Hey all,

YES I KNOW Anzu isn't from the Ancient Egypt arc you dieheart cannoners! But this story is extremely cannnon besides that little fact considering I've spent hours researching Ancient Egypt.

Anzu's gonna be called Anuket here as she obviously wouldn't have a japp name n ancient Egypt. Anuket was a godess associated with gazelles, and since Anzu's a dancer, I thought hey why not?

Everything before that day is a blurred string of memories. Parents, home- just distorted figures and a house of some kind. I can scarcely remember even the land where I was born.

I'll give you what I can of an introduction, in the hopes that you may grasp my tale. But the past does not concern me, and neither should it concern you. For what is the past, but a pointless anchor? Why be weighed down by what could have and what should have, when to survive, you need what will and what is?

I am an elite assassin. My sole duty is to permanently rid men of their worries. What difference does it make whether they are of an honored clan or noble reputation, when all men will face the same fate?

What my master dictates, I carry without question. He was the one who saved me from the streets, after all. He provided me with all that your "normal" parents would, if not more.

I'd simply be deluding myself- it'd be an outright lie- if I acted as though there was ever any "affection" between us. Through an unspoken contract, we both understand that I am no more than an instrument at his disposal; one of hundreds, I may add.

What would I know of human attachment, anyhow?

The point is rather clear: there is hardly, if any, need for human attachment.

When you're left on your own, you see, that's all you need. A human is an animal; animals were crafted for survival. Thus, one's only duty is to one's self; is to survive.

The logic of life is simple, really.
