Hello! I just created a new chapter fo 'Blue as the Nile' on 11-08-06. It's the fourth chapter. This fic is dedicated to my soon-to-be niece which I wanted to name Temari. (but they disagree with me.)

A/N:Atem- 17

Anzu- 16

Seto- 18

Jonouchi- 17

Malik- 17

Marik- 19

Bakura- 18

Ryou- 17


Mana- 15

(o.c)Terria- 17

Blood Love by Boogermeister

Chapter 1

In the city of Domino, there were two sides, the humans and the vampires. The humans mostly lived in there ordinary lives, walking freely around daytime. The vampires were winged, blood-sucking demons that usually lived in the tough, dark part of the city. At night time, the vampires roamed around the human side, led by their powerful leader, Atem. Atem was feared and respected by his followers, with his bright crimson eyes and his tanned skin. His hair back spiked hair were tipped with reddish purple and he had golden bangs and streaks.

Humans feared the vampires during the night, except for the vampire hunters; they killed the blood-sucking demons with guns loaded with silver bullets whenever they found one. The best hunter ever was Seto Kaiba, a tall brunette man with blue eyes so cold, some people mistakenly thought of him as a vampire. He despised Atem, who hated him with all his heart for killing some of his kind.


Anzu Mazaki left the bar where she was working as a waitress. Though 16 years old, her figure made her look five years older. The breeze flowed through her short brown hair as she walked through the deserted streets, wondering if she would had left work early.

"Hey, little girl, are you lost?" A drunken voice startled Anzu. She turned around and saw a drunk, big-looking man looming over her. Anzu said nothing as she started to walk, but the man suddenly graabed her arm roughly.

"Let me go!" Anzu yelled out, trying to free herself from the man's grip.

"Let the girl go, you fool," a voice echoed around the empty street. Seconds later, a winged, dark figure appeared behind the man and bit his neck. Anzu stared in horror, but didn't noticed the grip loosened. The figure let go of the man's neck and let him dropped to the ground, while looking at Anzu with his crimson eyes.

"What are you doing here in the streets at night?" he asked as he took a step closer. Under the street light, the dark figure was a black winged, tanned vampire with reddish purple-tipped, spiked black hair with golden bang and streaks. Anzu stood in fear; she was wearing her usual tank top and shorts, while the vampire was wearing a black T-shirt, a dark-colored denim jacket, a pair of black jeans with two belts, and a leather choker around his neck. She fearfully assumed that he'll rape and kill her. The vampire smirked at her.

"Don't be afraid," he said. "I won't harm you."

"How can I be sure of that?" gasped Anzu. the next thing she knew, she pinned against the wall by the vampire. But it wasn't a rough pin, it was gentler than she expected.

"Let's just say I developed a crush on a beautiful human like you," chuckled the vampire. Anzu eyes widened. "It's strange, isn't it?" he continued. "The leader of the vampire like me fallen for a food." Suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed Anzu on the lips. Anzu gasped, causing the vampire to explore inside of her mouth with his tongue. She tasted the slight coppery taste of blood he had drunk earlier.

The vampire pulled back to breathe. Blushed, Anzu stared at him in shock as she breathed heavily. "Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Atem, Anzu," atem replied, smiling.

"How do you-"

"I've been watching you for a few days. And I also know you've been working as an underage waitress."

"What do you want from me?" Anzu asked timidly. "Is it my blood you want, in return for saving me?"

"No," answered Atem when he stopped smiling. "To be honest, I love you too much to take your blood."

Love me? thought Anzu. Atem kissed Anzu's forehead before backing away. "If you wish to not to see me again, Anzu, I'll understand," he said quietly before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Anzu called out and Atem look back at her. "I . . . . I do want to see you again, Atem." Atem smiled and kissed her lips. which made Anzu blushed deeply.

"Tomorrow, I will take you yo my place," he said. "My followers won't harm you while I'm here. I'll see you soon." He took a couple of step away from Anzu before taking flight with his large, leathery wings.


Anzu left work early the next night. The waitresses were advised to leave work early after a vampire attack last night. It was an hour after the sun had set when Anzu walked near the park. Does Atem know where I live? she tought. She then saw Seto walking towards her.

"What are you doing out her at night?" Seto asked. "you have to go home now."

"I am going home," Anzu replied, trying to ignore the vampire hunter's rude tone. "It's a long way to go."

"'Along way to go' is an advantage for vampires," retortes Seto. "Go home quickly." Seto walked past her. "Hey," he said as he looked back at Anzu. "Were you around the area where the vampire attack occured?"

"No," Anzu quickly replied. Seto said nothing but walked away. Anzu recurred walking for a few minutes. "Man, he is the rudest jerk ever," she muttered under her breath.

"I agree, Anzu," Atem's voice said above her head, which startled Anzu. Seconds later, Atem appeared in front of her.

"Atem," Anzu gasped out. "Where-"

"I was hiding in the trees, waiting for that damn hunter to pass by you,' said Atem as he held her hand. "You remember what we doing tonight, right?" Anzu nodded in response. Atem smiled and picked her up bridal style. "Hang on tightly, Anzu," he said. Anzu wrapped her arms around his neck as Atem took flight.

"We'll be there in a few moments, Anzu," whispered Atem as he flew towards the dark part of Domino City.


Why didn't I describe Seto more? I'm just too damn lazy. I'll do it later.

Please don't give me godamn flames. I had enough from couple of my fics.