I've been working on this fic over on AO3 under the pen name 1lilspark...I'm thinking about posting installments here weekly until I'm caught up while posting my updates as they get written to that platform so if you can't wait and want spoilers I have 7 chapters up so far

Dear Gyro,

If you're reading this letter then something went terribly wrong and the Spear either blew up or was lost in space. I'd like to be cautiously optimistic that I'm lost and will find my way back to you and our boys someday after all you should know I'm resilient….

Gyro Gearloose ran a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh thinking back to that night when they were eighteen. The way she stood in the doorway of his lab, hand on her hip, bangs falling ever so slightly into her face despite the headband on her head…..

APRIL 2002:

"Come on Gearloose live a little," Della Duck said in a tone that had a way to both annoy and entice the young robotics engineer at the same time.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" he had asked her with a raised brow.

"Well, we're both eighteen and neither of us had a traditional High School Experience."

The engineer bit his bill gently thinking she did have a point there after all he had earned his masters degree at the age of thirteen while the young duck standing across the room had been schooled by tutors and governesses. He could tell where her train of thought had been going however and he really didn't want to be the one to derail it though at the same time he shook his head.

"A charity gala isn't the same as Senior Prom Dell."

"Says you…."

"I don't know how things work in your world but smiling and nodding as the Hoi Polloi talk up Scrooge's societal contributions and dancing the Cha Cha Slide in a Tux are two very different things."

The sound of Della's laughter soon filled the air as Gyro crossed his arms over his chest.

"What's so funny?"

"I'd pay good money to see you dressed in a tux dancing the Cha Cha Slide."

"You and I both know that what money you have that isn't locked up until you're twenty five is wrapped up in that plane of yours."

"I took some of my CloudSlayer money to buy a gown for the event thank you very much."

Gyro watched the way that Della crossed her arms a smirk crossing her bill.

"Now you in a gown THAT I'd pay good money for."

"I know how much my uncle pays you and so I won't ask for money just a yes"

"If I say yes will you kindly leave my lab?"

"As you wish…"


The voice of Fenton Crackshell Cabrera filled the air taking him out of his thoughts and snapping him back into reality. Carefully folding the well read note he tucked it into his desk draw before turning to his young protege who he'd taken on almost two years prior and who had been the heart of one of his biggest scientific breakthroughs.

"Intern," he spat out in the normally cold tone he had towards the younger man for no other reason other then the fact the young physicist had reminded the engineer of his own days as an intern all bright eyed and easy to please even though he'd been a good decade younger then Fenton was now when he'd studied under Akita in Tokyolk which honestly felt like a lifetime ago.

"Um...well," Gyro watched as Fenton nervously ran a hand through his hair, "Your son called."

Gyro thought back to the rest of the letter which in the eleven years since Della vanished he'd memorized by heart.

I know you'll make a great father though at the same time I also know that raising three kids would be prohibitive of you following your dreams and making the next greatest scientific discovery which is why I propose no insist that you let my brother and uncle help you out by each take one of our ducklings to raise to lighten your load. You are the three best men in my life and I know that you'll be strong role models for Huey, Dewey and Louie (though if you were to reconsider and go with Jet, Turbo and Rebel). Let them know that they are family and that they are always loved….

It had only been natural that he had been the one to raise their first hatched and while Huey wasn't a child prodigy like the engineer had been he was proud to say that Huey was one of the sharpest students in his class at Duckburg Preparatory and would have his pick of any institute of higher education upon graduating.

"He said to remind you that he's having Launchpad drive him to the manner after his Woodchuck's Meeting and to not wait on dinner."

Gyro nodded thinking that while his son's love of science came from him and and his passion for history and mythology had been Scrooge's influence, joining the Junior Woodchucks and climbing its ranks had been something the young boy got from his mother. Looking over at the small desk that was set up for afternoons when his son had came to the lab after school, he couldn't help but smile at the framed photo of a preteen Della in her own Woodchuck uniform a gift from Scrooge to his nephew on the eve of his first badge ceremony. While the photo had been taken a good five years before they had met it was clear that Della still had the same vivacious spark in her eye that he knew and loved and missed these past eleven years not that he'd admit it to anyone.

It was at that moment that Gyro's phone buzzed making him think that perhaps Huey had decided to send him a text as well however a smile curled on his lips when he saw who the sender was instead….