Chapter 1

"Well, what was I supposed to do, let the whole team fail because YOU don't have it?"

Sulley's words continued to echo in Mike's mind as he sat on the edge of the top of the clocktower. After leaving the field in anger and betrayal that the Sullivan he was forced to work with to get back into the Scare Program, the monster he trusted, the one who said he believed in him, had cheated in the Scare Simulator by tampering with the scare control so it would seem like Mike's scare to the child dummy would be scary enough, enough to enable them to win and get back into the program.

Those words Sulley had said to him began to make him recall all those words everyone said to him throughout his whole life, from his childhood to his college years.

From his fellow classmates in grade school who didn't even care if he existed or even wanted to be his friend and always told him he wasn't scary or belonged on the Scare Floor of Monsters Inc., to everyone else in high school who still said he wasn't scary and ridiculed him, especially after all the studying he did to get all the grades he needed to attend Monsters University. At first he thought they were jealous of his good grades, but now he saw that they were doubting about him being scary and will never be a Scarer like his inspiration, "Frightening" Frank McCay.

From the moment he started college, very few people saw his potential, including his teacher Professor Derek Knight and his roommate and very first friend, Randall Boggs, who was always referred to as Randy, but the rest of the school still doubted him, especially Dean Abigail Hardscrabble herself. While the main cause of him bing kicked out of the Scare Program was because of his and Sulley's rivalry getting the better of them and destroying Hardscrabble's treasured scream canister that held her record-breaking scare on the day of their important final exam, she still kicked him out just because he wasn't scary, but he still got the right answer to her question about which scare tactic should be used.

He still wanted to prove to her that she was wrong about him not being scary that he enlisted himself and Oozma Kappa, the weakest fraternity on campus, into the Scare Games, under the condition that he leaves the university if he loses.

At the same time, in his time of need when he needed an extra teammate for Oozma Kappa, he hoped Randy would help him, but the lizard turned his back on him when he needed him the most. Instead, he joined Roar Omega Roar in an attempt to be a part of the "cool kids" and finally be accepted by them, and Mike was hurt by his betrayal that his friend would turn away from him when he needed him in his time of need.

Then the next words that came were from Roar Omega Roar's president, Johnny Worthington. He constantly made fun of him for his size and, like everyone else, told him he wasn't scary. Even the night before the finals, he still recalled his words to their fraternity;

"After you lose, no one will remember you."

Finally, Mike had had enough of all these years of harsh words and endless ridicule. When Johnny said those words, he knew he meant that no one would remember MIKE. Still looking back, he knew he was right.

Mike thought to himself, No one will even care if I'm gone. No one will even remember Mike Wazowski, the monster who worked hard his whole life to get where he wanted to go. No one will care if I'm gone... If I'm dead.

Getting up from his spot, he leaned closer to the edge of the clocktower, taking one last look at the School of Scaring building before closing his eye, turning around, and feeling his feet off the edge and the wind against him as he fell to the ground below.

"I expect you off campus by tomorrow." Dean Hardscrabble said to Sulley, furious after what he revealed to her.

After Mike left the field after the revelation that he cheated on Mike's round just so their team could win and get into the Scare Program, the other members of Oozma Kappa were also disappointed in Sulley. After that, Sulley began to lament about his actions as everyone kept praising him, including the RORs, who originally kicked him out for having bad grades and not living up to his family name, but they invited him back after he and his team won. But Sulley felt too guilty and told the truth to the Dean and his old teacher, Professor Knight, about him cheating. Both of them were furious at his actions, but also shocked that a Sullivan of all monsters would resort to cheating.

Sulley said to the Dean sadly, "Yes, ma'am."

Hardscrabble glared at him, "You're a disgrace to this university!" She added with disappointment, "And your family name." Sulley looked down sadly.

Suddenly, there was a scream heard on the other side of campus, and many students were rushing over to the scene in both curiosity and alarm.

Hardscrabble called to one of the students, "What's going on?"

A student stopped to answer her, "Someone jumped off the clocktower!"

Wanting to investigate, Hardscrabble spread her wings and took flight toward the scene, and Professor Knight followed behind her. It didn't take long for Sulley to think of who would jump off the clocktower. His eyes widened with concern and worry and he rushed off to the scene.

Many students gathered around the student who jumped off the clocktower. He was out cold, almost as if he died on impact, as he laid in a pool of blood from a fresh wound on the back of his head. The students scrambled aside as their dean landed behind the crowd to look at the scene, and Professor Knight and Sulley arrived at the same time.

Sulley took a good look at the student, and his eyes widened in extreme horror.


He pushed against the crowd, crying, "Out of my way, out of my way! Move!" He came over to Mike's unconscious body, kneeling down to his level. He wasn't breathing, and his limbs were limp. Tears filled the furry blue monster's eyes as Hardscrabble made her way through the crowd. She took the green monster's scrawny arm, put her two fingers to her wrist and felt for a pulse. She looked at Sulley with relief, but her expression remained serious.

"He's still alive." she said to him. She turned to the other students, demanding them, "Call an ambulance, NOW!"

Sulley remained by Mike's side as many of the students scrambled to call an ambulance. He looked down at Mike and said sadly and his voice full of shame, "Mike... I'm so sorry!" He held Mike close until the wails of an ambulance were heard nearby.

Kind reviews are needed. ;) And bear with me that this is my first story started in a long time.