Title: Nothing

Pairings: Yusei x Aki (Faithshipping)

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's

A/N: I was bored so I started writing this. Um… The characters might be OOC so, yeah… Sorry… Kind of wanted to put them like that… This is my first FanFic and my First Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's story. Hope you like it!

He stared at her as if she was the most beautiful girl he ever met. She turned her head and their eyes met. She then looked away blushing. He chuckled a bit and then put his arm around her.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

She looked at him, her eyes widen.

"Nothing…" she said, trailing off. Then she looked away.

"I know nothing is something… So tell me." He ordered.

"Well…" she started; "You see…" she stopped. She didn't say anything after that.

Yusei was getting kind of pissed off.

"It's Sayer, isn't it?" he said.

She kept her head down but her eyes widen again.



"This is none of your business Yusei!"

"It is! You are my girlfriend and I want you to be protected and unharmed!" He yelled, furious.

Aki was speechless. She never heard Yusei ever get that mad.

"Okay…" said Yusei, who calmed down, "Let's try again… What's bothering you?"

"Sayer… Sayer said he would kill me if he saw me with you again…" Aki said.

"I knew it… Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew you were going to do something about it… And I didn't want you to…" said Aki.

She was shocked about what happened next. She thought he would stand up and walk away and never talk to her again. But he brought her into a warm hug.

"Forget whatever he says." Said Yusei, "Just don't listen to him. You have friends by your side and don't forget it."

Yusei let go and they both stared into each other's eyes. She saw that Yusei was leaning in. She then followed his lead. Soon, their lips met. Yusei got his hand behind her head and pushed it in to make the kiss more passionate. They pulled apart to gasp for air.

"I love you, Yusei." She said.

"I love you, too, Aki." He said.

A/N: It was really fun writing this! Again, I am sorry for making the characters a little OOC. Please don't flame me! Anyways! R+R!