Hello everyone! HamBurrger here. HUGE thank you to everyone who reviewed on all of my previous stories! This reminds me, there's this person at my school named Alexander Burr! Enjoy the fanfic!

Disclaimer: Lin Manuel Miranda owns Hamilton (Actually Disney now but let me dream that Disney doesn't own everything)

[Company] 1776 New York City

[Hamilton] Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, Sir?

[Burr] That depends, who's asking?

[Hammy] Oh well sure, sir! I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service, sir. I have been looking for you

[Sir] I'm getting nervous

[Hamster] Sir, I heard your name at Princeton. I was seeking an accelerated course of study when I got sort of out-of-sorts with a buddy of yours. I may have punched him. It's a blur, sir.

[Burr-ito] You punched the bursar?

[Smol] ... Yes?

[Talk Less] I'm really nervous now. Continue.

[and] *ahem* I wanted to do what you did, graduate in two and join the revolution. He looked at me like I was stupid, I'm not stupid.

[SMILE MORE] I'm starting to think you are.

[Angry] Gee, thanks. You literally just met me.

[Don't let them know] Sorry. Continue?

[and] So how'd you do it? How'd you graduate so fast?

[What you're against] It was my parent's dying wish before they passed.

[more angry] You're an orphan! Of course! I'm an orphan!

[Hercules, Lafayette, and Laurens] US TOO!

[Or what you're for] No you're not.

[The revolutionary set minus Alexander] Yeah. We just wanted to be included.

[Lexi] Who are you? A/N Who are you? Who are you? Who is this kid, what's he gonna do?

[Laurens] I'm John Laurens in the place to be-

[Lafayette] No one cares, freckly boy. Je m'appelle Lafayette, the Lancelot-


[Lex] Yo you guys seem cool! Let's start a revolution and kill people!


[Brr...] Am I the only one who is slightly terrified right now?

[Turtle-boy] Now why would you be scared? After all, all we're going to do is run around killing redcoats and starting a revolution!

[The person with no opinions] AAAAAAH! *Runs away*