LuffyGirl here.

As you can see I am back with an all new one-shot series and it is what it sounds like. There's going to be a lot of fatherly/son love, bonding, etc… and maybe another character or two written in these as well. I've had a lot of ideas in mind that will hopefully come into play soon(er) rather than later (by later I mean hopefully not years later) but I don't want to say too much.

Thank You Tray D. Sheila like always for helping me even if you don't know it, lol. (This why I'm always asking you random questions XD). You were definitely thinking wisely when you chose 'two weeks' out of all the other choices because you unintentionally chose the starting point for these one-shots :D

With that being said, enjoy :)

Summary: A series of one-shots from when Whitebeard first adopted Marco all the way up until Marco eventually meets Thatch. (All of these one-shots are and will be AU and may not be in order of events. Most of them will be completely random)

Summary for this chapter: It's been two weeks since Whitebeard adopted Marco and said father feels like he hasn't made any progress.

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda :)

Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since Whitebeard adopted Marco and said father feels like he hasn't made any progress.

He knew things took time but shouldn't Marco be warming up to him by now?

Sure, there was a tiny bit of progress but Whitebeard would appreciate it if his son didn't somehow know when to throw a toy or food at him when he wasn't looking. It was becoming so common that Whitebeard was actually getting good at catching the toys Marco was throwing which became surprisingly hurtful in his little hands. The food however, was not pleasant to catch as there was no way to catch food without a plate depending on the meal.

And for some reason, Marco seemed to know that.

Whitebeard also noticed how said child hasn't really talked much. For the first few days, even when Whitebeard visited the orphanage, Marco didn't talk at all and Whitebeard wondered if the kid even could. The caretakers at the orphanage assured him that Marco could talk but only when he wanted to although he never really said nor spoke much. When Marco did speak it was mostly little words and almost never full sentences. The caretakers would teach Marco how to speak and say certain things but the child only grasped what he wanted to apparently.

The first time Whitebeard heard Marco speak he was genuinely surprised. It was only a couple of words and Marco didn't know he was there but the child's voice was so soft and shy sounding, it's like he never spoke.

Whitebeard hoped that would change over time.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a light tug on his leg pants and looked down to see Marco looking up at him.

"What is it, Marco?" Whitebeard asked gently as he didn't want to scare him. Whitebeard learned the hard way that he wasn't exactly the least non-threatening looking person to approach a child as he was… well, a big guy to say the least. The first time Marco saw him, he screamed and cried and threw a toy at him. The first time Whitebeard tried to speak to him, Marco ran away and hid so well that it took nearly an hour for the caretakers to find him. The first time Whitebeard picked him up was just an absolute disaster. Whitebeard was embarrassed to say that he got two black and blues on his face from a child and almost lost his hearing that day.

Speaking of children, Marco let out a small whine which brought Whitebeard's attention back to him. Whitebeard laughed a little when he noticed Marco trying to pull him somewhere to no avail. He purposely didn't move to see what Marco would do and said child looked up with an adorable annoyed expression.

"Move, please." Marco said to Whitebeard's surprise. Although Marco didn't sound annoyed. He just sounded, well, childish and… tired?

Whitebeard smiled and considered this another small victory. "Alright, Marco. Where do you want to go?" He let himself be 'pulled' to where Marco wanted to go and soon they ended up in their shared room. Whitebeard decided that Marco would stay in the same room until he was a little older or until he didn't want to anymore. Whatever came first.

Marco then went over to his small bed and pointed at it.

"Are you tired?" Whitebeard asked even though he already knew the answer.

Marco nodded and then went onto the bed (mostly with Whitebeard's help) and laid down while grabbing a little bird plush and held it tightly. Whitebeard gently placed the blanket on Marco and staid in the room until he fell asleep. Said father tried a few times before to leave Marco alone but for some reason, Marco wouldn't let him. He would mostly whine when Whitebeard tried to leave and then would whine louder when he did leave until he came back. Just a few days ago, Whitebeard purposely left the room and didn't come back for only a couple minutes and Marco was crying and screaming. It didn't help when Whitebeard tried to reassure Marco that he wasn't going to leave again and it took almost an hour for Marco to calm down and another hour for him to fall back to sleep.

Whitebeard quickly came to the conclusion that Marco got separation anxiety from what happened months ago. And to think the kid was only two years old. What broke Whitebeard's heart the most was when Marco cried for his parents. There was only so much he could say and do to comfort Marco and most of the time, the child rejected the carrying and holding.

Whitebeard was sure that Marco somehow knew he wasn't his real father but knew Marco would forget everything over time but for now it still hurt. It was moments like these that made Whitebeard re-think as to why he wanted to adopt. He pushed those thoughts aside and looked at Marco who was now asleep.

"That was quick." Whitebeard said to himself but stayed a few extra minutes to make sure Marco was fully asleep.

Looks like this was going to be a long journey for the both of them.

And with that, the journey begins.

So what do you think? Is there anything specific you'd like to see?

I know it wasn't very eventful but it's only the first few weeks. I have no idea how many chapters are going to be in these one-shots as I only have certain things thought out and yes, Marco is quiet for now but you would be to if you were suddenly adopted and brought into a stranger's house (until you get used to it and it's not so 'strangery' anymore).

Also, I want to see how this chapter does before I put up the next one. Other than that, updates will vary as usual.

Thank You guys for reading.