"After The Battle Is Over"

Rated T for Mild Language

Summary: A collection of drabbles showcasing made-up MK11 endings for characters outside the Mortal Kombat universe. From all types of media, witness how they'll change time after beating Kronika themselves.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with the Mortal Kombat franchise, especially the games and characters themselves. They are owned by WB Games, Ed Boon, John Tobias and Netherrealm Studios. Anyway, I was inspired by both Sonicfriend129 and TheBaneOfHumanity to do these drabbles myself, so all thanks goes to them! Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 8: Bart Simpson

Whoooooa, this was far out man. Me beating this bald chick with just a slingshot and skateboard. What else can't I do that's already been done? Next thing you know, I'm gonna be running for President of the entire world. Waaaaaait... with this hourglass by my possession, I can totally make that happen.

And that's what I did. I made a new timeline where I've become the next President of the United States, winning by an unexpected landslide against some orange-skinned doofus nobody cares about. Plus, I made some declarations that best suited me to my taste.

First, I'd have school cancelled for the rest of eternity. Never really liked it to begin with. It wasn't fun, it wasn't cool, it was just lame, man. And it all had to do with that annoying Principal Skinner always getting me in trouble. So as payback, he got reduced to being my personal monkey boy. From now on, he does whatever I say. If he doesn't follow my orders, well that's easy... shock collar right to the throat. Man, that's fun.

Then, I'd change a few laws that would improve this country: Wars would only be solved by video game tournaments, pot would be legalized, pizza and Krusty Burgers would be our national food for eternity, bedtime would be banned for life, and best of all, make everyday Halloween. That would be awesome.

So I guess the only thing that's left is my family. Well, I don't have much for them, although I'd make a few exceptions for them. Marge would be Secretary of State, Lisa would probably be Surgeon General, Maggie would be Woman of the Year for TIME Magazine, my friend Milhouse would be Vice President... and Homer? Well, as much fun as I like picking on him, I'd figure I'd give him a break for once and help use my Presidential power to make him Mayor of Springfield. He deserves it. My family deserves it. And better yet, I deserve it, man. Because that's how The Simpsons roll. Now, let's all do The Bartman!

Yeah, Bart Simpson will always remain the G.O.A.T., although I will agree Homer Simpson would definitely come at a close second.

Keep those requests for characters coming, folks. That way, they'll deserve the Mortal Kombat 11 ending they deserve. So make sure to leave a little R&R and some feedback as well if you want to make a request (for characters, not stories). Later!