Disclaimer: Power Rangers Belongs to Disney/saban. The dimension rangers are all mine, and so are a majority of the villans. This will feature some crossovers with the power ranger series but those will happen at a later date, when I get the courage to do it.

This is set in the year 2004, but will not cross over with DT too much, if at all . . . but we'll see how this turns out.

The Beginning pt. 1

"I'm late!" A girl in blue jeans and plain purple T-shirt hurriedly pulled her hair back with a scrunchi. "Ah!" She ran into a man about 5'10" and wearing a red sleeveless shit and red workout pants. "Sorry, didn't see you, ."

"It's alright, what's the hurry?"

"I lost track of time and I'm late." She gave him a look as he chuckled.

"Well, you'd better get going, Tamar."

"It's Tam. For the love of-" But she was already racing down the street. He laughed as she narrowly dodged a biker.

"To have that energy again . . ." He headed in the opposite direction.

"Tam's late, again." The young man in a red shirt glanced at the sky. "Amber, can't you get her to be on time for once?" The girl next to him rolled her eyes as she rested her head against a boy in blue.

"She may be my sister, Rick, but she marches to the beat of a different drummer. A very off beat one."

"I'm missing a piano and voice lesson with Mr. Gene for this, she better show." A young man with long hair and a green shirt leaned against the wall.

"She will, this was her idea after all." A short girl in a pink and black sweater set, her companion, a tall hulking boy in a grey with a yellow smiley face shirt glanced up from the manga he was reading, and nodded.

"Right Mina, . . . I hate carnivals-!" the green shirt cut off as the ground started shaking. "Crap, earthquake!"

"No duh, Jon!" As the group of teens lurched against one another, a swirling vortex opened up, and several machine looking things dropped out of it.

"Attack and Destroy!"

"I vote run!" Jon stared at the group in shock. Mina very narrowly dodged a sword swing, grabbing the creature's wrist, she managed to make it drop the sword, which she grabbed.

"I second that motion, Whoa!" The tallest of the group jumped back from a slash that would disembowl him, and used a nearby trashcan to bowl over his attackers. "Wow, nice moves Rick!" Rick punched out one of the machine like things, round kicking another.

"My dad was obsessed with me at least taking a few Karate classes." Rick jerked as Amber gave a shout and threw a robot. "Wha-"

"Judo. Was supposed to be just self defense, but I decided I like being able to throw a guy around." She grinned at his look, already knowing the next question. "Tam decided street fighting was more her thing, I can't remember what she called the style, it sound Irish. She's learned a little of karate and kickboxing to go with it."

"Wow, here I thought my learning fencing was going to make me seem weird."

"Fencing? Please, you should learn Kendo." Mina rolled her eyes. "Anyone else learn a fighting style?" She cut down one of the things.

"Does wrestling and Boxing count?"

"Nope, I got stuck with learning dancing and ettiquite." Jon then turned to his tall friend. "Cory, you seriously did wrestling?"

"Yeah. I'm on the wrestling team." Cory nodded, then boxed out two of the machines. "Tam seriously did kick boxing?"

"Only a few lessons, she's able to do some basic moves. Jon, you seriously haven't done any fighting styles?"

" . . . Does Free running count?"

"Didn't they do that in the opening of Casino Royale?"

"Yeah, Jack, and no Jon, it doesn't count."

"Okay, how about anyone else do weapon training?"

"Archery." Amber wound up being flung into Jack. "Jon and I are both on the team."

"Guns." Rick ducked a punch, then got knocked off balance thanks to Cory triping.

"None for me, I like up close and personal." Mina and Jack took out two more of the creatures.

"Let's run for it before they regroup!" The teens took off, Mina throwing the sword she had taken into the chest of one of those things. As they ran it became apparent that the creatures were attacking everyone around town. A second eathquake shook the town, and the group of teens wound up falling through another vortex. This one rainbow colored.

"Stay down!" Tam kicked a creature, frustrated. It was bad enough she was late, but her sister would chew her out for getting into a fight. Glancing around from the hood of a car she had jumped on, she realized she was surrounded, and she wasn't the only one getting attacked. "Ah . . ." She gasped as she got flung onto another car. When the second earthquake hit, the creatures grabbed onto her, and she found herself falling into a dark hole. "Omph!" She landed hard, having the air knocked out of her.

"Whoa!" The group landed in a pile.

"Everyone in one piece?"

"I think I lost my spleen when we landed . . . help me find it?" Cory groaned.

"Where are we?"

"I think the better question is who are you?" Everyone turned to look at a short robot. "My home. I get to ask questions."

"We're just a bunch of teens that got attacked by these freaky things, and were trying to make a getaway before they regrouped." Jon answered. "Or did you want names as well?"

"Names would help."

"I'm Jon, This Rick, Mina, Amber, Cory and Jack. What's yours?"

"Alpha 5. Call me Alpha. How'd you open the trans-dimensional portal?"


"Yes, the thing you just came through."

" . . . Haven't a clue."

"Alpha, we've got trouble! Oh." A man with dark black hair pulled in a low pony tail in the back entered the room, followed by a muscular man in red. "Uh . . ."

"They opened the portal."

"We don't even know what you're talking about- Mr. Gene?" Amber blinked at the dark haired man. "Mr. Scott?" Her attention turned to the man in red.

" . . . Maybe we can help you." Mr. Scott stepped forward. "First off, let me congratulate you. You're the next team of Power Rangers."


"Where am I?" Tam got to her feet, not liking the darkness that surrounded her, but not afraid.

"Welcome . . . my champion." She blinked as she stared at a shadow in the shape of a man. "I've been waiting eons for your arrival . . . my great warrior."

"Who are you? What is this place?"

"Are you kiding? Doesn't that involve having a superability or something?"

"No, it doesn't." Mr. Scott smiled. "Unless being able to open doors to other dimensions counts as a superability. But I'll get to that later. The world is in danger. A force that has remained unnamed for centuries is trying to make it's attack on our dimension. We've been calling it the Yin, but it has many different names. Thousands of years ago, a being named Zordon of Eltar, along with several friends and allies, combined their strength to seal it in another dimension, keeping the universe safe from its destructive influences. When Zordon perished, his death weakened the power holding the Yin out of our world."

"I am called Sigma. Once I was a powerful sorceror, a warrior that kept the balance . . . but I was wrongfully imprisoned, forced into this darkness where i wasted away . . ." Tam kept her face stoic as tendrils of shadow touched her face, freezing cold from where the tendrils touched. She jerked back. "Please, don't leave me, my warrior. You're my only hope."

"Only hope? I'm a teenager. I can't help you, even if I believed you were wrongfully imprisoned, which I don't." She backed away from the shadow, running into a wall. "So tell me the truth." A sixth sense was ringing alarm bells all over the place, telling her not to trust the shadow.

"The truth? But I have told you . . . Eons of being locked away have drained me, taking away my form and my lifeforce . . ." The tendrils wrapped around her, gentler this time. And despite the bells, she found herself relaxing a hair.

"How do you know all this?" Rick warily studied the two men and robot.

"An old teacher of mine studied very archaic information, often roping me into listening to his findings." Mr. Gene sighed. "When I opened my music store, I didn't realize I would be living in a place where many of the stories would one day come to life."

"As for me, I was the red ranger of Zordon's first team of Rangers." Mr. Scott watched their faces. Then to prove his point, he morphed. "Tyrannosaurus!"

"Wow . . ." Mina and Cory's eyes bugged out. Mr. Scott powered down. "That's incredible."

"You'll be able to do it as well." Mr. Gene grabbed a case, opening it. Revealing eight slots, six of them with what looked to be multi-colored leather wristbands.

"Please . . .help me. I will give you the power." Tam glanced at where the shadow's eyes should be.

"Even if I do help you, what's in it for me, other than my life?"

"A wise warrior . . . I will give you several gifts . . . look at the table." Tam looked and saw two wristbands, one black, the other a violet color. "The ability to become a powerful warrior . . . and another unique ability . . ."

"Rick. a warrior in every sense of the word, You are the dragon." Mr. Scott handed him the red wristband, which he put on his wrist. It glowed red as it settled on his wrist. "Jack, swift and cunning, you are the wise griffin." The blue wrist band went to him. "Jon, easygoing and agile, you are the leviathan." Green. "Amber, pure of heart and mind, you are the unicorn." White. "Mina, curious and fierce, you are the wolf." Pink. "Corey, laidback unless roused, you are the bear." As the yellow flashed on his wrist, he noticed Mr. Scott giving him an amused look. It vanished swiftly, as he turned to face all of them once more. "All of you are strong in your own right, but together you are unstopable. You have the power to enter into other dimensions, where Yin and his army will also enter to steal energy so he can conquer our own."

"What other unique ability?" Tam stayed still as the shadow touched her face.

"The ability to see." There was a slight hiss to that word. "To see the morphing grid's affects on others . . . to see what part of the grid they belong too. And to see where the energy of the grid flows . . ." By now the initial cold she had felt when the tendrils had touched her were gone. "To find your partner, the other warrior . . . you will need this gift. As well to better to serve me." Tam blinked, stepping back from him. Some of her early wariness returning. "It's your choice, my champion . . . for once this gift is given, it can never be taken back. Not even by me."

"You seriously think a bunch of teenagers are capable of saving the world?" Jon tried to give a reality check, but he had a feeling he was too late for that.

"Save the world or not, there's a bunch of those things we fought earlier still out there. Who knows what they'll do to the city." Rick reminded him. "If we're the only ones who can stop it, we should."

"So are you in?"

"Well my Champion?"

"I'll do it." Tam responded. Then gasped as light flashed in her eyes. The light in the room changed to have a purple glow, which seemed to be coming from herself and the purple wristband. It tightened on her wrist. She studied everything, including the fact that her newfound 'employer' seemed to have no light inside. "What are your orders?"

"I'm in." Rick nodded.

"I'm up for it." Cory glanced at Jack, and nodded in agreement.

"Same as him."

"The girls are in." Mina and Amber nodded.

" . . . I still think we should get our heads checked, but I'm in."

"Good. To morph, call out 'Dimension Ranger', and then say your color." He gave a small smile. "May the Power protect you."

"Nothing just yet . . . pretend nothing has happened, but search for the one that will help you." Then she found herself back where she had been.

"If that's the case . . . I'm going to continue practicing." She raced over to a group of machines that were attacking a group of kids, and started fighting.

"Ready guys? Let's morph! Dimension Ranger Red!" Rick changed to Red spandex, wth a helmet that had a simple visor. There was a belt with two holsters, and the wristband had changed to a dark red forearm guard on his right arm. On his chest was the dark red outline of a coiled Chinese dragon with a flame.

"Dimension Ranger Blue!" The navy outline on his chest had a griffin, with wings outstretched.

"Dimension Ranger Green!" The dark green outline on his chest resembled a crocodile, but was clearly more deadly.

"Dimension Ranger Yellow!" The dark shade of yellow was almost brown, but it was clearly a bear.

"Dimension Ranger White!" the off white outline almost looked like silver.

"Dimension Ranger Pink!" It was a darker shade of pink, but it definetly wasn't red, the wolf was clearly howling at the sky.

"Teleporting you to the battle, now."

"Kyah!" As the team landed, they spread out, fighting and defeating the creatures. "What are these things?"

"They're called Darklings, rangers. You should be able to defeat them by hitting their center eye."

"You mean the one with plastic protecting it?"

"Right. If you need weapons, look inside yourselves and call on the power." Mina focused, and discovered a pink sword in her hand.

"Wow, perfect weight and balance!"

"Hunh . . ." Amber grunted, as she threw one to the ground then closed her eyes, calling forth and bow and arrows. "Amazing!"

"Wow, I got claws!" Cory called out, revealing claws similar to wolverine, except four of them instead of three, they actually resembled brass knuckles if you looked at them a certain way. He did some serious damage as he boxed out the Darklings.

"I like these." Rick alternated kicking the things and using dual blasters on them.

"Cool, a crossbow! I always wanted to try one of these!" Jon then tilted his head as he hit the thing dead center.

"Take a look at this fencing saber . . . it's perfect!"

"Like kids at Christmas." Gene shook his head. "Are you sure these are the ones, Jason?"

"C'mon, Skull, we both know they wouldn't all have made it here if they weren't." Jason looked at his friend. "Though watching this brings back memories."

"Yeah . . . Angel Grove during our High School years was wonderful . . . though I can't believe what a jerk I was. And I thought you weren't ever going to use that name?"

"Sorry Gene. Momentary time lapse." Jason gave a wry smile. "You know, back then, If you had said that ten years down the road, you and I'd be friends, and we'd both mentor and ranger team . . . I'd have thought you'd finally lost all your marbles."

"I would have laughed out loud at whoever said that, then turn around and do something just to prove it wrong." Gene nodded. "We'll finish debriefing them after the battle right?"


Well, how's that for a beginning? I always wondered why Jason didn't get to mentor a team of rangers . . . so this started from that idea. As for the idea of Skull helping . . . I'll admit that came out of left field, but it felt right. And I had to bring back Alpha 5, who will be more Alpha like in the next chapter.

I guess I'll just see where this idea takes me. Read and review, suggestions will be considered, flames will be ignored. Besides, everyone has written their own team at some point. Next Chapter will have a character guide if anyone needs it, or it will be in chapter 3.