War Lines

War. No matter what anyone does, it happens, energon and oil is spilled, things escalate, and then all that's lef is two sides trying to pull back apart.

Whoever thinks war is a clean cut affair ought to see a real battlefield. Dead and dying mechs laying around, not caring about the war or what side they were on, just wishing to be offlined.

So there's supposed to be a line drawn between Autobot and Decepticon, factions that are supposed to be completely different.

Look closer at the line. It's actually made of several, all fractured at some point and all going all over the place. It looks more like a web, drawing and capturing those who join the war into it's deadly embrace. There is no way to escape it, those who try eventually die because they don't fit.

In war, you have to choose a side, or perish because you can't be trusted.

There are some Autbots, few but they exist, that might have fit better with the Decepticons.

And there are several Decepticons who would have been better as Autobots.

But there's no way to escape once you've been caught on one side of the web, You're stuck. Until either you gain enough courage to switch sides, further tangling the web, or they die, erasing part of the web.

There are no winners in War, especially when the conflict streches to the point where few remember the time when there was peace, when the mech you were facing down had once helped you carry the way too many datapads you had for class, or had been your best friend and it still leaves you reeling from the loss of the promise of 'Forever'.

War is a grey tangled web, where no one wins, they just survive long enough to mourn the fallen, on both sides.

Yeah, I know, 'What the hell is wrong with you?! Why aren't you working on your chapter stories?!', Well, writer's block is a curse of mine, not to mention a fertile imagination, so when I get stuck on a story, I wind up coming up with another, then another, until I'm over run by plot bunnies. The damn things won't leave me in peace. So, When one strikes, I have to jot down the basic plot (it stays stuck in my head otherwise), then I can move on. So these are gonna be drabbles, generally based of other stories of mine not posted (but will be once I finish the two ones I started!) They're gonna cover all the universe's, from G1 to Animated. So enjoy, cause onse I get a few of these out of my head, we're in the clear for me to work on my other stories!