Author Note: Since last Fourth of July fanfiction was back in 2017. I decided that I would write one this year. I started my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday schedule this week and I am hoping to keep it going for you all. I did actually mean to get this posted on Friday but I did not get around to finishing it until now.

Kurt was finding it hard since this Fourth of July they were not free. They were being hunted due to Madeline's lies. They gave their daughter to Allie to keep safe along with Kurt's other daughter Bethany. Kurt knew that his wife missed their daughter and hope that they would be home soon so they spend the holiday with their kids.

"Hey, I know that you are missing the kids today but at least we know that they are okay." Jane said to her husband.

"I just wish that we were at home with the kids." Kurt said to his wife.

"Me too. I want nothing more but this to be done." Jane responded to him with a smile. "But we are trying to make sure that they stay safe right now."

"I know but it just sucks to be away from them." Kurt responded to her as he sat down on their bed expect for it was not their bed.

"maybe we can light a firework for the kids." Jane said to him. She hoped that it would satisfied her husband.

"We both know that would be a good idea if we were not on the run but since we are. We should settle for a candle." Kurt responded to his wife with a smile as she sat down next to her husband.

Later that night, the couple lighted a candle for their children and prayed that this would be over little did they know when they would get caught the next day when they found a new tattoo being sent to them.

Author Note: I know that this chapter is short but I promise soon my word counts will be up soon. This was one of the one take stories that I had in my head for the past couple of weeks. I hope that you follow me on instagram "Carson_Macgarrett" and on twitter "Carson34ff" where I am hoping to post more now that I am waiting to return to work. I will hopefully see you on Wednesday for a new fanfiction.