pROPS tO mE!

(yES i kNOW tHE cAPS iS/aRE ON) (yOUR pICK)

Glowering, Bakura quickly made his way through the labyrinthine alleys of the town, dragging Sehjaah with him. He had an arm wrapped about her screaming form and was pressing her tightly against him as a means of controlling her.

"Let go of me, you vile scoundrel! LET GO OF ME!" Sehjaah screeched angrily, flailing her arms. She kicked him in the side. He snorted, slackening his grip before shoving her roughly into his hip.

She wheezed for breath, stumbling in her disoriented struggles.

"Enough!" he snarled, gripping her tighter.

She coughed, choking on her gasps.


He dropped her harshly on the stone walkway. She cried out in pain, rolling onto her back.

"Silence!" he growled. "Hasn't anyone taught you ineptitude is annoying?"

"Who's? Yours?" she remarked snidely, laboring to lift herself up. As if she was ridiculously distant from any shard of danger, she directed her attention to her abused gown, brushing off the dirt.

Bakura carefully unsheathed his knife, taking care to trap a sliver of the faint moonlight on it's surface.

It caught her eye.

Glancing at him, Sehjaah backed up against the wall. He ran his tongue across the edge of the bade, grinning in heinous sin. She pressed herself further into the wall, his towering figure crushing her.

Suddenly, his arm lashed out from the depths of his sleeve and sharply grabbed her arm, forcing her balled fist open. He thrust his dagger into her left arm. Sehjaah screamed and turned her head to the side, squeezing her eyes shut.

Abruptly, she noticed there was no pain.

She studied her unblemished arm, horrified, before glancing fearfully at Bakura, who was triumphantly dangling her left sleeve. She noticed too, that in the process he had torn part of the cloth covering her shoulder; leaving part of her back exposed. She pushed herself off the ground only to be thrown down once more by a knee to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her.

She hawked a breath, chest shuddering erratically.

Suddenly, she felt something warm throttle her. She whipped her head wildly from side to side, trying to rip off whatever it was off. Shrieking obscenities, Sehjaah lashed out blindly, scrabbling at the air in a feeble attempt to wound Bakura. He had wrapped her sleeve around her mouth, gagging her. She clawed viciously at it, trying desperately to tear it off, but he had knotted it tightly, with no chance of escape. Bakura smirked at her muffled shrieks.

"Now isn't that an improvement…" he jeered, looming menacingly over her.

She flashed him one last glare, incomplete without her infamous snarl, before searching the ground around her for the slightest indication of a stone to throw at Bakura.

Lifting her up, he slung her over his shoulder, indifferent to her indignant protests. He locked her feet together in a tight clutch, barring her most serviceable weapon. Sehjaah, violently knocked her fists against his back, demanding her release.

Bakura cursed, irritated with her.

"Still haven't learned your place, girl?" he barked.

Growling, he shoved his shoulder into her injured abdomen. She yelped at the resurrection of pain, doling out one final, furious kick before succumbing with the bare minimum of surrender to his strength.

He smirked as he darted quickly through the streets

"Isn't life easier when you embrace defeat?"

She rested silently upon him; seething and terrified.

Might as well conserve my energy for when a chance to escape makes itself known….


"Goodnight, princess!"

Grisly hands thrust her into a cell, much to the appeal of the circlet of spectators observing her. The raucous jeers and taunts of his comrades ricocheted off the stone walls, drowning out her objections. With a stifled scream, Sehjaah crashed onto the stone floor, heightening the mocking laughter of the thieves.

"Hah! Let the Pharaoh come see his nobles now! Rolling in the dirt"

"We'll bring them off their high horse!"

"All the aristocracy will fall! Kull al' khara!"

"We ought'a ransom her to her family, 'den de Pharaoh's court!"

"How 'bout makin' sure she's still chaste?" one declared, grinning darkly.

Her hips immediately backlashed; a violent throe of pain rocketing through her body. She shut her eyes as a means of bearing the excruciating constriction of her abdomen. She groaned weakly, rolling onto her stomach. Rasping in the gag, Sehjaah struggled with her bonds. She glared up at them, eyes flashing a dangerous jade.

A chorus of overjoyed agreement rang out through the jail, each thief putting forth his own amendments to the operation.

Sehjaah kicked around furiously.

"Any chaste-checking you wish to do will be saved for the bars," a silkily-executed order announced, daring anyone to contradict.

They all turned to the voice, several cheek enough to grumble their complaint.

"What's that?" the voice demanded sharply, swiftly whipping the men into obedience.

Muttering their apologies, they reluctantly shuffled out the jail, and not a moment too soon.

Sehjaah blacked out.