Well, welcome to my story! I thought I should post it now as opposed to after I get everything finished, due to writers block. Don't own the Misfits, or Xmen characters, or G.I. Joe either. Now:

Let's get it Started

The potential for mutants as weapons is great. One with the right powers can destroy an army. However, you must make a team that will cover all bases, or you risk that one turning on you. I have made a team of twelve, working on four of them myself. DNA is a tinker toy for me to play with, and already one proves to be more powerful than I could imagine. My rival is only taking a set of five and not all are mutants. What does he know?

I have just received word that two of my mutants have escaped, the fools! What do you have to do to get good help around here? I'm not worried though, they'll come back to me, afterall, I am their master, and like all good pets, they'll come back when their master calls . . . Transmission ended.

The man ignored the cold as he stood staring at what had once been the front for the Hellfire club. He found it annoying that no sooner had he tracked down one of the mutants he needed some help from, that circumstances tore that mutant away. He absently pulled the black hat down further over his hazel eyes, sandy blonde hair reaching just above his shoulders. The gold mustache twitched as he smiled, picking up a piece of a red crystal. Well, at least he had a confirmation that the mutant he wanted was no longer in New York, or anywhere else in the state. He turned and began to walk away, pulling the black trenchcoat closer to him in an effort to ward off the cold. His search would continue, but not before he checked out the mutant group of the X men. And returned a favor to the lovely Ms. Frost, really, people shouldn't mess with powers that were greater than them. He smiled as a raven landed on his shoulder.

"Hello there. Coming for the adventure?" The bird nodded, an uncharacteristic move by any real bird. "You're always welcome Trickster." Man and bird rounded the corner, and the young woman who had seen them blinked, wondering why she was staring at an alley, there had been nothing there anyway.

"Alright everyone, settle down- Scarlet Witch, please stop hexing Quicksilver." Hawk sighed. Since the addition of the misfits, the ridiculous once a month general meetings were a bit more chaotic. "Alright, first up, whoever stole Sgt. Snuffles, please just give him back to Beach Head, he's having a nervous breakdown in my closet and I really want him out of there!

"Next, we have a new addition to G.I. Joe- Mutt's adopted daughter Terri." Mutt held Terri, A little two or three yearold with black dog ears, and whippy black tail, who had a red cast on her leg and was happily chewing on Leatherneck's hat. Junkyard lay next to Mutt's chair, obediently staying next to his master. Mutt glared at Quick Kick who was laughing.

"Whoever locked Airtight in his lab yesterday, please return the key, we need it to make a new lock since Airtight used acid to get out." Hawk stared at the clipboard, was it just him, or were things multiplying every month? "This next set of announcements goes to the misfits- You're going to have to cut down a bit on your destruction, especially when you visit the X-men! The lawyers are starting to come to us, which is a surprise since I thought they would of figured out the earthquakes and water damage went to us long before this! Also Shipwreck, back off of Storm for a bit, she's threatening to get a restraining order. I'm surprised she hasn't already gotten one, but then again, Xavier's lawyers are pretty busy. Also, Quicksilver, stop sneaking requisition orders for whip cream, I do not think you need 2,000 tons of it.

"Next up- A certain female lingerie item has been found in the pool. I don't know who it belongs to or why, nor do I want to know! Just claim it from laundry." Hawk ignored some of the women snickering, he turned his attention back to his clipboard. "Tonight is movie night- however, it's going to be whatever movies you made since a certain ninja used the dvds as throwing stars."

"He had it coming!" Jinx called out.

"I just asked if you wanted to watch a movie." Falcon nursed a cut cheek.

"Lastly- And this ties into everything else on this base: We're due for a sexual harassment seminar. It's regulations, and we've gotten out of it for the past decade only because the orders have been misfiled. Which means we're going to act normal for about three hours." Hawk sighed. "We make it that long, I'll be surprised.

"Alright, last thing and it goes back to the Misfits! Low Light stay away from the generators if you're in energy form, we're out of electricity in the gym. Also, Trinity, please, stop experimenting in places where the backfire will cause a lot of damage, we can build a new shed or hanger if you need it, but the costs of fixing the damage is getting a little too high."

"Not our fault! We told Quicksilver not to push the red button!"

"Yeah, it even had 'Do not push' written on it!"

"Yowch!" Scarlet Witch hexed her brother into another wall, while Wetsuit and Leatherneck went at it. Lady Jaye and Scarlet were going at it, which then turned into the two wailing on Duke and Flint for trying to interfere.

" . . . Hawk, we've got the location of another cobra base in the U.S." Mainframe slipped up. Ignoring the chaos, he handed the sheet of paper over. "Same informant, calls himself Databank."

"Databank, huh?"

"Firewall's done some research, she says he generally sells information to the highest bidder, and it's difficult to get to the auction site unless invited. But he's been giving us freebies for a few months now."

"Why would he?"

"Don't know, Firewall managed to have a brief IM sort of chat with him . . . all he said was he didn't like Cobra. Firewall couldn't hack into his system, neither could Daemon or Arcade."

"Has he hacked into our systems?"

"Not that we know of." Mainframe hesitated. "But it's possible, once Databank has sold information, he deletes it, or encrypts it so no one can find it."

"Where's the base?" Hawk glanced over the sheet.

"Small town called Arboc. Which happens to be Cobra backwards." Mainframe and Hawk ducked a chair.

"Let's talk in my office. It's safer."

And we're off to the races! This is set roughly after the events of Evolution XMJ partially because one of the characters needed the time difference, and a certain Misfit had to be with G.I. Joe. I have a definite outline, but this story is going to do most of the work. See ya around!