While watching Bleach, I totally fell in love with UlquiHime. Even though I don't like Orihime, I still loved the barely visible connection that between her and story is my far darkest story yet, but it was not the intentions when I started writing it. The inspiration behind it is Maria Aredondo's song "Burning". The story is rarely updated, but when receiving comments - I tend to work a lot faster ;)

If you think you might have read this before - then you be right XD
This is a re-upload of the story - cause I'm no back at writing it, and wanted to have it all beta'ed!

And please like me on facebook if you enjoy me stuff:
"WinnifredArtemisDub" is my account there.

«I do not own any of the following pictures, music, characters or the original universe. I only own the story itself and to the idea.»
Thanks a lot to Kelpie, Nickern and Lightning Bee for betaing on this story.

Chapter 01: The Traitor And The Clown

'Humans - such weak and easy breakable creatures. Why would someone with such a large amount of spiritual energy, and holder of the Hougyoku, need something that pitiful?'

These thoughts ran through Ulquiorra Schiffer's head as he passed by doors of all kinds on his way down one of the corridors of Hueco Mundo.

It had been more than a week since Aizen had ordered him to get the human friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. From the moment he had seen the woman, he had known she meant trouble. At first he thought he felt this way due to the fact that not only could certain humans see him, but they actually had their own powers. Then he thought this might seem like jealousy. He would not lower himself to such a human-like feeling, therefore he chose the easiest solution – to forget all about it.

This worked fine until he was called to Aizens personal room by Loly. As Ulquiorra knocked on the door and stepped inside, a bad feeling spread through his chest. An hour later, he promised himself never to doubt his intuition again. Ulquiorra had been very surprised when Aizen told him that the urgent meeting was about that trash he had spotted earlier. Sure, she did have some interesting powers, but to go as far as bringing her here – to the center of Hueco Mundo! That was unthinkable!

Ulquiorra finally reached the end of the corridor. He lifted his hand and knocked on the ivory white door. The door opened to reveal an irritated Grimmjow opened.

"Yeah?" He then noticed who was standing in front of him. "What the hell? Ulquiorra? What 'cha doing here?"

Ulquiorra didn't answer – just stood there and watched the tall, good-looking guy. This just made Grimmjow even more irritated. He stepped forward and seized the collar of Ulquiorra's shirt, yanking him closer.

"Don't just stand there, you fucking clown! It pisses me off!".

As an answer to this, Ulquiorra lifted his hand and squeezed the hand that dared to touch him. "Trying to take me on, are you?"

Grimmjow jerked his hand back, and glared at his stronger colleague. In the following silence, Ulquiorra slid his hand inside his coat and pulled out a C5 envelope, shoving it into Grimmjow's hands and left, leaving Grimmjow in awe.

Three hours later after having getting himself cleaned up, he walked down the corridor when noticing a dreadful stench when passing by Yammy's room. Naturally he had intruded, finding the room in a chaos of old food and bodies of dead Arrancars. Quickly closing the door, he changed his previous direction. He was to make sure the human was kept alive, but first the cleaning staff were in need of some discipline.

- Meanwhile, In Orihime's Chamber -

Orihime Inoue sat absentmindedly on the only chair in her big room. In her hand she held a spoon, and a nearly untouched bowl of vegetables soup was placed on the table right in front of her. She lowered the spoon until it touched the soup, where she then started moving it in circles so it became a pattern. Normally this act would have made her smile, or even laugh… but this wasn't such a situation. She had now been kept here a week, and in that time she hadn't once smiled.

She took a deep breath, maybe she would get lucky today? Maybe the same servant that had given her the food would return to collect it? 'That would be reliving' thought Orihime. Not only did she have no appetite whatsoever, but then there was the mysterious Espada always sitting silently on her bed, staring at her while she was eating.

The worst were the days when she worrying herself sick so that she didn't feel like eating anything. Then he'd stare intensely at her, willing her silently to obey. If that didn't help, he'd start forcing food down her troth. Orihime shuddered and looked down on her arm; she could easily spot the marks he had left from the last time. She wasn't exactly frightened to death by the Espadas – and especially not of Ulquiorra. However she had to admit that she was frightened of the enormous strength he had. She had seen that those dark purple markings on her arm hadn't cost him any strength at all.

She stood up and walked to the wall directly beneath the only window in the room, sinking to the floor and hugging her knees. Immediately pictures of Rukia, Chad, Renji and Uryuu started flicker like a movie behind her closed eyelids.

"Everyone," she whispered into the otherwise silent room.

Then the faces of Tatsuki and Ichigo flashed through her mind, much clearer than the previous ones. As so many times before, her tears began to trickle. She tried breathing slower, trying to calm herself. However it had the opposite effect, and she started sobbing.

Orihime blamed herself. Blamed herself for not being strong enough to protect her friends – or even herself – from the enemies. She blamed herself not being able to leave a message for her friends, telling them not to come after her. All this Orihime could handle. But the raw truth was that because of her, all her friends were doomed to die a painful death in the very near future. This was the thing that Orihime Inoue hated the most. Even after getting her own special power, she was still just a deadweight that dragged the others down with her.

Orihime wiped away her tears and gathered all the strength she had in her legs, using the wall to push herself up. This however, had taken all her determination, and she once again started to cry her heart out. After a few minutes, a sudden movement caught her attention. Orihime was still standing against the wall, but only half a meter away in front of her, two emerald green eyes glared at her.

Orihime let out a small scream of surprise as she tried to back up, only to be stopped by the thick white wall at her back. She turned right, trying to escape that way, only to be shocked as an arm blocked her way, she spun around trying to flee the other way, only to find another hand caging her in from the left.

Again, please like me on facebook if you enjoy me stuff:
"WinnifredArtemisDub" is my account there.