Authors Note: hello all. Yeah i know it's been a LONG time since I updated but I realized I needed time to brush up on my writing skills. I started a Nanoha fic as practice and now I feel I've improved enough to do a decent job with this story. I plan to take all the existing chapters and redo them. Though it may take some time. I first intend to finish my Nanoha fic then continue with this story. In the mean time enjoy this new chapter.

The city of Nissan, a city of faith and a beacon of hope for the new future free from the yoke of Solaris. A truly beautiful city conceived by the many artisans that had dwelled there over its long history. Its diverse citizenry now all shared a common hope for the future. Some worked to bring about that future while others laboured to protect it. Nissan had also become the epicentre for the restoration of the world. It was here the leaders of all the countries regularly met to discuss allotment of resources, national defence, refugees, war crimes tribunals, and a great many other topics. Through the efforts of many, the world was recovering at an amazing pace. However, whispers of political conflicts and resource shortages had begun making it to the ears of its citizens. Still the people of this city and of the world pushed on believing that a normal peaceful life awaited them in the not too distant future.

Among its many streets was a small apartment building that was being rented out for use by guests of the Nissan sect. Lying naked under her bed sheets, Emeralda was sprawled out half asleep as the mid morning sun attempted to penetrate the wood shades covering the window. It had been five days since Fei and Elly's murder. Margie, who wanted her to be near friends during this difficult time, had brought Emeralda to Nissan. However, she could spend little time in her company. Her duties to her country inevitably came first. The same could be said for the others. Each of her comrades from the war found themselves busy preparing for the funeral or playing politics. Not even Bart who was deeply infatuated with her was able to make time for her. Only Kelvena was able to stay close to her. She was there along with an Elruian delegation along with Ramsus and Dominia. Despite her tasking, Ramsus did his best to juggle the various timings and commitments she had to allow Kelvena to keep a frequent eye on her. Today she had left early that morning in order to return in time to spend lunch with her as well as the remainder of the afternoon.

Slowly Emeralda opened her amber eyes, no longer able to keep them closed. She rolled onto her back and stared vacantly at the ceiling. She had not left the apartment since she arrived days before and even now felt no desire to leave. Rolling onto her stomach, she crawled across her bed to the window adjacent to it. Reaching for the drawstring attached to the blinds she lifted them just enough so she could stick her head out the windowsill. Poking her head outside and resting her head in her folded arms, she watched the people below. It was a very hot day and there was nary the slightest breeze just as the night before. However, no one below seemed to mind in the least. With a gloomy expression she observed them scurry about, hurrying with preparations for the funeral. The haste came from the intentional lack of notice of the event. Due to the high possibility of an attack by Insurgents or Terrorists only three days of notice were given. The hope was to given such groups little to no time to prepare an attack on the event. None the less, the Nissan Army was out in full force along with police and sniffer dogs. No one wanted to take any chances. There had been several attacks on the outskirts of the city and the surrounding towns by Solarian hold outs during the past months.

Not far off she heard a familiar female voice yelling at someone. The sound drew closer until she could see owner of the voice. It was Margie; she was calling out to Bart who was walking briskly away from her.

"Bart! Bart wait, please!"

He stopped walking a whipped around, "What is it why are you still following me?"

"Because I'm worried about you!" she hurried to catch her breath. While he had been walking, she had to jog to keep up with him.

"Well stop worrying I'm fine!"

"No you're not!" her fervent protests seemed to be falling on deaf ears, "You're on the verge of a nerves brake down you need to stop!"

Bart had been in many stressful situations during his time as a pirate and during the war, but attending to the needs of his country for the past two years had taken its toll. He had little training or experience leading a country. He had assumed it would be a simple matter but the conflicting demands of the people, the many obligations and political relations that went with the title of Prime Minister were proving far more taxing than he had thought they would. Now with the death of his closest friend he was teetering on the edge.

"I don't care my best friend is dead and his daughter, the one I love is in pain because of it!" Bart continued.

Margie was obviously wounded by his confession, "What about me?" She choked back her desire to shed tears, "You think I have it any easier? They were my friends to and it's been left to me to handle nearly all the preparations myself."

"Then why not delegate it to some of your elected officials? That's what their there for right?"

"I can't! If I do they'll use it as a way to increase their influence!" The two of them were getting looks from the crowd around them. Margie quickly remembered herself and lowered her voice.

The two continued to argue but Emeralda could no longer hear them. While watching them she began to regret looking out the window. She had no romantic feelings for Bart at all but he was hell bent on pushing his feeling on to her any way. Thinking back to the evening after her families' death made her feel uncomfortable and angry towards him.

"Bart!" A new voice called out. It was Sigurd, he rushed over to the young man, "What are you doing? You can't just leave in the middle of a meeting like that!"

"Just leave me alone Sig!" Sigurd grabbed the young man's wrist.

"What is wrong with you? I understand your feeling pressured by your duties but this is what you wanted isn't it?"

Emeralda withdrew from the window she did not want to watch the scene outside unfold any further. She sat up right on her bed attempting to decide what to do when the memory of the night of Fei and Elly's death again resurfaced. Springing from her bed, she rummaged through a tan collared sea bag on the floor, searching for a set of clothes. She quickly took out a set that included a red t-shirt and baggy black knee length shorts. Wasting no time she dressed herself and rushed to the door garbing her white scarf as she went. Unease filled her head when she thought of Bart paying her a visit. Therefore, she decided her best course was to leave. Slipping out the back of the apartment, she made her way into the city streets.

Walking the streets of the great city, she attempted to hide herself behind her scarf but still many easily recognized her thanks to her long green hair. Every now and again someone would politely bow to her others would try to offer condolences but she would simply hurry on. Those of the Nissan sect had viewed Elly as the reincarnation of their patron. In turn, they viewed Emeralda in a special light as well. She was their Child of Hope, the daughter of Elly and Fei. There was also another reason. Thanks to the nano machines that made up her body, treatments for Wells were developed as well as weapons capable of helping fight the hordes that Deus had created. Now with Elly gone, Emeralda had become the only living connection they shared with their faith. Though she had no interest in having any part in the Nissan faith she could not bear to tell this to them.

She tried to bury her face deeper into her scarf and increased her walking pace but it was useless she was still easily recognized. With her gazed fixed downward she continued on until the cobble stone street was ended abruptly by a short green grass. She looked up and saw the massive church sitting majestically in the centre of the lake. She clenched her teeth. She did not want to be here. She wished she could be somewhere else, some where she could escape everything.

"Rusalka?" a male voice called.

Emeralda suddenly realized someone was standing next to her. Turning her head, she saw a group of armed soldiers all wearing uniforms identical to the one Cherenkov had worn, with one addition. Snugly fitting face wraps concealed the lower half of their faces to help keep the sun off.


The leader pulled down his face wrap revealing the he was indeed Cherenkov, "Aren't those Kelly's cloths?"

Emeralda was caught off guard she was not expecting to come across Cherenkov. After what transpired in Lahan he had rushed off saying, he would see her again soon after attending to something.

"Yes," she answered eye looking back down to the coble stone.

The plainness of her response made the tall man chuckle. She took a second to look up at the men behind him. Each of the men with him wore the same type of equipment and carried the same black AK style weapons. She knew enough to realize, though they were a military group they were not from the Nissan military.

"Hey Sergeant who's the hoty?"

Cherenkov turned around a swatted the Private behind the question, "I believe you mean who's the young lady."

The private nodded, teeth clenched.

"You lot need to maintain your professionalism it looks bad for the rest of us if you act poorly," Cherenkov glared at is men and they responded promptly with, yes Sergeant, "To answer your question this is Emeralda," the pride in his voice made it sound like he was bragging rather than introducing. His men however seemed to have little interest in her identity

"You mean she's the Child of hope the Nissan sect talks about? Cool." The young private said with a nonchalant attitude that eased Emeralda's concern that her identity would be an issue.

"I take it your here for the funeral?" Cherenkov suddenly realized the impact the question would have and wished he had chosen something better to ask. She responded with a simple nod that made him feel worse about his poorly thought out question. He sighed and tried to think of what to do to take her mind away from her apparent troubles, "Master Corporal Anderson."

"Sergeant!" the man standing next to Cherenkov responded promptly.

"I'd say it's time for lunch wouldn't you?" pointing to a nearby restaurant called the Old Oven he smiled, "And we just so happen to be standing in front of my favourite place to eat."

"It sounds like a fine idea Sergeant! Will the young lady be joining us?" Anderson looked over at Emeralda.

"Okay." she replied sheepishly as she moved her gaze away from the ground.

"Zaebis! Right lunch is on me today!" Cherenkov generosity earned a cheer from his men.

The group quickly took over tables in front of the restaurant on the patio. Cherenkov his Master Corporal and Emeralda sat together at one of the tables closest to the sidewalk. Anderson removed his bush hat revealing his platinum blond hair before reaching out a hand to Emeralda. It was clear to her that he was Solarian so she hesitated for a moment before taking his hand and shaking it carefully.

"Nice to meet you miss I'm Master Corporal Anderson."

"Emeralda Kassim," letting go of his hand she leaned back into her chair, "Sasha when did you get here?" She asked.

"Late last night. Nissan hired some extra help from us. I cancelled my leave so I could come here and check up on ya," he pointed over his shoulder at his men, "My unit however is still on leave so Ops gave me a bunch of rookies that needed some proper field experience."

"With respect Sergeant none of them are green."

"Well it's their first op as PMC's so they're green in that sense." Cherenkov looked over at Emeralda, "I'm glad to see you're up and about again."

"I didn't really have any choice. I only left the apartment because I didn't want to see Bart."

Cherenkov let a snarled expression slip past his self-control, "What's the deal with that twit?" he asked displeased.

"I don't know. He would visit Fei all the time and when he did, he would always flirt with me. It was embarrassing at first but I got used to it. At some point I guess he misunderstood my feelings towards him."

"Your solution should be simple then," Anderson told her as he waved over a waiter, "You simply need to tell him plainly that you have no romantic feeling for him"

"I wish it was that simple."

Cherenkov tapped the table with his index finger then pointed at her scolding motion, "Ya can't let this drag out. It will be harder on both of you if you don't say anything."

She replied with a simple nod.

"You still plan to go to Elru for med school right?" Cherenkov asked after adding an order to Andersons.

"I'm not sure any more. I do want to be a doctor but I feel like all my motivation is gone."

"I figured the chance to save people's lives was motivation enough for you." he folded his arm across his chest, "If ya let go of your drive you're go'na be stuck in this rut forever. You won't be able to even take one step forward," Cherenkov knew how harsh his words and tone were but he felt he had to say it regardless, "You're going to have to shake this off, cry for a bit, then get on with your life. I doubt Fei and Elly want you to let your dreams die with them."

Emeralda stared down at her knees saying nothing while waiting her turn to order a meal.

By the time they had all finished eating a large accumulation of dark clouds had rolled in from the ocean so heavy with rain one could easily smell the cold moisture in the air. The squad rallied up in front of the restaurant and took a quick moment to check their equipment.

"Sasha," Emeralda looked up at him, "Is it alright if I come with you?" he shook his head.

"Sorry, regs say I can't, besides ya should head back I'll bet my right nut Kelly's out looking for you." a drizzle of rain water began to trickle from the sky. Cherenkov looked up, "Finally some relief from this heat."

Just as he said those words, the drizzle turned into a torrential down pore that quickly sent the rest of the city running for cover. Cherenkov's squad however seemed almost oblivious of the rain except for one certain private.

"Dam I didn't bring my rain jacket."

Cherenkov glared at the private, "Rain jacket? What would ya need that for?" Emeralda could sense the other soldier snickering behind their face wraps.

"Because it's raining, Sergeant."

Cherenkov put his hands on his hips, "What the hell are you talking about it's just humid is all. Suck it up princess." The rest of the section laughed at him. Cherenkov looked down at Emeralda. She seemed to be laughing as well but even through the heavy rain, he could tell there were tears mingling with the droplets of water. He placed a hand on her head and her expression saddened. She reached out and clung to him sobbing into his chest. With a brief sigh he turned to Anderson, "I don't think there would be an issue if we just happen to be going the same direction do you?"

"No Sergeant I don't think there would be any problem."

The days past and the funeral was held without incident. The streets and church had been filled with mourners saddened by loss. It seemed as if the entire world attended. Representatives from all over the globe made appearances. When the two caskets were brought to their final resting place, the entire city fell into silent reverence to the two people who had been so important to the history of their world. However, just as soon as the service had begun it ended. Most were left with a feeling of closure but some were angry demanding answers as to how and why this had happened. Already theories and conjectures flew back and forth with no definite answers. These theories each sought to blame one group or another. Cherenkov was trying to explain to Ramsus, that the mere presence of these theories was a sign that the world was still far from being a stable place. The two men were both wearing their respective BDU's Cherenkov in his olive drab and Ramsus in his Flec Camo. Together they watched the pilgrim's board waiting aircraft at an airstrip outside Nissan as they debated the implications of the event.

"There's gun'na be a big shit storm. The Nissan sect is out for blood, apparently Black Water is offering all its resources free of charge to help the investigation," Cherenkov shook his head, "Those beshenaya sobaka, don't exactly have the best methods. The fact that they are fanatical about Nissan also means they like to wave around their faith like a weapon. They say their a PMC but their really just a private army under the command of the Nissan Parliament."

"Indeed Margie will have a difficult time managing parliament once it's discovered who is responsible. I doubt she will be able to quell the desire of her people for revenge."

"I think for now it would be best if the guys behind this remain a mystery. No ones gun'na be able to think calmly for a while."

"I agree, right now there are other things that need to be focused on."

"Like that ship in lunar orbit right?"

Ramsus nodded, "I don't have details at the moment but apparently they sent out a communication to various observatories. Each received the same set of coordinates for a small island north of Nissan."

"A meeting place?"

"It appears that way JTF will be sending a unit along with a few diplomats. Everyone is hoping for the best but want to be ready for the worst."

JTF, Joint Task Force was a military unit formed using personal from Kislev, Aveh Nissan and Shevat. Formed for as an anti-terrorist unit, they also conducted various other operations that required a multinational participation. The unit had been the brainchild of the Queen of Shevat. She had hoped it would help create a better sense of unity and cooperation between the military members of each country. Cherenkov waited to see if Ramsus had more to add when he showed no apparent sign of adding more he tried to speak up but Ramsus did have something additional to say.

"Dominia told me something this morning."

"Whatever it is it's not my fault!"

Ramsus ignored the joke and continued, "She confessed to me. She said she loves me."

Cherenkov was not in the least surprised. He slapped the man's back, "Hell yeah! She finally spoke up. So what did ya say?" his eagerness for an answer was overwhelming him.

"I told her I needed to think on it."

Cherenkov looked angrily at him, "Chto za huy! Why did ya say that?"

"I don't deserve her feelings. I'm responsible for everything that's happened to her including Elru."

Cherenkov shook his head in disappointment, "You ass! Who cares about that? Ya care about her to right? Fuck the rest. If ya love er, just giver er!"

"And what about our deal?" Cherenkov quickly fell silent, "Well?"

"She doesn't even remember that, besides if ya wan'a talk blame it's my fault. Look I'm the one who told her she needed to confess to ya alright."

"Why? I thought?" Ramsus was confused.

"The deal never said you couldn't fall in love with er." Ramsus fell silent, "Things change, people change, ain't that right kid?" Ramsus glared at him.

"Sir!" Kelvena called out to Ramsus. The two men turned around to see her and Emeralda coming towards them. Emeralda seemed to be wearing another pair of Kelvena's shorts while Kelvena was wearing the same uniform as Ramsus, "What are you two talking about?"

"Kelly! Great timing we were just talking about how things change as time goes by." he took her by the arm, "Case in point," Pulling her close he kissed her passionately. She was utterly helpless to resist or object to him and it took no time at all for her to lose any desire to pull away from him. Emeralda smiled and shook her head while Ramsus stood bewildered. When Cherenkov finally let her go, Kelvena seemed both confused and satisfied, "At one time you and the Elements were my enemies, but now I'm in a relationship with Kelly. Who's says ya can't change yer relationship with Dominia."

"Sasha," Kelvena had recovered from the surprise of Cherenkov's kiss, "Couldn't you have been at least slightly subtle?" She reached up and lightly swatted the side of his head while smiling.

Emeralda coughed into her hand, "We brought you some coffee from the mess hall." she held up a thermos, "would you like to join us?"

"Zaebis! I could do with some caffeine. Aint that right Ramsus?"

"Ah, Yes that sounds like a good idea," he still seemed a bit bewildered from what had just happened but appeared to shake it off as he drank the hot black liquid.

"Sasha don't you have to work today? Why are you standing up here?" Emeralda asked as she sat down in the grass.

"Nope our contract with Nissan ended early this morning," He pointed down towards the taxi ramp, "We're just waiting for the transports to get here then we'll load up our kit and will be off until tomorrow afternoon." A low rumbling sound echoed in the air slowly growing louder, "Here's our ride now." Emeralda looked over her shoulder. Two large aircraft could be seen in the distance. As they came closer, she could make out more detail. The planes were the same shade of olive drab green as Cherenkov's uniform powered by four turbo prop engines with large fuselages designed for maximum cargo space.

The two aircraft roared over their heads in a perfect two-ship formation as they past Emeralda saw that the large rear hatch of the lead plane was open and standing on the ramp was a man in a flight suite and helmet. Emeralda waved at the figure not entirely expecting them to notice her. However, the figure did waved back just before the planes rear hatch closed.

"Well I've got cargo to help load the plane. I'll see ya later." Cherenkov told the others before briskly jogging down the hill to join his section. Emeralda watched the second of the transport planes circle around, waiting for its turn to land.

"You seem to be doing better now," Ramsus commented to her.

She let a small sigh escape her lips, eyes still fixated on the aircraft, "No, to be honest every time I find myself with a spare moment, I feel like breaking out into tears. I've been trying everything to stay busy; to keep my mind off of it," Emeralda stood up, "This is the second time I've lost my family. I don't have any idea what to do. Sasha said I should continue and focus on becoming a doctor."

"You don't trust his advice?"

"I do but I don't feel the motivation I did before."

"So then you need a new and more potent motive," Ramsus thought for a moment, "I'm sorry Emeralda but I don't have an answer for you. Everyone needs to find their own motivation."

"Like revenge?"

Emeralda's response troubled Ramsus but he was confident he could steer her away from such an idea by drawing from his own experiences, "Revenge would not suit your purpose, as a doctor you would have to abide by the Hippocratic Oath. Revenge would counter that oath."

As the second transport finished its circuit and flew back towards the hill Emeralda stretched out her arms and swayed back and forth in a large swaying motion, "So how do I find my motivation then?" There was disappointment in her voice. She had held out a small hope that he would have had an easy answer to her troubles but it would seem that was not the case. The aircraft's engines rumbled as it passed overhead.

"I would say that you need more life experience. You may be 4000 years old but you've really only lived five or so years of that," as the aircraft flew on it rocked its wings the same way that Emeralda had rocked her arms. It made it seem as if the pilot was waving hello.

While the transport attempted to make its final approach one of the civilian transports exploded in a ball of bright red flame, billowing thick black smoke into the sky. Ramsus dropped his mug and instantly sprinted down the hill.

"Emeralda stay here!" Kelvena instructed before chasing after her leader. Emeralda however had no intention of staying where she was and quickly followed.

At the base of the hill Ramsus met up with Cherenkov, "What happened an accident?" he asked.

"You wish," he handed Ramsus a radio as they hastened to join Cherenkov's comrades. At the same time, Ramsus contacted his ship, "LT! What's the plan?" The troops from Cherenkov's unit were already arming themselves.

A grey haired stocky man replied to Cherenkov's call, "I can't reach Sunray," The Lieutenant was clearly frustrated, "Blast! Forget it, start securing the area."

"Is that alright we aren't under contract anymore?" Cherenkov asked.

"You don't need a damn contract to be a Good Samaritan," the Lieutenant told him.

"Roger that. Master Corporal Anderson!" Cherenkov called briskly walked over to join his men. As he left Ramsus tossed the radio back to him.

"Kelvena," Ramsus began, "I'm having a team stand by outside the ship meet them and await orders I'll join you after I find the OIC for the airfield."

"Yes sir!"

Emeralda grabbed Kelvena's arm, "I want to help!"

Kelvena pulled away from her, "Just stay here."

"No!" The sharpness of Emeralda's voice surprised her, "If you won't let me go with you I'll go by myself."

Kelvena knew with certainty that Emeralda could easily handle combat under normal circumstances but she was concerned about her emotional state, "Alright but you have to follow my instruction without question!" Emeralda nodded to her, "Follow me," the two women dashed off.

Cherenkov led his Section towards the blast site but stopped them suddenly, "Hold!" he ordered stopping the unit in its tracks.

"Sergeant what is it?" Anderson asked.

Cherenkov sniffed the air the way a dog might. The other Elruians with him caught on and did the same seeking any sent out of the ordinary, "Damn I can't smell anything through the smoke and fuel. Anyone else got something?" None of the others reported smelling anything out of the ordinary.

Cherenkov eyed the scene, more and more people were gathering around the site of the explosion in hopes of helping the survivors. Shouts and cries filled the air around the site. A bad feeling was gnawing at him. He was filled with an uneasy anticipation. Ambulances suddenly sped past them when Cherenkov grasped what might be happening, "Stop them! We have to get everyone away from the site now!" he shouted.

The Section sprinted as hard as they could, shouting to the people to get away from the fire, but they were ignored. A second more powerful explosion suddenly shook the tarmac. The shock wave slammed Cherenkov and his unit to the ground. He lied on his back ears still ringing as he fumbled for his Radio.

"Charlie one three zero, Oscar four!" though he was shouting, he could barely hear himself over the ringing in his ears.

Slowly his head cleared and he stood. What he saw in front of him was a crater in the same spot as the first explosion. Above it a new tower black of smoke rising into the air. When the ringing cleared from his ears he tried the radio again only to realized a piece of shrapnel was lodge in it, "Anderson, you alive?" he asked discarding the radio

"Yes Sergeant!" Anderson sat up still disoriented.

"Contact our plane that's still air borne," Cherenkov's command was interrupted by several gun shots two of which punched through Anderson chest and neck, "Chyort voz'mi!" he dropped on to his stomach as more shots rang out and bullets ricocheted off the concrete.

"Sergeant we're taking fire from the crowd!" one of his men called.

Cherenkov looked towards the crowed. Mixed in, he could see civilians carrying Solarian assault rifles moving with the mass of panicked people trying to flee the area. Using the civilians as cover, they fired on not only his section but also anyone in the general area.

"Crap, pull back! Shit," Cherenkov led his men in a fighting retreat. They took what few chances they had to return fire but were restricted due the all the civilians.

Across the airport, Kelvena's unit was having its own difficulties. They were doing their best to expedite the evacuation of the civilians while at the same time they were not yet aware of the Insurgents mixed into the crowd.

"Corporal!" Kelvena ordered.

"Ma'am!" A man wearing a large radio on his back responded.

"Any word from Sunray?"

"Negative, Ma'am." Kelvena unconsciously looked over at Emeralda as she helped guide the civilians inside the Elruian ship's cargo hold.

"All lambs shall again follow the shepherds!" A man shouted as he charged from the crowd raising a pistol. Kelvena in one fluid motion she grabbed the grip of her pistol pushed it down from its special holster and fired three rounds into the man's chest before he could fire a single round.

"Corporal! Inform all the security units, the Insurgents may be disguised as civilians."

"Yes ma'am!"

Kelvena clenched her teeth they had planned for the possibility of a bombing but this went well beyond a simple bombing there was a larger goal in mind here but what it was still eluded her, "Emeralda."

Emeralda rushed over to her, "Are you okay? You weren't shot?" she looked over Kelvena looking for any wounds.

"I'm fine."

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Our attackers are disguised as civilians I want you to stay close to me and watch the crowd," Kelvena instructed. There was a sudden burst of fully automatic fire and people in the crowd began falling to the ground, "Get down!" she shouted dropping down into the grass pulling Emeralda down with her. Kelvena's troops returned fire on a group that was attacking from behind a truck on the taxiway.

A familiar rumble filled the air above them. The green transport that had waved to Emeralda swooped in over their heads as it did two men standing at the open rear hatch tossed a crate of grenades out directly on top of the group behind the truck. With a prompt explosion, it was destroyed and the people behind it killed.

Kelvena got back on her feet and took the mike from the radio operator, "Tango one three zero, Echo one."

"Send Echo one," a friendly male voice replied.

"Charlie one three zero, Do you have more ordnance on board? Over."

"Echo one, 50's and grenades ready to go, over."

"Charlie one three zero, provide air cover as best you can, over."

"Roger that, be advised friendly's moving towards you on taxiway."

"Roger out." The transport banked hard right and disappeared behind the pillar of black smoke. Kelvena watched the smoke covered taxiway for the friendly's the pilot had mentioned. Not wanting to take chances, she had her men ready their weapons any way.

"Kelly if you shoot me I swear I'll haunt ya!" Cherenkov appeared from the smoke of the burning truck along with his Section. Emeralda noticed that several of the men were injured and rushed to help them. One of the injured was the Private from before. He had a large hole in his lower leg forcing him to make a limping jog. Quickly, she put one of his arms over her should and helped support his weight.

"Sasha, I'm glad you're all right," Kelvena told him.

"No time for pleasantries ma'am," his grin made her want to smile despite the seriousness of the situation, "What's the sit rep?"

"Every thing's turned into a huge mess. Enemies are scattered everywhere shooting at everything and the Nissan Army seems to be unreachable."

"That's it?" the uncertainty in his voice bothered her.

"What do you mean is that it?"

"This is a little too well thought out, just look at all the confusion it's causing."

Kelvena grabbed her fore head angrily, "I was so caught up in everything I didn't even think about it!" Letting herself calm down she went through possible scenarios in her head trying to ascertain what may be the real purpose of the attack. It did not take long, "Rico, Bart, Margie, and Queen Sphere they are all supposed to be on the Yggdrasil right now!"

"Guess I know where I'm headed next," Cherenkov told her.

"There's two AFV's in the cargo bay take them." Kelvena pointed to the large open hatch in the ship.

"Right! Anyone who can still stand let's go!" Cherenkov barked.

Emeralda put the Private down on the grass and quickly applied a dressing she got from his medical pouch, "Sasha I'm going too" she told him as she finished tending to the injury, "I won't lose anyone else not now!"

"Roger that, grab a full med kit and follow me!" Emerald quickly dashed off into the cargo hold.

"What are you doing Sasha? You can't take her with you!" Kelvena protested.

Cherenkov shrugged, "You want to try and stop her be my guest." He turned and ran after her.

The engines of the eight-wheeled armoured fighting vehicles rumbled to life. Kelvena had her troops clear the civilians out of the way of the door and the two AFV's charged out of the cargo bay at full speed. Turning sharply to the right the second one cornered so hard it actually drifted before taking off after the first.

Inside the lead vehicle, Cherenkov was giving Emeralda instructions, "I want you to act as our medic follow along behind us and look after any injuries we sustain."

"I want to fight!" she objected, "My friends are in danger and you want me to just patch wounds?"

"Don't argue with me just do it!" the harshness of Cherenkov's voice stung her as a result she made no further objection.

"Sergeant!" the driver called.


"Tanks! Good damn Solarian tanks!"

Cherenkov got into the gunners seat for the 30mm and looked through the viewfinder. There, directly in front were three Solarian battle tanks standing between them and the Yggdrasil

"Chto za huy," Cherenkov was fuming, "Pop smoke and swing left. Get me a shot at their broad side." Tubes on the side of the AFV fired canisters forward creating a thick white smoke to their front. The driver cranked the wheel hard left just as the tanks opened fire. Clearing the smoke both AFV's pummelled the closest tank with Armour piercing rounds forcing it to a grinding halt. Cherenkov swung the gun around to the next target, "Whatever ya do don't slow down! Their turrets are slow to swing we need to be faster than their guns."

"Roger!" The driver replied.

Cherenkov gave the second tank a short burst and in turn, it deployed smoke of its own. The second tank fired two rounds though the smoke that exploded just behind Cherenkov's AFV. The second AFV sped past and circled behind the second tank it fired five rounds into its rear section. The rounds penetrated into the tanks magazine then chain-reacted with the ammunition inside. The rear of the tank exploded and a pillar of intense fire spewed out of the rear of the tank before quickly burning it's self out.

"Where's the third one?" Cherenkov called unable to see the last tank.

"Fuck! It's on our six!" the second AFV reported.

Cherenkov turned the gun and saw the other AFV tare past his line of sight, zigzagging at a breakneck speed pursued by the Solarian tank. Cherenkov's driver slammed the gas down and pursued them. Firing two rounds, Cherenkov struck the side of the tank. However, it did not give up its pursuit instead; it started to zigzag as well.

"I'm going to crank it hard left when he turns nail him!" the in daggered AFV radioed.

As soon as the transmission ended, the AFV cranked hard to the left the tank turned to pursue. When its side was exposed, Cherenkov peppered it with the 30mm. Round after round pierced its armoured hull. One of the rounds struck the tracks partially blowing them off the tank. The track bunched up at the rear of the tank and it began slide to the left. Then as they dug into the ground, the tracks caused the tank to go into a slow role that ended with the tank upside down.

"Proceed to the Yggdrasil!" Cherenkov ordered.

The two AFV's sped towards the ship. Swinging around to its port side, they spotted a group of large trucks and a few Insurgents guarding the open hanger door in the side of the ship. Both AFVs fired on the trucks catching the Insurgents off guard. Cherenkov's AFV raced toward the open hanger door. As they approached, he fired the 30mm gun at the Insurgents feet causing the rounds to explode in front of them shredding their bodies. The second AFV circled wide around the now burning trucks to the opposite side of the hanger door checking for surviving enemies.

"We're going to drive right inside get ready!" Cherenkov's driver warned. He gunned the engine and the two AFV's flew up the ramp and into the hanger. Cherenkov's sped to the far end of the hanger then skittered to a full stop. The second stopped closer to the entrance.

"Rusalka," Cherenkov got down from the gunner seat and looked at her sternly, "Stick close, if there are any severe injuries bring them back to the AFV."

"Okay." her reply was displeased but obedient.

"You know the drill! Elruians up front!" the second driver called over the radio, "Go! Go! Go!"

Cherenkov was the first in line to exit the AFV along with the other Elruian's in his Section. As the rear hatch opened, Cherenkov's heart rate skyrocketed, his pupils dilated, all his senses heightened, and a near lethal amount of adrenalin began surging to ever point in his body. Every sense was heightened, his speed increased, and his body strengthened. As he and the others burst from the AFV's time seemed to crawl forward for everyone but him and the other Elruian's.

In an instant, they confirmed that the ground floor of the hanger was clear they turned their attention to the upper walkways that led towards the other areas of the ship. On the walkways were a number of Insurgents training their weapons towards the AFV's. Breaking into a sprint Cherenkov led the others towards the stairs firing at the walkway. As they made their way up the stairs, Cherenkov tossed a grenade to the top. Slowing their pace only slightly, they let the grenade explode before increasing their pace again.

At the top, it was a shooting gallery. The Insurgents had not even begun to swing their weapons towards them when Cherenkov's team opened fire. Showing no signs of stopping, they fired and moved constantly maintaining their motion and momentum. Rapidly moving along in this manner was proving difficult for Emeralda. She wanted to slow down and be more couscous, more certain it was safe to proceed but she trusted in Cherenkov and stayed close to him med kit in hand.

The team quickly approached the access way that led to the living quarters and the bridge. The man next to Cherenkov readied a flash bang and they stopped at the door. Cherenkov quickly opened it while the man with the flash bang tossed it into the hall. A moment later the flash bang went off. They rushed into the hall. Each of the then Elruians broke off and cleared the connected rooms. Cherenkov continued to advance through the hall Emeralda hot on his heels. He moved towards the Gun Room and despite the gunfire from the other rooms he was able to notice the sound of shots coming from inside. Fore going a fragmentation grenade or flash bang, he rushed into the room. Inside to his left six Insurgents were firing on the bar. From behind it, two shotguns and a pistol were being blind fired in return. Targeting the Insurgents Cherenkov fired a long burst of fully automatic fire, mowing the assailants down before they were even aware of his prescience.

He pointed to the bar, "Check on them I need to move on."

He did not even finish saying it before Emeralda had made her way down to the bar. He moved back into the hall and went to the bridge. Once there he found that his men had already secured it. The entire bridge crew was dead except for Franz who was being tended to by one if his men. Cherenkov took another look around. There was no sign of Bart, Rico, Margie or Queen Zephyr. His radio crackled and reports began to come in. Each report indicated that every area of the ship was now secure.

"Sergeant!" another call from his radio, "We have a problem in the hanger something's," the transmission was abruptly cut off. Quickly he keyed his mike.

"Everyone get back to the hanger now!" Cherenkov led the Elruians in a mad dash back to the hanger.

Reaching the walkway, two stayed the rest for going the stairs, leaped from walkway down to the deck. The hanger was filled with a thick white smoke. They could see little more than a few feet in front of them. A loud thump echoed in the hanger. All their senses were focused on detecting the threat within the smoke. Cherenkov sniffed the air he could smell something that reminded him of a rabbit, there was another thump.

"Chu-," a voice echoed.

"Scatter!" Cherenkov ordered, just as he had said it, as if it was homing in on his voice, a large furry pink foot appeared from the smoke striking him in the torso. Cherenkov slid and tumbled along the hanger floor until a wall finally stopped him cold, "Chto za huy!" despite being kicked across the hanger he appeared unscathed, though angry. The men on the walk way spotted a towering silhouette in the smoke and opened fired on it. A massive pink paw reached out from the smoke and smashed the walkway knocking them off balance.

"Chu-Chu! Stop!" Emeralda shouted emerging from the hall with Maria using her as a crutch, due to a large bloody and bandaged wound on her lower torso.

"Emmy Chu?" the smoke cleared from the hanger revealing a gear sized fuzzy pink figure.

"They came to rescue everyone," she told the creature.

"Oh, I'm sorry chu." Chu-chu said apologetically as she began to shrink, returning to her original size. Emeralda made her way down to the hanger floor. Following behind her was Queen Zephyr and Maison. At the bottom of the stairs, she found Cherenkov leaning against the wall upside down.

"Are you still alive?" She asked with genuine concern.

"I'm fine," righting himself he got to his feet and straightened out his uniform, "Haven't bin kicked around like that in a while." Emeralda had the impression his pride was more bruised then his body.

"You!" Maria called, "Your that man from Lahan why are you here?"

"I'm here to help Emeralda save your asses." he turned to Queen Zephyr, "Long time no see Zephyr."

"I see you are still well Sergeant and as brazen as ever."

"Hey you, address the queen properly!" Maria demanded seemingly unaffected by her injuries. Cherenkov looked Maria over. She was wearing a military uniform, a green digital pattern that was used only by JTF.

Cherenkov was obviously surprised, "What's a kid doing playing soldier?" he asked her.

"I am not a kid! I'm a Lieutenant in JTF!"

Ignoring her, he asked Emeralda something that was more important than arguing with Maria, "Where's Bart and the rest?"

"They are on the bridge with Sig."

"Can they start the engines and get the ship out of here?"

Emeralda shook her head.

"I brought the Queen and Maria here so we could escape in an AFV." Cherenkov took Maria from Emeralda and cradled her in his arms.

"Hey what are you doing? Put me down you bastard!" she seemed to be offended and embarrassed at the same time.

"Shut it kid! That was a good call Rusalka. What about Margie and Rico are they here to?"

"No they were held up so they weren't here," Emerald held out a hand to Queen Zephyr helping her inside the vehicle after which Cherenkov laid Maria down on one of the benches.

"Right our priority is to e-vac the ship. Go to the bridge and get everyone down here. It'll be tight but we should be able to get everyone in the AFV's. Oh and LT stay put you don't want to bleed to death in front of Zephyr do ya?" His strangely respectful tone bothered her to the point where she could not answer him.

"If we must evacuate," Maison began, "Then I will retrieve the young master from the bridge."

"Ya going to be OK on yer own sir?" Cherenkov asked.

"I'll be fine I maybe old but I am former army."

Cherenkov grinned approvingly, "Roger that, I'll leave it to you then,"

Maison nodded and jogged off.

"Sergeant! We got a new problem outside!" One of the men on the hanger floor called.

"What now!" Cherenkov looked out the hanger door. Outside a column of trucks and lightly armoured vehicles was approaching. Cherenkov keyed his mike, "Echo one, Oscar four, contacts approaching Yggdrasil from the west requesting assistance."

On board the Elruian air ship, Ramsus was standing on the deck along with Kelvena issuing orders to his troops when Cherenkov's transmission came through.

"Oscar four, Echo 1 stand by over," Kelvena replied. Ramsus used his binoculars to check the location described in the transmission. He could see the small shapes of the vehicles in the distance, "Sir we have the personnel to assist them. We can have them there in a few minutes," Ramsus folded his arms and stayed silent, "Sir?"

"Originally I was disappointed with being demoted to captain though I can understand the need for experienced personnel in such a post. However as of late of I learned that there are many small things one can enjoy as a captain that could not normally be enjoyed."

"Sir I'm not sure I understand?"

A small smile crept across his face, "I believe asking Sunray permission to fire is a rather moot point now."

Kelvena closed her eyes for a moment and snickered, "Gunnery, Command target enemy approaching Yggdrasil from the west. Fire for effect." Down the far end of the deck, the three massive naval turrets swung into position.

"Be sure to cover your ears." Ramsus warned sarcasticly. The two of them placed their fingers in their ears and the massive guns roared to life. They watched as the shells struck the cluster of enemies moving towards the Yggdrasil. Using a mix of air burst and HE rounds they completely wiped out the approaching threat, "I really do enjoy that," he said with an uncharacteristic grin.

"Men and their toy's." she sighed.

"Indeed," he said agreeing, "Continue observing and have our troops focus on the evacuation let the Nissan army gain some real combat experience."

"Yes sir." Kelvena looked off towards the Yggdrasil. Though there was no way she could see him she knew right now Cherenkov was probably cheering the explosions with a hearty, hell yeah!