"That One Little Secret"

Rated T for everything in between

Pairing: Byleth Eisner (M) X Dorothea Arnault

Summary: Dorothea accidentally gets caught attempting to pass notes in class thanks to her professor. And the punishment she gets as a result was one she would never expect out of him.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fire Emblem, especially the games and characters themselves. They are owned by both Nintendo and Koei Tecmo. And nothing else. Anyway, this is another short one-shot created just for #ByletheaWeek2020, even if it doesn't match the theme itself. Ah, what the heck, any part of fanfiction is enough for the week itself so here's a fresh hot Byleth/Dorothea one-shot for ya. Enjoy!

Time had passed a good seven hours inside the Black Eagles classroom where the group's resident songstress, Dorothea Arnault, found herself falling asleep after finishing what appeared to be a short essay regarding every magical spell and what works well in battle regardless of the landscape they fight in (she was the first student who finished, by the way). Learning and writing about spells from fire to thunder to ice legit wore Dorothea out well enough for her to become tired and weary. This forced the ex-songstress to stretch and break out a tiresome yawn all before trying to figure out what to do was pass the time.

She wasn't doing much except looking at the clock that was hanging right on the wall. Ticking and tocking just to create an ounce of stress for Dorothea to endure second-wise.

"Ugh, I swear, this feels like forever..." Dorothea thought to herself, all while hearing the tick-tock sound go off inside her brain, "Can't wait until this day's finally over and done with. Good thing I only got 15 minutes left to go."

Dorothea tried to think of many interesting ways to figure out how to pass the time. Maybe sleep in class like Linhardt was doing? Or perhaps trying to fix her hair from being perfect. But who was she kidding? It was already gorgeous as it was, even with her cute hat on. There were so many things left to do to kill time.

But then again, Dorothea also thought of the professor that was sitting in the teacher's desk himself, Byleth Eisner. She saw him undergoing some paperwork regarding someone of the essays that the Black Eagle students had done researching the subject on different types of swords. Oh, how he looked so calm and emotionless, yet so attractive when some of the dark blue bangs around his hair flew a little like a gentle calm breeze. It looked very cute and ravishing enough for Dorothea to break out in a dreamy sigh, indicating what many others didn't know about Dorothea:

She had a major crush on her professor.

So much so that Dorothea thought to herself with a smile, "Hmmmm, maybe I should write him a little love letter, maybe a little love note explaining how I feel about him? Heck, I should keep it a secret and tell him it's from a secret admirer, just to keep this charade going. Can't wait to see the reaction he gets when he reads it."

It definitely didn't take too long for Dorothea to grab a fresh piece of paper alongside a freshly inked feather pen that was drawn out of the ink bottle.

She then wrote in perfect cursive:

Dear Byleth,

I think you are so cute and sexy-looking. Every time I see you walk around the monastery, I just melt with delight thinking about your perfect blue hair, your emotionless yet flawless face, your desirable voice, those attractive blue eyes, that muscular body, and that rock-hard butt. And not to mention the way you fight in combat makes me pine and ache to be with you so much. I really hope to see you on your next mission, that way I can marvel at your skills from afar, you blue-haired cutie. I'll be waiting for you.


"Not writing notes to pass to class, are you, Miss Arnault?" Asked Byleth as his alerting voice surprised Dorothea out of her own seat.

Shocked that Byleth himself would catch her in this awkward situation, Dorothea tried to cover her hide with a nervous chuckle, "Note? What are you talking about? I would never do that! It's not like I'd write something embarrassing about me that nobody even knows! C'mon, that'd be silly."

Byleth immediately lent out his hand before asking the ex-songstress very sternly, "The note now, Miss Arnault."

All Dorothea could do at this point was letting out a disappointed groan while handing the love note to her professor, which he read face-first to a little bit of uncomfortable silence for Dorothea. He read the whole entire thing from start to finish when all of a sudden...


The giant bell around the monastery rang, finally signalling the end of class.

"Miss Dorothea, you stay. The rest of you all can leave and have a good afternoon." Byleth immediately said to the students, which instantly got up out of their seats and out of the Black Eagles classroom altogether, leaving Dorothea to look down at her own bare knees in pure embarrassment and shame.

It took a good minute for both Edelgard, Hubert, Caspar, Petra, Ferdinand, Bernadetta and Linhardt to leave before the professor focused on the only student still stuck to her seat: Dorothea. She looked right up to Byleth who at this point wasn't exactly smiling right to the ex-songstress. But at the same time, he didn't look to angry or frustrated either.

It was more like "upset", truth be told. And he let it all out with a big long groan.

"Miss Arnault, I know you're better than this," Byleth shook his head gently, "But by reading that letter, I have no idea what I have to think about you right now."

"I understand, professor..." Dorothea nodded with a defeated groan herself.

He then approached her closeup and said, "Dorothea, you do realize that my job here as a professor is to make the students learn with honor and discipline. My job is not to date any students enrolled in this monastery, even if they're in the Officers Academy. I must treat them as my students and always until they are graduated. I hope you realize that, Miss Arnault."

The ex-songstress found herself sinking even lower before nodding out, "Yes, professor..."

"Now as a professor, I have no choice but to think of a punishment for you," Byleth said as he approached her even more close-up, "I know you may not like it, but it's the Monastery's rules, and I must obide by them."

"I understand," Dorothea nodded weakly before she squeamed and closed her eyes, "Just suspend me, I deserve it anyway for doing such a stupid thing."

This was it. Her goose was finally getting cooked in an open flame. Yet, she had to deserve what was coming to her regardless of the outcome.

"Oh, why on earth did writing a love note to my professor seem like a good idea?!" Dorothea thought to herself while still awaiting her punishment.

Strange enough, she wasn't hearing any words of "You're expelled" or "You're suspended" being heard from the professor's own lips. That was weird for Dorothea, knowing she wanted to expect a punishment coming from Byleth himself.

But she in fact did feel something.

She felt her gorgeous lips being pressed on by something so firm, thick and strangely, very delicious. It wasn't long before Dorothea opened her eyes to see her handsome professor kissing her much to her surprise. Dorothea let out quite the pleasurable moan feeling Byleth's very minty lips continue to surge through hers in excellent delight. She literally didn't know what to say about this unexpected occurance, and luckily, Dorothea didn't have too.

The kiss managed to last throughout a good eight seconds before Byleth broke it right away, leaving him to look at Dorothea with the slyest smile he was now giving her.

"Pro... professor?" She stuttered a bit, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah?" Byleth raised his eyebrow back.

Dorothea, who was still taken aback by that brief kiss, said out of curiosity, "You... you didn't suspend me."

"Well, Miss Arnault," Byleth said pausing for a bit before replying, "I figured a kiss from me to you would be punishment enough."

Dorothea didn't know if she wanted to feel relieved or dumbfounded, but either way, she wanted to choose the first feeling just because it felt right to act.

"So, you're not gonna suspend me?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

Byleth smirked before shaking his head, "Of course I'm not. Because the truth is, I really kinda like you myself."

The ex-songstress from the Mittelfrank Opera Company felt her eyes bulge in surprise and shock hearing this confession from her own professor. It was very clear in Dorothea's mind that the feelings Byleth had was now quite mutual. Yes, Byleth knew it was quite wrong for him to have romantic feelings for any kind of student inside the monastery, but he couldn't help but feel so right when it came to Dorothea.

Realizing of this confession right now, Dorothea uttered out in amazement, "You... really like me?"

"I kinda admit, you're definitely something else in the battlefield." Byleth answered with a wink, "I mean, you put in the hard work so much that I've been wanting to know a lot more about you, Dorothea. And I think you getting yourself in trouble was definitely the perfect time for me to make my move."

"Wow, I never really thought you had it in you to be quite romantic." Dorothea blushed.

"Eh, I get around," Nodded the professor, "Anyway, I'm probably gonna have dinner later back at my dorm if you're interested in joining me."

Dorothea found herself squealing in delight by saying, "I would definitely love to, professor." But then, her tone of voice turned worrisome, "But wait a minute, what if everybody tries to find out about you and me?"

Byleth smiled yet again before replying, "I'll tell them you needed extra tutoring. That way we can keep this our little secret between you and me without anyone finding out."

Hearing this forced another sigh out of Dorothea, leading the ex-songstress to nod, "I like that so much."

"Glad we can work something out," Byleth nodded before gesturing at the door, "Anyway, I'll let you go. Come be at my place in 7:00, ok?"

"Sounds lovely, Professor." Dorothea nodded back with a smile before walking off.

But before she could though, the professor shouted out to her in her tracks, "Oh, and call me Byleth."

"Will do... Byleth." The ex-songstress nodded back, all before finally leaving the classroom altogether.

This now left Dorothea outside to process what just happened to her right now. With no one watching and minding their own business, the former songstress squealed in delight as she hugged her books tight like a teddy bear, knowing that professor she had a crush on suddenly liked her too.

"Eeeeeeeeeeee! I can't believe my own professor really likes me!" Dorothea thought happily to herself before sighing out, "That was sooooooo worth getting in trouble for..."

Hey, what can I say, she likes a little trouble. Now I know Byleth would possibly never act flirtatious like that knowing that he looks emotionless all the time, but hey, I think the girls all dig the moody, emotionless look coming from a guy like Byleth. And it looks like he is definitely experienced with romance indeed. Oh, do I love it indeed.

Anyway, that puts another notch in my Bylethea shipping belt for now. What did the rest of you all think? You think I made it good? Or should I at least have made it better? Regardless, R&R and leave a little feedback if you desire. Until then, keep on rollin', dudes.