A/N: As you all probably know:

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN AVATAR!

However, I do own all the charecters you won't find in the show as well as the plot of this story. No plaigarism please. THANKS:)

The golden orb was ablaze from its perch in the middle of the sky, its golden rays illuminating all they could grasp. Down to the bottom of the ocean their undertaking persisted, where they entwined together in such complex easy, creating elaborate patchworks of sunlight adorned the quiet depths. Indigo waves rhythmically moved swaying back and forth along the smooth surface.

Her cry pierced the air; loud, weak, and tormented, reaching down to the corners most shrouded by darkness of the depths, as if a bridge binded the two.

"Hurry Aang, hurry!" Katara miserably wailed, her soft voice coiled into a scream of pity. She whirled around catching a glimpse of the large metal wretch behind them; as armed and ruthless with its weapons as its captain and crew.

It viciously sped toward them, ripping the graceful contredanse that had extended to the horizon, destroying, obliterating, annihilating; as it always had. Under the loud, dominating resonance from the furious engine, the deep howling of the water as it was brutally divided was kept silent, unheard by any ears; except hers.

Her lovely features bowed into a snarl with fierce determination, she elegantly twined her hands with marvelous fluidity and threw them forward, sending a large torrent of water angrily rushing at the ship. It thunderously broke on the deck, sending all in its way scurrying, before it dissolved and meant no more; too weak to leave anything meaningful. The ship continued to hurtle at them with juggernaut force, angrier and faster.

His breath rushed in and out of him, fondling his lungs for less then a second before hissing through the complex, tangled tubes of his corpse and pouring out from his nose. Within each passing moment, his chest seemed to contract and tighten increasingly, squeezing his heart and causing it to throb in his ears, just as ominously and loudly as the pounding of the ship's machinery.

He screamed at his petrified bison to go faster, which only made the beast snort and shake his head roughly. He began rocketing from side to side instead of soaring directly forward. Aang dropped the reigns and threw his arms forward, sticking the backs of his hands together. Both arms simultaneously sliced the air sending currents of wind behind them and at the ship; speeding them up and slowing their enemies down.

The wooden rods projecting from her comb gracefully swam through her ash brown hair, caressing its waves and curls. Sighing she put the comb down on her ivory bureau and slid a black headband encrusted with emeralds in her hair, its spokes firmly seizing her head. She tied her hair into an elegant ponytail and glanced in the mirror. It was such a calm day, so repetitive and dreary; like every other one to pass the young royalty's life. Soon, she would be arranged to marry and become a Earth Kingdom breeding machine, like every other young woman. It wasn't just in her lands, the Water Tribes and Fire Nation saw women as weak and having few uses except for the causes of pleasure and children. She clenched her fists and angrily snarled. She was fit enough to rule on her own; that was what she intended to do anyways. Her father promised her the overseer of the entire Kingdom as her inheritance; she to be his successor, unless her brothers interfered, but they were already married and assigned positions to rule.

A sharp cry pierced the air; loud, weak, and tormented reaching down to the corners of Soraya's soul, as if whoever's throat it emerged from had thoroughly suffered. Leaping away from the window, she cautiously approached and peered down to the beach. From the hallway window she looked out of, most of her view was obstructed by the olive leaves of lush trees. She only saw the waves harshly being parted by something obviously large and powerful.

Have they come? Already? They found out?

She knew what she had to immediately do, rush to any sentinel, preferably the General of the Guard or her personal bodyguard and first mate, Genji. Her parents as well as her bending instructors and combat tutors had monotonously harangued her over the matter more times than she cared to count. She glanced at the beach curiously. Was she now going to waste the breath of all those people who had lectured her; endangering the lives of all those who lived at the hidden palace of JinOKai? She bit her lip and glanced back down the hallway.

She would be nimble. She would be quick.



A large rock set ablaze was catapulted directly for the Avatar and his companions.

We're almost at the island! We can make it!

"AANG!" Sokka and Katara shouted in worried unison.

Momo screeched and leapt all around the saddle.

His heart pounded faster and he glanced over his shoulder. Something golden appeared and then vanished. He let go of the reigns once more and slowly peered around in confusion. Suddenly Appa was hurled of their course toward the suddenly appearing island and the burning scent of smoke snaked around their nostrils, suffocating them.

With a distressed yelp Appa dove for the ocean and began violently grunting.

Momo let out a frightened shriek.

"APPA!" Aang howled, gasping for breath.

The last thing to pass the young airbender's eyes was the terrified expression of his comrades. Their exotic features were twisted into something indefinable- mouths wrenched open in a gape, eyes widened to a bulging degree, complexion's paled to an alabaster shade. Water surged on his face pulling him down, wrestling with his will to surface.

The ground as well as Soraya's eardrums and heart trembled violently from the explosion. Hiding the source of noise. She had expertly dodged her guards and snuck out, the art of espionage had always been one of her strengths. The gaurds were all tending to her mother, for her father had departed to a military convention at Ba Sing Se to deliberate over war strategies, so she really hadn't much to dodge. Being the Grand Sultan of the Earth Kingdom, her father always bustled to meetings or attended raids or defenses. From her hiding place behind a tree she studied the ocean. It didn't take her long to spot the source of noise. Some large cream-colored creature was zooming toward the island.

Wait a minute. What ever that is, it's getting much to close for the sentinels to have not spotted it… OMIGOSH! If most of them are caring for my mother, the rest must be leisurely enjoying their time! JinOKai is endangered!

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Zuko bellowed, holding his hand to his men.

Uncle Iroh rubbed his eyes and gasped," The island!"

Zuko ripped his trance-like glance off the surface where the Avatar had been shot down to raise his eyebrows at his uncle.

"Wha-" Suddenly the water began bubbling furiously. After a couple seconds, it dramatically ceased.

"Your father never ordered you to annihilate them, he wished to do that personally!" Iroh frantically exclaimed. What had his teenage nephew, whose embers of his burning heart were set ablaze by passion, excitement, and honor, done? The Fire Lord would most probably be more furious over how the young prince had disobeyed him rather than how the threat to the Fire Nation had been shattered.

"He's not dead, Uncle. None of them could breathe so heavily under water and suddenly stop. Their still down their…" Zuko replied, irritated, while staring down at the water. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

Golden eyes suddenly ignited with vigorous intensity turned to face the widened ones of their crew.

"Sail around to the other side of the island! We'll be waiting for him when he emerges!" Zuko roared.

"What about the guards; of the island!" A lieutenant queried worriedly.

Prince Zuko whirled around. He signaled for silence. From the castle surrounding the palace, sweet, sad music filled his ears. The charming enchantment mesmerized him, decreasing the forcefulness of his flaming golden eyes. For a few moments he longingly stared at the palace, under the curse of the beautiful melody. The splendor of the spellbinding notes soothing him, bringing back mellow recollections and memories, hopes, dreams, desires…

A hand gently placed on his shoulder awoke him. "We'll just stay hidden…" Zuko croaked. He stared back at the island while surprised firebenders exchanged furrowed eyebrows and confused and shocked expressions.

"Sir, where will we hide? The sentinels will surely spot us sometime!" someone else pointed out.

"Do you think sentries relaxed enough to be playing music and enjoying themselves would really be that serious about watching for danger?" Zuko sneered.

No one dared answer.

"Besides that the trees will undeniably hide us."