Yumi woke up to her pager going off, she rolled over to where her fiance should've been but all she got was a cold to the touch pillow. She grab and looked at her pager. It wasn't and emergency so she had time, before she had to go. She left the bedroom in search for her fiance hoping she hadn't left for work yet. As she got closer to the kitchen the smell of coffee hit her nose. It usually was a smell she loved but this morning it was making her stomach turn she closed her eyes for a second an walked in to the kitchen. She found Sachiko putting coffee in two travel mugs so they could take the coffee with them. Yumi had woken up feeling like she hadn't slept at all. She really need the coffee if she was going to make it through this day. But, she wasn't sure she could stomach it this morning if just the smell was making her stomach turn. The life of a surgeon meant very little sleep sometimes, you depended on caffeine to keep you on your feet. They missed each other a lot when they went to work specially with Yumi's schedule in the hospital. This morning was the first in a couple of weeks the they were home and at the same time.

"Hey babe". Sachiko looked up at her as she come in to her view."You don't look so good, are you ok?" she said concerned.

Yumi shook her head. "I'm fine. I don't get sick, you know that."

"Oh yeah." Sachiko smiled " I forgot."

They got ready to leave for work. Sachiko watched Yumi walk slowly to the car.

The hospital had its usual chaotic atmosphere there always seemed to be something going on from minor to emergency cases. Some people there from their own stupidity, some their form their own misfortune. They parted ways with a kiss and said they would meet up at lunch hopefully. After a morning of what felt like she was picking up everyone slack Yumi was losing her patience, she had began to snap at everyone. Her head was now pounding and the two Advil she took did nothing to help her. When she got a break for lunch she slowly made it to a table that some of the other residents were sitting.

Yumi chan." Yoshino said "You look terrible."

Yumi laughed lightly. "Why thanks Yoshino chan you really know how to make a girl feel special."

"Sorry Yumi, but really are you alright? " Yoshino asked. she didn't show it often or to many people but she did care for Yumi, she was her classmate and become her friend.

"I'm fine." Yumi groaned. " Just a little tired, that's all."

Yumi sees her fiance enter the cafeteria and she smiles, Sachiko always made her day better no matter how bad it was.

"Hey guys". Sachiko said as sits at the table by Yumi give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey you." she smiles at Yumi. "I was hoping to steal you and treat you lunch outside this hospital".

Yumi gives her a small smile back. Sachiko can tell that she is feeling worst then she was this morning.

"I change my mind, I think you should really go home, Baby or at least and on call room and get some rest while you can. "

" I can't." Yumi stated

" Yes you can, just have the other residents do the simple one cases and reschedule the one you want to do yourself. I'm sure director will understand."

" Seriously, go home now babe. I'll bring home dinner tonight if I don't get suck in the meeting .I'm off at six."

" Sachiko, really I'm okay." but her argument was weak , her dull eyes betrayed her words.

"No you're not! go home and I just need to take care of things in my office and then you at home."

Yumi held her hands up on defeat and said "


To tried to argue with her fiance anymore. Yumi headed to the locker room to put on her street clothes. It took long the usual because if she was being honest with herself she really felt awful and just want to curl up in a ball and sleep, preferably with her wife there with her.

A few hours later Sachiko found her fiance in their bed with a pile of blankets on top of her. Sachiko made her way over to her fiance and put her hand to Yumi's forehead her hand burning as it touched her fiance head. She had a fever. Yumi stirred at Sachiko's cool hand touched her hot forehead. Her eyelids blinking to clear her blurred vision. She was remotely aware Sachiko presents. Sachiko sat on the bed silently for a few moments, just putting her fingers through Yumi's wet sweaty hair brought by the fever. Sachiko got up and went to her side of the bed and wrapped her arms around the her fiance. Yumi turned around in Sachiko's arms and buried her face in the crook of Sachiko's neck putting her arms around Sachiko waist. Sachiko just held her fiance tighter. An hour later Yumi woke up and run to the bathroom and threw up what she had eaten earlier that day after she was done she was too exhausted to get up and go back to bed so she laid down on the cold bathroom floor. Sachiko come in minutes later to check on her on her, she quickly makes her way to her when she see her curled up on the floor.

"Yumi. "she said, kneeling down next to her. "Are you ok, baby?" Yumi just shook her head no.

Oh my poor Yumi." Sachiko said then she got up and put a towel under Yumi's head and kissed her on the head and told her she would be right back.

"Baby, I'm going to pick you up and put you in bed ok" Sachiko told the semi awake Yumi.

Yumi just gave her a weak nod yes.

"Come here" Sachiko said scooping her up into her arms. She carried her to the bed, noticing how incredibly warm she was. Then Sachiko goes in to the bathroom to get the thermometer comes back and tells Yumi to open up and puts it in her mouth, then waits for the beep.

"102.8" she sighed, "Your really burning up Baby."

Yumi just nodded again curling into a ball with her hand on her stomach.

"Do you want anything Yumi" Sachiko asked.

Just you and sleep" Yumi answer quietly.

Sachiko got back in bed and wrapped her arms back around Yumi and kissed her fevered forehead. Sachiko woke with Yumi holding her hair and helping her get back to bed every time, now she woke at six and heard Yumi in the bathroom huddled over the toilet, throwing up. she went and rubbed her back gently. When Yumi finished Sachiko again helped her back to bed. Yumi curled back under the covers. Sachiko kissed her on her head that was still extremely hot.

"You're going to get sick too if you keep kissing me."

" I'll be fine." Sachiko answered, getting up to take a shower. "Yumi if you need anything, I'll be in the shower."

Yumi nodded, closing her eyes. Sachiko hated to see Yumi like this it made her sad she couldn't do anything to help her. She closed the bathroom door quietly and headed into the shower. After she showered and got her clothes on she checked on Yumi and saw that she had fallen asleep again, so she when out to the kitchen and made herself something to eat. Then she sat on the couch and put the TV to the first show she could find that interest her. An hour pasted and she thought she would check up on Yumi. She entered the room quietly, she notice that Yumi wasn't in the bed anymore and went into the bathroom. She saw her fiance curled up on the floor again.

"Honey," she said sitting down by her head "You should go back to bed."

"Can't" she said, "I woke up from my nap and I've thrown up every fifteen minutes it was just too much work to keep coming back in here, so I just decided to stay."

"I'm sorry baby" she said stroking her hair gently "You should have called me." Sachiko said. Yumi just shook her head.

"I'm going to get you some water and medicine to get the fever down and keep you hydrated hopefully it will help you feel a little better." She told Yumi.

"Hopefully." Yumi said.

After about twenty minutes of going vomit free Yumi made it to the bed leaning on Sachiko the whole way. She was very weak from all the vomiting that took most of the energy that she had which wasn't much to start with. A half an hour later Sachiko was helping her fiance again. Yuni had nothing left in her stomach so she was dry heaving, bring up a little stomach acid before collapsing against Sachiko. Sachiko felt so bad for Yumi and wished so bad she could do something for her.

" I feel like I'm dying Sachiko, I have never felt this sick in my life."she said looking tiredly at her fiance.

" I know baby," she said gliding her fingers through her soon to be fiance's hair softly. She was still warm and covered in sweat.

" You need to get out of these clothes baby, there soaked." Sachiko tells her getting up, "I'll go get you some new pajamas".

Yumi nods as she starts dry heaving again. Sachiko brings Yumi her favorite shirt and help her change into it, then helps her back to the bed. Sachiko kisses Yumi on the forehead again. Yumi sighed trying to ignore the pain in her head and stomach. Sachiko wish she could take away her pain. Sachiko decide to make her some chicken noddle soup, her mother use to make it for her every time she was sick and it had only thing that made her feel better.

Yumi hadn't really eaten in two days, she just could keep anything down, so that's why she though of this soup it was the only thing she could keep down when she was sick hopefully it would work for Yumi too. Sachiko makes the soup, then goes in to the bedroom and wakes Yumi up sweetly with a kiss as she puts the soup down.

Wow, you cooked for me." Yumi said with sleepy smile.

" Yep, chicken noodle soup its about the only thing I'm really good at, eat it while warm. She sat up slowly, her hand a little shaky so it was making it hard to eat the soup without spilling it and getting it everywhere, she got frustrated and put the spoon down. she ate the crackers that Sachiko had brought also. Then she reached for the glass of ginger ale Sachiko got her knowing it would help settle her stomach.

They were both happy that Yumi had kept the crackers that she ate down. It wasn't much but it was something at least. she was slowly getting better.

That night Sachiko got woken up by Yumi tossing and turning in a fever induced nightmare. Her future wife couldn't get rid of the fever. Sachiko got up to get a wet wash cloth to put on her forehead to help the fever go down. she walked into the bathroom and found a small wash cloth, she turned on the faucet to cold and ran the cloth under the running water. She folded it up and walked back into the bedroom kneeling next to Yumi and placed the cloth carefully on top of her head. Yumi jumped at the contact of something wet and cold on her burning skin. she opened her eyes and looked a Sachiko.

"Sorry baby, you where having a nightmare from the fever, I felt your forehead and you were still burning up so I got a wet cloth to put on your forehead to try to cool your fever down." Sachiko explained smiling at her.

"Its OK," Yumi says giving Sachiko a tired smile. "What time is it?" Yumi whispers.

Sachiko look at the clock on her bedside table."


"Ugh! To early. " Yumi complained

Sachiko laughed " I'm going get some medicine to bring down your fever. I'll be right back."she got up and walked into the bathroom, she looked in the cabinet and found what she was looking for after a minute of searching the blonde gave her the medicine and a glass of water.

Then Sachiko asked " You want something to eat, baby?"

" Sandwich." Yumi smiled at her future wife. Yumi was feeling better now that the vomiting had stopped she still wasn't 100 percent but she was happy that she could eat again.

Sachiko went into the kitchen and got out plate and make Yumi a sandwich,she also got a bagel and cream cheese for herself to eat.

Here you go, baby." she handed her the bowl with a spoon.

" Thank you." Yumi smiled.

" You're welcome."

After they ate Sachiko asked Yumi if she wanted to move to the living room to watch TV. They move to the living Sachiko picked up the remote and turn the TV on. They sat in silence as they watched some random show they had never seen. Sachiko got up and turned the TV off since Yumi had fallen back asleep and she decide to get started on the soup for lunch. she looked at Yumi while she was sleeping she had a fever still but it was a low-grade fever now. She looked so peaceful and relaxed, she was beautiful. There were many words to describe Yumi Fukuzawa, but that one word stood out to Sachiko. The brunette looked away and made her way to the kitchen. She got all the needed materials to make the soup. While making it she put some music on low while she cooked. A little late Yumi came in the kitchen and sat at the counter.

" That smells delicious! Yumi complemented "I get to eat and enjoy it this time." Yumi added.

"Thanks, it's almost done." Sachiko told her.

They sat silently for a few minutes as the music softly played in the room Yumi loved the song that was on. Even sick, Sachiko loved her future wife's voice.

"It's ready,do you want crackers to?" Sachiko asked.

"Yes, please." She said softly her throat was still a little sore.

Sachiko got two bowls and filled them placing them at the table a long with the crackers and two spoons. Yumi picked up a spoon and spooned some up andput it in her mouth and swallowed.

"Oh my god, Sachiko! I haven't tasted anything this good in a really long time. "

Sachiko blushed and laughed. " Really Yumi you cook all the time, and your way better then me."

" I might be good, but I have never made a soup this good. Where did you learn to make." Yumi explained

"My mother, she would make it for me when I got sick it was the only thing I could eat an keep down." Sachiko said with a smile at the memory of her mother make her this soup and then teaching her how to make it herself.

A couple of days passed and Yumi was pretty much back to herself. She stayed home through the rest of the week and weekend. She was going to go back to work on Monday. Sachiko stayed with her because afterall she own the company . Yumi was glad for that. She loved having time with her fiance even if she was sick and miserable she loved that Sachiko was taking time to take care of her. She did miss work though and was glad she was going back soon. That weekend they were sitting on the couch watching some movie Sachiko picked out, when Yumi broke the silence.


"Yeah" she asked, now looking a Yumi.

"I love you." Yumi said. Yumi looked at Sachiko she looked so angelic with her black locks falling perfectly around her face and those ocean blue eyes, she gets lost in them all the time. They were showing so much love towards Yumi.

Sachiko didn't say anything she just pulled Yumi close and kissed her softly on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was gentle and passionate all the same. Yumi had never experienced what she felt for Sachiko before.

Passion,caring,security,happiness, but most of all unconditional love. They pulled part and Yumi heard the words the she loved hearing from Sachiko's mouth.

" I love you too My Yumi, so much." She said softly and kissed her once more. Sachiko was happier with Yumi then she ever was with anyone. She found the woman she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

"Having you take care of me has been the best thing ever, I've never had anyone take care of me like you did this week. Yumi said and kissed her future wife.

" I love taking care of you, that is all I ever want to do remember in sickness and in health."

They kissed again and then watched the rest of the movie cuddled together on the couch with smiles on their faces.