
OMFG! I think this is my first Sonic fic that doesn't have Tails as one of the main characters! Isn't that incredible!…Yeah, anyway, I saw a really sick wallpaper of Metal Sonic called "Oblivion"…and well, what can I say? Inspiration struck again.

Chapter 1: Realization

"Visual receptors, back on line. Memory bank, restored. Weapon systems, activated…Central processor, active." Came a cold, empty lifeless voice, as a chrome colored robot slowly tried to stand. It's body was severely damaged from the previous encounter with it's copy. Sonic the Hedgehog. The robots goal, mission, target, and reason for it's existence. The robot had encountered him several times, according to his memory bank, about thirteen times now. The robot, who could only kneel form how bad shape it was in, looked down from the floating remains of the gigantic fortress known as the "Final Fortress" and saw the large expanse of endless blue water that seemed to stretch out for eternity. Blue. The color that he despised the most, even though being a chrome version of it himself. A picture from his memory bank entered his vision. A blue hedgehog with a smirk that gave enemies a second thought about attacking, and allies a warm safe feeling when around him. Two white gloves, one in the pose in front of his face, the one the robot noticed him do every time they encountered. A thumbs up. Two red sneakers, the reason for the hedgehogs incredible speed. The blue robot bent his head towards the ground, if he could make the sound, he would be groaning. His left leg joint was almost shattered, his right arm was no longer moveable, and the engine turbine that was his stomach and chest was busted severely. Besides these, he had dents in him everywhere. He sat back and held his left arm so it wouldn't break off. The doppelganger of Sonic the Hedgehog looked off into the rising of the morning, and a thought entered his processor that he had never thought of before.

"…Why…?" His cold, heartless monotone robotic voice said quietly, as he did not move at all. "…Why do I try so hard?" As he asked these questions aloud, his memory bank gave him the answer. He blinked, and saw the words from Eggman the day he was created.

"You are Metal Sonic, the exact, and perfect replica of Sonic the hedgehog. You were created by me, Dr. Eggman to destroy Sonic, you have no other purpose for being here., from this day forth, you will hunt down and destroy that hedgehog!" The robot closed the file, and looked at his clawed hands.

"…I was created to destroy Sonic…but, I can't, I have failed that mission. He is almost impossible to destroy. I have tried countless times, and every time, he beats me, even with me enhanced mind and strength." The robot looked straight at the plated ground that was a the outside of the floating platform. He soon realized that he had betrayed Eggman, and that he could never go back, even though the Dr., would probably just reprogram him to not be able to think for himself. He soon realized that he could not go back to him, and that he was now alone, without a single purpose in this world, in this life. His computer processor began thinking of a million things he could try, but nothing worked. He was now unsure of what to do. After all, what was he supposed to do?

After a long while, a thought suddenly hit the robots bank, and it made him freeze, but the more he pondered it, the more it made perfect sense. He focused in his bank, and brang up the main file that had meant everything to him as far as his creators ambition went. It was the file that stored his purpose, his meaning to kill Sonic no matter what was necessary in the process. If th file was deleted, the programming that made him want and need to kill Sonic would be gone, never again to return. He nodded to himself and tried deleting the file, but there was a sudden blink of red, and Metal saw text come up saying. "Does not compute". The robot expected as much, Dr. Eggman made sure that he was only one that could reprogram him…although…, there was one other being that had more intelligence then the Dr. did, and could reprogram him, but the though made Metal shake his head. No, that would never work, besides, Sonic would kill everyone on Mobius before he let Metal get near Tails. But he had no choice, if he didn't delete this file, then he would have to kill Sonic, and he didn't know how long it would be before he went on a Sonic killing rampage. The robot wobbled to it's feet and looked down at the swirling currents, and then forward, there was land, and S the fox and hedgehogs house would not be too far. Metal didn't know if Tails still lived with Sonic or not, if not, then it would be heck lot easier to get to him, all he had to do now, was get Tails to trust him. The robot started what energy he had left in his engine, and sped off the floating platform towards the shore, and then on towards the fox's and/or Sonic's house.

End chapter 1, yes, what you guys thinkie? Takes place were Sonic Heroes left off.