Author's Note: This fanfic is heavily based on New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which is one of my favorite Mario games. This is pretty much the normal story, with Bowser kidnapping Peach, blah blah blah. This is also my first fanfic, so I would appreciate it if you followed, favorited, and reviewed. With that out of the way, please enjoy my novelization of New Super Mario Bros. Wii!

Princess Peach looked out from her balcony and smiled. She could just feel that today was going to be a big day. After all, it was her birthday!

"Toad!" she called out. "Is everything ready for the party?"

Toad appeared. "Yeah! We've got the presents ready, we've got the cake ready, we've sent out invitatio-"

"Wait... the cake is ready? How did you make it so fast?" Peach interrupted.

"Oh, we didn't make it... some guy with a long blue robe gave it to us and said it was a gift to you," Toad answered. "But it was too late to make a cake anyway, so we were grateful."

"Oh... okay," Peach said, thinking, I hope that wasn't Kamek.

"Anyway, we've sent out invitations to Mario and Luigi, so they should be here soon!" Toad said. "Then we can PARTY!"

Larry was smushed with Junior and the other Koopalings in Princess Peach's birthday cake. IN HER CAKE. This was not how he thought this day was going to go.

"Hey, watch it! That's my shoulder!" Roy growled.

"Sorry," Morton mumbled as Lemmy stepped on Wendy's foot.

"OW!" Wendy hissed.

"Guys, be quiet!" Bowser Jr. whispered from the top of the cake. "If Mario or those guards catch us, Papa is gonna be really mad that his plan failed!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Larry said, accidentally kicking Ludwig, which caused him to bump into Iggy, who gave him a glare.

Suddenly, horns sounded from outside Princess Peach's castle. "This is it! Mario's coming!" Junior squealed with excitement.

Ah, what a wonderful day for Princess Peach's birthday, Mario thought as he walked over the castle drawbridge with Luigi.

"Birthday party for Princess Peach, here we come!" Luigi cheered as they met up with Blue Toad and Yellow Toad, who had also been walking to the castle.

"Hiya, guys! This is gonna be an awesome party!" Yellow exclaimed.

"You-a bet it is!" Mario replied.

They walked inside the castle, bringing the presents they had picked out (some new powerups they had found recently, like a propeller mushroom!).

"Hey, guys! Are you ready to PARTY?" One of the Toad guards asked.

"We couldn't be more ready!" Blue excitedly replied.

They spotted Yoshi nearby, eating off a table filled with fruit.

"Hello-a, Yoshi!" Mario called out.

"Yoshi yoshi!" Yoshi said.

"What did he say?" Yellow asked.

"He said 'Hello, Mario!'" Mario answered. Only him, Luigi, and Peach could understand the Yoshi language, so one of them had to tell a Toad what he said for him to understand.

They left Yoshi behind and entered Peach's throne room. There were a lot of presents on the floor, and right next to them was a giant cake with really odd toppings.

Mario and Luigi set their presents down and went to Princess Peach. As they went by the cake, Mario couldn't help but stare at the weird toppings; they looked strangely familiar. Was it just him, or were those toppings actually the Koopalings' heads?

Nah, I'm just imagining things. Mario continued toward Peach.

"Hello-a, Princess Peach!" Mario took off his hat and bowed.

"Oh, Mario! I'm so glad you're here. I've been waiting for you." Peach kissed him on his cheek.

Mario's face turned red. "Ah... That's-a so nice..." He mumbled dreamily. Peach giggled.

"So, anyway, when are we-a gonna start this party?" Luigi asked. "I'm all ready."

"Yeah, me too!" Blue agreed.

"We'll start right now!" Peach announced.

They had a very good time at the party. They sang "Happy Birthday" to Peach, talked to each other, opened some of the presents, and then came the time to eat the cake.

"My, this cake looks gorgeous..." Peach said, moving closer. "Time to eat-!"

She was interrupted by a figure leaping up from inside the cake. Mario, confused, looked at it and- Oh. Oh no. Nononononono. It was Bowser Jr.

All of the sudden, the Koopalings sprung up from inside the cake. They lifted the cake and threw it on Peach!

"Help!" Peach shouted. The Koopalings and Bowser Jr lifted the cake again, and took off with the cake and Peach inside it!

Mario, having recovered from his initial shock at seeing Bowser Jr, started running after the Koopalings, Luigi following close behind. Why, Bowser? WHY?! And on today, of all days!

Yellow and Blue looked at each other. "We should help them!" Yellow said. "Yeah, I agree!" Blue replied. They followed the Mario Bros.

When the Koopa Kids got outside, they threw the cake onto the parked airship that Mario couldn't believe he didn't notice before.

"MARIO!" Princess Peach screamed as the airship drove off.

"Don't worry, Peach! I'm-a coming!" Mario yelled, all the while thinking I KNEW that cake looked suspicious! Luigi, Yellow Toad, and Blue Toad followed right behind Mario.

Everything was absolute chaos at the castle. "THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED! THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!" A Toad screamed. Another Toad ran in circles, yelling "PANIC! PANIC!"

One of the royal guards tried to calm everyone, but it was no use. He sighed, then he got an idea.

"Bring the cannon to the throne room!" He yelled to another guard, who looked happy to be doing something other than watching the other toads panic.

Toad #1 ran into the throne room, and Toad #2 with the cannon right behind. Toad #1 ran to the presents area, which still had some presents left (thankfully). He took a box full of fire flowers and threw it into the cannon. He did the same with the other boxes while explaining the plan to Toad #2, who was preparing the cannon.

When all the presents were in the cannon, Toad #1 yelled, "Fire!" and Toad #2 lit the cannon. The cannon fired, and hundreds of powerups could be seen flying all over the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Mario, please save Princess Peach..." Toad #1 prayed.

"Bwahahaha! Good job, Koopa Kids!" Bowser laughed from his airship. "I should have known to count on you!"

"Pffft, Papa, it was easy." Bowser Jr. said.

"Speak for yourself," Larry muttered.

"Bowser, why do you never learn?" Princess Peach asked, having been transferred from the cake to a cage. "Mario will save me! He always does!"

"Relax, my dear Peach. I've got the perfect plan to stop Mario. He won't save you this time!" Bowser answered. "Speaking of which... Larry, can you go to my fortress down there and stop Mario if he reaches it?"

"Me? Why me?" Larry asked, surprised.

"Because you're the weakest," Bowser replied. "No offense. I just thought it would be better to start weak and get strong."

"Ugh..." Larry groaned and jumped onto the tower.

Mario ran after Bowser's Airship, with Luigi, Yellow, and Blue following right behind him. In the distance, he saw a fortress with the unmistakable Bowser logo on it. I probably need to go there, Mario thought.

He turned to Luigi, Yellow, and Blue. "Are you ready to rescue the princess?"

"I sure am, Bro!" Luigi answered.

"We're ready, all right!" Yellow and Blue exclaimed.

"Let's-a go!" Mario said.

Chapter 2 will be coming very soon! P