was not nice to poke your nose into someone else's business. That was what her mom had told her when she was very young. Everybody had the right to some privacy and a few secrets, and that if you wanted to know, you should always try to ask before snooping around. Orihime had remembered that and had always done her best to keep to it, but sometimes...

Without her noticing it her feet had moved on their own and she found herself standing outside the door. She looked at it and noticed that it looked just as most other doors in the palace. Her eyes then automatically went over to the sign by the door and she had to cover her own mouth not to gasp. What had Sabesion been doing in the room of Ulquiorra Schiffer?

Unsure, she reached out and touched the door knob, and to her surprise it clicked. Orihime was bewildered. She hadn't been thinking when she had tried the door knob. All the doors, with exception of the main rooms, were normally locked. So why then? She stood still, wondering what she should do. Should she enter? Could she do that? For a second she wanted to let go of the knob and just leave, but then the curiosity began whispering to her. What was going on? Why had he left? What was all the talk about a trial? These were question that had bothered her for a while but that she had kept to herself because she didn't know who to ask. The door… If she did go inside she could ask him. It wasn't certain that he would answer, but at least it would be a chance for her to learning more about the recent activity in Las Noches.

"Ehm, hello?" She tried, but there was no reply. She waited for a little bit longer, and tried once more, but neither this try gave any results. Orihime let out a sigh, both relieved and disappointed by the absence of the Espada. Then, an idea hit her and, looking to her left and right, she slipped inside and closed the door.

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