The Moment I Saw You

Inuyasha waits for something important after something else happened to him. That's when he saw a moving car pull up next door to the house that was just been bought a few days ago. So he just had to look out his window to see something he never expected.

Chapter 1: Meet the Neighbors

The streets remain quiet as everyone has either left for school or for work. Just a typical neighborhood. With elegant street lights to remain off until dusk approaches. Even though the entire area is quiet that not even a pin dropping to the concrete roads wouldn't get anyone's attention, a sneeze is the only thing that could be heard. That is if the person who is close enough would be able to notice it. "Dear, you feeling ok?" A female voice asks someone. The noise that came from was coming from a very nice house in the end of the street. More like instead of a dead-end road, the end is more circular for a few houses to be built around there. There were six of them built along the edge. But only one is vacant. To make sense is that there's a sign that said "sold" in front of the house that has been bought some time ago.

"Not good mother." A boy's replies back to the female. The house is next door to the recently bought one. Inside into one of the windows that faces the street is a bedroom. The room is painted in a pale blue, which is typical for any boy who sleeps in it. One side of the room is a huge bed with a just a bedsheet and a comforter covering the boy who just sneezed. He looks so miserable due to it. The boy is unlike anyone else. He has silvery long hair, his eyes are molten gold, little fangs in his mouth. His exposed hands have short claws instead of fingernails. But the most unique feature the boy has is a pair of akita dog ears on his head.

A cold pad wrapped in a hand towel is places onto his forehead with the bangs out of the way. "Looks like you have the cold, honey." The female told him softly. The woman turns out to be his mother. But unlike her son has, her hair is long to her ankle. But it's put up to a high ponytail. Her eyes have a gentle wooden brown color. Her little make up of soft blue shadow makes her so gorgeous. Not just that, but her lips are painted by a ruby shade of red. She places her hand onto her son's cheek. "Do you need anything else?" She asks him.

The boy shakes his head. "No. I'm good. Let me rest up to see if anything changes." He smiles up to her. "Ok, Inuyasha. I'll come back in the afternoon." The mother smiles back as she gathers the cold medicine and leaves her son alone. Inuyasha remains in his position on his back to let the cold pack to drop his fever. The thermometer said it was 103.1. No wonder he's so miserable.

As the mother puts the medicine away into the medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom, her phone rings to get her attention. She pulls it out of her sweater pocket to see who's calling. It's her husband. "Hello dearest." She speaks to him. "Hi there, Izayoi. How's Inuyasha doing?" The husband asks her. Izayoi frowns a little. "Not so good, Inutaishou. He has a high fever. I just gave him his medicine and a put an ice pack onto his forehead." Izayoi gives him the heads up on what she was able to do so far. "I guess that's what he gets to be outside for 3 hours." Inutaishou lightly jokes to her. All Izayoi does is shake her head. "He had to get over his breakup. It's a good thing that I didn't asks him about it."

Inutaishou nods back even though they can't really see each other since they're on the phone. "For now, let's get him get better and hope for something else to get over his breakup. I don't blame him one bit." He suggests to her. "I agree. I'll see you tonight honey." Izayoi speaks back as she hangs up the phone.

Izayoi heads back into the kitchen to make something to drink. Even though it's morning, she doesn't feel completely awake, she had to make sure her coffee was strong enough to make sure it works in her favor. As she sits down in the living room to begin her book that she just bought to pass the time, a new vehicle as well two cars pulling up to the circle. She looks through the window to see it's a moving van. "Ah that must be the new neighbors." She smiles as she decides to give them some time for them to get used to the new neighborhood.

Even though Izayoi is giving the new neighbors the time they need, Inuyasha on the other hand isn't getting the rest that he desperately needs. He turns to the side which makes the ice pack to fall off of his forehead. He noticed that his fan is off. That gives him an idea. If he could turn on the fan on full blast it can block out the noise from outside of his room. Once he turned it on, it does the trick. "Finally." He smirks as he gets back into his bed to get his well-deserved rest. He puts the ice pack back onto his forehead to lower his fever.

Back outside, the moving truck backs up to allow the two new cars to park into the widen driveway. The one of the left is a grey minivan. Inside is an older woman doing the driving. In the passenger is her daughter. And in the back seat is a kid, which happens to be the son. "Well, welcome to our new home." The mother smiles as she unbuckles the seat belt. The daughter on the other hand isn't too thrilled. "Sis, you ok?" the kid asks her. All the daughter does to remain silent. The kid shakes his head and heads out of the van. The daughter remains inside. She looks outside to see the car next to her is a very nice black car. Out comes the father. As soon as he gets out, he sees his son going to take a look around the house. He then turns to see his daughter still in the van.

He shakes his head. He knocks onto the window to get her attention. "Kagome, it's not that bad out here." He tells her. Kagome just crosses her arms. "I'm not into this kind of lifestyle." She stares at him before turns her head away from him. The father sighs, knowing how stubborn his daughter. He turns around to look around the house. "The nerve of him." She murmurs to herself. A knock on her windows draws her attention again. "Hey sis, you gotta see the house." Her brother shouts out to her. Instead, Kagome locks the doors. "Oh come on Kagome, you can't stay in there forever." Her brother bangs on to the van, trying to open it. "Try me, Sota. Because I'm not coming out of here anytime soon." She calls back to him from the inside of the van.

Sota frowns sadly as he turns around to go into the new house. The mother spots his expression. "Sota, what's wrong?" She kneels down to his level. "It's Kagome. She won't come out of the van." Sota said to her with his brown eyes about to fill up with tears. "I know. But she's just not ready to get back on to her feet after what happened. Just leave her alone for now." The mother assures him. Sota nods and runs off. "Still staying in the van, Ai." The father comes up to her. "Yes, Hige. It's been a week since the incident." Ai sighs as she looks toward the van.

A few hours later, a few people walk down the streets. Kagome looks out the window to see a few going into their homes that are in the circle. For now she's not interesting meeting any of them. Not just yet. For what her parents told her is that she's going to be going to the school that bus was from. "I should get out of here." She tells herself as she gets out. "Oh hi there." A new voice speaks out to her. Kagome turns to see a girl about her age. The first thing is that Kagome is run straight to her new house.

The girl didn't expected that. "What happened, Sango?" Another voice calls out to her. The girl turns to a guy who walks up to her. "Looks like the girl who came out of the van is new here. And from the looks of it, she's not thrilled." She explains to him. "Maybe Inuyasha might know about her." He gives an idea. "No way Miroku. He's sick and he's not to be disturbed." Sango flicks the guy's forehead. "Ow. You didn't have to do that." Miroku rubs the sore spot where Sango flicked. "For now, let him rest. Besides I think the new girl will be at school tomorrow." Sango advices him. Miroku agrees and heads to his house while Sango goes to hers.