Sooo, this idea came to me while I was reading some smut (go figure) and I randomly decided that I'd make a new "story" where all the limey and lemon challenges I write for LJ communities go. My other collection, known as What the Hell? is the same thing, only it won't have any limes or lemons in it for those people who only like the fluff and stuff. I'll be taking out the limes and lemons in WTH and replacing them in here.

And I swear to God it's not to just get more reviews or anything. I'm just being considerate, honest! I know some people don't like those hard-care sex scenes or heavy limes, so I'm redirecting everyone who wants the fluff and WAFF to WTH. For those of you who do like the hard-core sex and limes…


This first chapter was the LJ community inukagathon's challenge for "bathroom." As long as it has smut and it's in a bathroom, it's qualified. Haha.

Words: 1,465

What You Do

Inuyasha sighed heavily as his bitch dragged him toward the room that always smelled like Kagome's hair. He winced as the lacerations in his chest stretched from her insistent tugging and he growled a warning.

Of course she ignored him. Disobedient bitch.

He'd tried to tell her that it was fine, that he'd be healed by tomorrow morning, but no, of course she didn't listen to him, of course she dragged him to her time, of course she trapped him in a room where her scent was so strong that all he wanted to do was throw her on the ground and fuck her senseless.

And of course, his damn cock hardened when she bent over and dug around in the cupboards next to the tub. Son of a bitch.

In pain, and he still managed to get it up.

Inuyasha desperately hoped that she wouldn't see it and think that he was some sort of masochist, that the wounds he sometimes got in battle got him hard.

The next mental image should have doused the inner fire, stifle the need to just fuck it then fuck her right there on the cold tiled floor.

But no, all he could think about was Kagome's fucking too-short skirt as it whipped up around her, teasing him with her pristine white panties that framed her ass cheeks so perfectly and he could see himself right there, grasping those curvaceous hips and pounding into her ruthlessly as she screamed his name to let everyone know just who was fucking her so good.

Biting down on his tongue hard to stifle the groan that threatened to escape past his lips, the half-demon tasted blood and he tired to focus on that instead of the teasing way her hips swayed from side to side as she wandered around the bathroom, searching for the necessary supplies.

She was trying to kill him, he knew it.

Sashaying back over to him – or as least that's what Inuyasha described it as – Kagome got right down to business and set the supplies down on the closed toilet lid before darting her hands for his haori and wasting no time in pushing his clothes off his shoulders and to the floor.

He couldn't stop the growl that rumbled in his chest when her fingers brushed his bare chest.

"Sorry!" Kagome instantly apologized, shooting her gaze up at his face and biting her lower lip.

He wanted to take it between his own teeth and bite it.

"I didn't mean to… Does it hurt?" She tenderly pressed a wet cloth to his bloody chest.

You have no fuckin' idea, bitch. "Keh. Hurry it up, wench. I ain't got all day."

Kagome sighed, nodded her head, then continued to clean and bandage his chest and Inuyasha was very thankful that his hakama were so baggy.

She leaned in close to him to inspect a minor scratch on his neck and – against his better judgment – Inuyasha inhaled deeply and then, just like that he couldn't take it anymore. He'd tried to hold himself back. He'd tried to keep his distance, but no, fucking Kagome had to continue to tease him with her body, goad him with her delicious scent, fuck him just by being in the same goddamn room with him.

"Kagome," he rasped, grabbing her arms and gritting his teeth together. "You're killing me."

Kagome looked absolutely horrified and she tried to squirm out of his grasp but he held firm. "I'm so sorry! Was I hurting you? I tried to be as gentle as possible! Where does it hurt? What did I do?"

The last question he just simply couldn't ignore and he barked out a humorless laugh, staring down at her with a wicked glint in his amber orbs. "What did you do?" he repeated huskily then shifted his grasp on her arms. "This is what you did." He yanked her forward, grabbed her thigh, hooked her leg over his hip then ground into her. Hard.

That time he did groan as her core nestled his hardened crotch and he vaguely heard his bitch's startled gasp before she instinctively started to pull away even as her scent spiked significantly.

Breathing heavily now, Inuyasha wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him while the other continued to anchor her leg against his hip. Kagome's face was flushed darkly, chocolate eyes rounded with astonishment and he dimly realized she'd stopped struggling, her hands shaking as they grasped his shoulders tightly.

Growling hungrily because she just looked so damned fuckable right then, Inuyasha leaned in and kissed her nose, licked her lips, nuzzled her cheek and breathed in her ear…

"What're you gonna do about it…Ka-go-me?"

The squeak that sounded from her made him grin and she stilled against him so he pulled back to look into her face. She was staring at his chest, studiously avoiding his gaze as she worried her lower lip with her teeth. His early urge rushed back to him and he licked his lips before bending down and catching that lip between his own lips, suppressing the smug grin when her breath caught and the tiniest of moans whispered past her lips and onto his.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, when he was prepared to step forward and force her against the nearest wall, something warm brushed against his stiff cock through his hakama and he froze, a shudder crawling down his spine and going straight to his erection, causing him to throb painfully.

Inuyasha gasped and his hips jerked toward that warmth. Honey eyes focused on the upturned face before him, saw the undecipherable flash in her russet depths, the almost inconspicuous mischievous curl of the corner of her pink lips. The breath whooshed out of his lungs when that hand of hers grasped him firmly through his hakama and squeezed.

"Oh, fuck me," Inuyasha groaned, both senses of the phrase applying to the current situation as he picked her up the rest of the way then crashed into the wall, the force of his body pressing against hers keeping her against the wall when he released her only to flip up that damn skirt and rip away her panties before freeing himself from the confines of his pants.

"With pleasure," Kagome whispered then bucked her hips forward, hissing when his hard length slid across her slick lips and nudged the bundle of nerves hiding within the hot folds of her core. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her hips, whimpering in need and trying to drag him closer.

Face buried in her shoulder, hands gripping the soft flesh of her hips, Inuyasha contented himself by riding the slick folds, her scent intoxicating him, ridding him of all coherent thought when he finally pulled back then simultaneously thrust forward and crashed his mouth onto hers.

He cried out while Kagome moaned, rocking her hips and riding him as best as she could while pinned against the wall and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Inuyasha relished the feel of her around him, her hot walls gripping his cock and dragging him deeper inside her.

"Fuck," he muttered then proceeded to do just that, withdrawing from the drugging warmth then snapping his hips back and causing Kagome to writhe and moan against him. The hanyou smirked arrogantly and kissed her again, delving inside and thoroughly tasting all that was Kagome, her taste assaulting his senses and adding to the pleasure ricocheting throughout his body.

It wasn't long before Inuyasha's movements became jerky, short and hard thrusts as he sought to bring himself and his bitch to completion. Kagome, sensing his desperation, aided him in any way she could, touching any available skin with hands, kissing his face, trailing her tongue down his neck and sucking hard, determined to leave her mark.

"Ka…Kagome," he breathed, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. "I'm…gonna…"

"Do it," she demanded in a sultry whisper, lifting her hips against him and head falling back in ecstasy. "Do it, Inuyasha!"

"Yes!" he shouted hoarsely in compliance then threw his head back and screamed her name, coming hard inside her and seeing white dots dance before his closed eyelids.

Kagome followed him into completion shortly after, arching her back and shouting his name just as he'd imagined.

Exhausted and spent, Inuyasha sank down onto the tiled floor, still sheathed within Kagome and leaned his forehead against her shoulder. "Shit, wench," he rumbled deeply, gasping for breath. "That was…shit."

Kagome suddenly giggled against him and he turned enough to see her shake her head. "No, Inuyasha. I think the word you're looking for is...mind-blowing."

"Keh. More like cock-blowing."

"That works, too."

"Wanna see me work this?"
