"At The Wrong Time"

Rated T because well, that's just how I roll.

Pairing: Byleth Eisner (M) X Dorothea Arnault

Summary: Dorothea is pregnant with Byleth's child and now she feels like she needs to tell him. The problem is, he's in the middle of something important...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fire Emblem: Three Houses or any characters associated with the game. It is all owned by Nintendo. Since I still had fun writing Byleth/Dorothea in their post-timeskip marriage glory, I wanted to do something funny and special for them for once. So get ready for comedic timing at it's best, people. ENJOY! ^_^

Dorothea was pacing around the Captain's quarters, feeling a state of panic dread through all of her face. It wasn't very surprising that the former songstress herself was like this for a good seven days now. She felt quite sick with an upset stomach, which sometimes led her to throwing up in one of the bathrooms that the dormitories had. Dorothea didn't want to be seen by anyone in a sickened state like this.

Well, all except for her husband and the hero of Fodlan himself, Byleth Eisner. The very same man who had slayed Lady Rhea alongside fellow Black Eagles captain turned Emperor of Fodlan, Edelgard Von Hresvelg, felt very concerned for Dorothea's safety and well-being. There were times where Byleth decided to take a break going on missions and instead decided to focus on helping Dorothea recover from stomach sickness. She wasn't always like this though. Dorothea actually felt energetic seven days later when Byleth treated her to a very romantic evening filled with the richest red wine, delicious onion gratin soup, the sweetest chocolate cake that she had ever tasted, and it all came to a close with some intense lovemaking that the couple could ever experience. Dorothea felt herself replay that moment over and over again, and it all soon lead to a surprising revelation that she never saw coming.

It was at that point that Dorothea decided to get herself one of those thermometer-like things down at the town's local marketplace. After only a day of testing though, Dorothea's eyes bulged down to see the "+" sign attached on that very same device. Even though it looked more like a thermometer though, it wasn't as Dorothea looked down to see that she was holding a pregnancy test in her hands.

It had now become known that Dorothea Arnault had become pregnant with Byleth Eisner's child.

And it was the reason why Dorothea was walking back and forth inside the captain's quarters, not even knowing what to tell her own husband.

"Okay, Dorothea... you can do this, you can tell him as long as he understands you're holding his kid..." She said to herself, trying to be calm the best that she was.

All it took was a big deep breath before she barged into the door and said with a fast-paced shout:


Dorothea immediately closed her eyes for a good few seconds before slowly opening them up to see her own blue-haired husband covering himself with a shower curtain out of pure embarrassment!

"Dorothea, can't you see I'm taking a shower here?!" Byleth shouted with a blush between his cheeks, "At least wait until I finish!"

"Oh, sorry about that." Dorothea said, looking down at her own feet.

"Thanks, that's all I ask." The mercenary said right before he closed the curtain around him.

That would only be for several seconds though before Byleth opened the curtain back up and shrieked, "WAIT, YOU'RE PREGNANT!?"

Dorothea soon broke down sobbing with a smile as she said, "Yes, Byleth. I am."

Byleth suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He couldn't believe that Dorothea, the very same songstress that Byleth had fallen in love with and married, was now holding their unborn child. The mercenary himself wasn't even ready to have a kid just yet. He had a town to defend alongside Emperor Edelgard and her right hand, Hubert. But when he heard that bombshell announcement coming from the beautiful long-haired brunette, Byleth knew the only way he had to react.

He found himself smiling joyously as he stepped out of the shower and hugged Dorothea in his strong, muscular arms, engaging in an embrace that the couple shared with each other. They were definitely taking in every second of happiness that both Byleth and Dorothea felt from this moment.

With their foreheads touching one another, Byleth said to her with a whisper, "You don't know how happy you made me now..."

"I know," Dorothea nodded, speaking between the tears she shed with a chuckle, "You're actually gonna be a dad."

"I am, I'm really gonna be a father." Byleth nodded back, still relishing in this moment.

The moment would only last a little bit before Dorothea dried her tears long enough to look down with a blush, "Um, honey, are you-?"

"Yeah, I am." Byleth chuckled a bit before he pointed back to the shower and said, "Can I get back to my shower now?"

Dorothea immediately nodded back to her husband, therefore leading Byleth back to his shower in peace. Despite the fact that she accidentally walked in on him in all of Byleth's glory, the news that she shared with him was nothing short of magical to say the least. They knew that when that day would come, the birth of their child would be as wonderful as they will now imagine.

Yeah, I was a softie for this one. Can't believe Dorothea walked in on Byleth in the shower. Guessing Byleth should've had the decency to lock the door in the first place.

Anyway, R&R and leave feedbacks if you desire. Until next time, peace out!