"After The Battle Is Over"

Rated T for Mild Language

Summary: A collection of drabbles showcasing made-up MK11 endings for characters outside the Mortal Kombat universe. From all types of media, witness how they'll change time after beating Kronika themselves.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with the Mortal Kombat franchise, especially the games and characters themselves. They are owned by WB Games, Ed Boon, John Tobias and Netherrealm Studios. Anyway, I was inspired by both Sonicfriend129 and TheBaneOfHumanity to do these drabbles myself, so all thanks goes to them! Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Jill Valentine

With Kronika gone, I knew that my mission was complete. The sands of time were safe and now in my hands. With the hourglass in my possession, I was now free to change the timeline my way. The nightmares I have suffered through in my life came running back to me in my mind: Inside the Spencer Mansion, my escape through Raccoon City, the moment I was in Albert Wesker's control when he took my mind over. I wanted to forget every part of it.

But then something hit me. I remember Wesker taking his escape and starting the explosion in the Spencer Mansion, destroying the evidence proving that the Umbrella Corporation were behind this horrible outbreak. This time, with the hourglass in my hands, me, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers made sure Wesker didn't get off scot-free. And we did.

I managed to amass enough files I've searched inside the mansion, grabbing enough evidence in our hands before arresting Albert Wesker in our custody. Before we made our escape out of the mansion ourselves, we decided to blow up the Spencer Mansion ourselves for the greater good, knowing the fact it had been ridded with zombies and monsters anyway. With Wesker locked away in prison for the rest of his life, the Umbrella Corporation was finished and done for. The outbreak throughout Raccoon City never happens. The G-Virus is contained forever. And we were treated as heroes for exposing Umbrella for who they really were and what they were behind with their plans. With Umbrella and Wesker done for, me and the members of STARS began and continued to work for a better future in Raccoon City.

Barry Burton was the new Chief of Police after our old chief Brian Irons was exposed by taking bribes from Umbrella, forcing him into prison. Rebecca Chambers was enrolled into one of the best medical schools this country ever had and became a well-known doctor, finding cures for diseases in the world. For me and Chris though? We continued to serve Raccoon City like always, making sure we prevent the most gruesomest crimes from happening. And for what I've been through with that battle with Kronika, it was all worth it.

Oh, I can tell I'm gonna have fun with this project. ;)

By the way, if you're asking, I do take requests for characters. I accept all Anime, Video Games, TV, Movies, Comic Books heck, even Wrestling if you want to. All you gotta do is leave me suggestions in the comment section, and I'll see what I can do to give them an MK11 ending of my own. Oh, don't forget to R&R and leave some feedback telling me what you thought about this ending too. Until next time, peace out gangstas!