A/N : I don't know who to pair, so please vote ^^ You have 3 Options: 1- Johan X Judai 2- Johan X OC 3- Judai X OC


CyberDuelX16: Suck it! I am your creator I MADE YOU MWHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA, I have fictional Control over your soul ^^

Judai: CyberDuelX16 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX


Chapter 2

3 Days Later…

The 2 slayers were walking down a dark…silent alley

We're here

YAY! Johan Exclaimed

The boy just sighed

Suddenly, 2 Vampires jumped out of a tree and began attacking the slayers

ARGH! Sword Clashed with Claw making the whole forest echo

Who are you! One vampire demanded

Heh...heh...Heh… My name is: Victor Zhuang, Elite Vampire Slayer, nice to make your acquaintance

Anderson head into the cave, I got these 2

Ok, take care! With that Johan rushed into the vampire lair

Now then…Lets get started shall we? Now…before I kill you I want to know your names so I can cross you off my list, the boy smirked

Names Chazz Princeton and I'll kill you!

Ooooh aren't we the hot-headed one? And you?

Yuki Judai

I see…well this should be interesting…Victor started pulling out his sword…Dash! Shunpo!

A/N: For those who don't Know "Shunpo" is the Japanese Word for "Flash Step" meaning Victor is very fast: D and Dash is the word he needs to call out his swords power (Yes I copied that from bleach) PLEASE VOTE FOR PAIRINGS ^^