Things were not fun in the Parker/ Nichols house at the moment.

"Hey guys." Mindy made her way into the house, only to find Walter and Audrey sitting on the couch brooding angrily "I take it I came at a bad time?"

"In a word, yes." Audrey let out a sigh "We got into a fight with Drake."

"Uh huh. Should I make myself scarce, or…?"

"Well Josh is actually still at work, so you're welcome to wait for him."

"Thanks." she promptly sat down in a nearby chair "So what happened exactly?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary really, Drake blaming Megan for something that happened to him, we finally had enough and called him out on it, and then he just exploded and tore into us like it was no tomorrow." Walter told her.

"What did he say?"

"Among other things, that he's fed up with our, well not using a bunch of those words, that he's had it with our favoritism towards her, and that we could both… do stuff to ourselves that I'm not comfortable with saying out loud."


"I just don't get it though." Audrey muttered "I mean Megan is so sweet and innocent, it's bad enough they blame her for whatever they do, but getting mad at us for when we call them out on it makes it that much worse."

"Uh huh." Mindy looked around rather awkwardly 'Note to self, next time you see the aftermath of a fight in this house, get out when you've got the chance. Just for the sake of being clear, do you have any examples of that?"

"Well for starters, there was the incident with that salsa contest."

"The Peruvian Puff Pepper incident?"

"That's the one. Somehow they ended up blowing up the kitchen, and then they had the nerve to blame Megan for it, and then accuse her of sabotaging them. Then there's the sheep incident. We found them with two sheep in their room."

"The baby is called a lamb."

"You know about it?"

"Josh spent two weeks crying over his Oprah cutout being ruined."

"Anyway, they try to blame Megan for it, and so we grounded them for a month. Then another month after we found a zebra in the garage."

"Uh huh. Any others?"

"Well the only other one that comes to mind is when Megan was trying out astronomy and then they pushed her down." Walter told her "So I grounded them for the night."

"Did you see them do it?"

"No, but Megan said so, and what reason would she have to lie?"

"Uh huh. Tell me something, couldn't that same logic apply to Drake & Josh?"

"Well yeah sure, but she's a sweet little girl." he failed to notice a quiet snort from Mindy "I mean, they're teenagers, so they should know better."

"Did you ever consider that Megan might be lying?"

"Well like you said, what reason would she have to lie?"

"And that's why you just took her word over theirs, one to two?"

"What does that have to do with- You're not saying that Drake was right about us showing favoritism to Megan do you?"

"I didn't say anything like that. Just tell me, is there a time that you ever took Drake and Josh's word over hers?"

"Well…" Audrey glanced over at Walter "The only time I can think of is during that whole thing with Carmichael's tree house, they said she was helping them with the rocket, and she never said that she wasn't."

"Is that the only reason you believed them?" Mindy received no reply "Okay you know what, I think I've heard enough."

"What's that mean, do you buy into that stuff too?"

"Well I enjoy watching her mess with Drake every now and then, like when she dyed his hands and feet green."

"Wait, he was serious about that?"

"Apparently she got the idea when she saw something on my laptop, and she said something about Drake eating her big cookie, but that's irrelevant. Is Megan in her room right now?"

"No she's spending the night at a friend's house, why?"

"I think I might be able to find a solution to this entire problem once and for all, and if I'm right, and I always am, I may be able to find the truth for you guys, and for Drake and Josh."

"Why? I thought you and Megan got along fine."

"Oh we do, and yes I like messing with Drake, but I love Josh, and I don't want to see him going through that kind of hell over things that weren't his fault, and since they're a package deal, then I'll put aside my feud with Drake for the sake of Josh. Anyway give me 45 minutes, and I'll see if I have this sorted out." and so she promptly made her way upstairs.

"Uh… okay then."

"What do you think?" asked Walter.

"I'm not sure. I mean Drake and Josh being upset over her is one thing, but someone sweet, smart, rational and put together like Mindy? I guess we'll just have to see where this goes and then go from there."


About 45 minutes passed.

Mindy made her way back down with a camera in one hand, and a binder in another "Alright, it took me a little bit longer than I thought it would, but I got the stuff."

"So what's your verdict then?" asked Audrey.

"Well for starters…" Mindy pulled out a remote from her pocket and pressed a button, which caused the boom box to open up and reveal a paintball gun, which then proceeded to shoot the two of them five times each "Uh… sorry. I swear that was accidental."

"That… helps your case somewhat." Audrey picked herself up off the floor and was promptly handed the remote "Putting that aside, what did you find?"

"Aside from that, I found the remote she uses to control these." she pressed another button on the remote, which summoned dozens of cameras before them, each one positioned in different areas throughout the living room and dining room "That's how she's been one step ahead of everyone all this time."

"How did she… Where did she get the…?"

"She keeps saying that she knows a guy. Anyway, from the video in those cameras, I was able to compile the information onto this." she pulled out a flashdrive, which she then connected to her laptop, and she pulled up the video that would lead to Megan's downfall "The exploding salsa that wrecked your kitchen, buying a pregnant sheep on the internet, stealing Josh's laptop along with Drake's new leather jacket for her astronomy and lying down on the grass and screaming, and then lying and saying that they pushed her down. Megan was responsible for all of that, and she let Drake & Josh take the blame."

"All of it… and we… Oh my god…" needless to say, Audrey and Walter were horrified by what they were seeing "Why would she do all of that?"

"Hard to say. Like I said, her messing with Drake is somewhat justified, and it's no secret I'm not fond of him, and Josh does have his… moments. As for some of the more severe stuff she gets them in trouble for, I can't really explain it."

"...Oh dear god, what have we done?"

"I can't really answer that. I mean I do get it, the sweet and innocent little kid act has worked for my brother time and again, though not to such an extent."

"But still, they were right about all of it, and… we were showing favoritism. Mindy, is there any way we can thank you for this?"

"Well, if you want to get those cameras out of here, I'm more than happy to take them off your hands."

"Why do you need cameras like that?"

"I don't, but these models could sell for a good price, and a girl has needs. Plus my birthday is coming up, and if you wouldn't mind talking to Josh about this one necklace I've had my eye on for awhile." she received a few odd looks "Like I said, a girl has needs."

"Well first, I'd better call Drake and apologize for all of this."

"Let me call him, try and calm him down first." Walter pulled out his phone and dialed, but after a moment he just let out a sigh "Voicemail."

"Go ahead, we need to say this."

"Alright. Drake, it's your parents. We're not mad, we just want to talk."

"Drake, we're so sorry about all the things we said and for not believing in you and Josh all this time. We were wrong, we see that now."

"You have every right to be angry with us, but please just come home. There are going to be changes, but for the better. We're doing this because we love you." and then they ended the message "You think we should do the same for Josh?"

"Hey guys, I'm back from work." this was when Josh made his way in, clad in his uniform with the gold vest, and he quickly locked eyes on Mindy "Oh hey, what are you doing here?"

"Well it started as me wanting to surprise you when you got home from work, but it turned into something a lot bigger." Mindy kissed him on the cheek and whispered into his ear "You're going to owe me big time for this."

"...Should I be scared?"

"You're scared of a lot of stuff."


About an hour passed, and the whole family had gathered for the moment of truth.

Audrey and Walter glared down at Megan at where she was seated in a chair in the corner looking somewhat terrified and defensive, with Drake, Josh and Mindy all watching this go down from the sidelines "Well young lady, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"It wasn't me, I didn't do it!" Megan immediately resorted to lying, as usual "Those two boobs must have planted it there-" she was silenced by a hand being held up to her.

"Don't even try that. Like I said, what do you have to say in the face of this overwhelming evidence that you are and have been for years, a deceitful, lying, trouble making little monster that lives to torture your brothers over things they've never done?"

"Uh… I blame television!"

"Don't even try that, this isn't Fairly OddParents and we are nowhere near as stupid or gullible as those parents are. Do you really think we're that stupid."

"Uh… no?"

"...Yeah that figures. Megan Parker, you're beyond grounded. No dates, no movies, no TV, no friends, no phone calls, no leaving this house except for school. And any allowance you get for the next six months is going to be used to pay back all of your brothers' things that you've ruined over the years."


"No buts, you've had this coming for a long time. And there's not going to be any more tormenting your brothers, or else you're going to Juvie. It's not something we want to do, but if we have to, then we will. As for you two…" they promptly turned their attention to Drake & Josh, and their anger softened "We're sorry. Drake, you were right about what you said. Whether we realized it or not, we were showing favoritism by always believing everything she said. That's going to stop tonight. There will be changes, but they're going to be for the better."

"Well… excuse us for a moment." on that note, Drake & Josh promptly made their way out the door and onto the front porch, and started screaming and dancing like a couple of madmen (think what they did in Really Big Shrimp), and it was only after they were done that they calmly made their way back into the house "Okay so…"

"So yeah, we're gonna keep going on with punishments, you don't have to stick around."

"Like squash we don't, we've been waiting years for this. I'm making some popcorn." and on that note, Drake promptly bolted into the kitchen, but then he poked his head out the door and glanced over at Mindy "So, uh… thanks, you know? Sure we pretty much hate each other, but after seeing this… I guess you're not so bad after all." and so he made his way back into the kitchen.

Upon hearing this, Mindy could only manage a small smile 'Not so bad after all huh? Probably the best I'm going to get out of him, but it's good enough for me.'


I love Drake & Josh as much as the next guy, and it's definitely worth binging during quarantine, I actually did a few times, but one thing I've noticed is that, while when they get it right they sure as hell do, there are some episodes that leave a bit to be desired. In that regard, there are mainly three that I've noticed the fandom in particular aren't very fond of: Peruvian Puff Pepper, Sheep Thrills, Theater Thug, and Alien Invasion, in order of their release. I share their opinions to be honest, even if some of them do have some really funny moments, but not enough to save the episode. Three of these episodes have the same problem going for them: They involve Drake & Josh getting punished over something Megan does, while she gets off scott free. To that end, rather than create a generic fic where Megan gets punished by Drake & Josh exposing her or their parents stumbling upon something that exposes her, seeing how that's been done at least a dozen times (though a good number of them involve her getting spanked, something I'm not really fond of), I decided to have her get busted by the one person I believe is actually capable of outsmarting her: Mindy Crenshaw, Josh's girlfriend.

I know that Mindy and Megan usually do get along when they're seen together, but I can imagine that she would not be happy to know about the times Josh has been screwed over by Megan in the past. Drake sure, but not Josh. So anyway, I decided to have her be the one to expose Megan. I got the idea when I was watching the Fairly Odd Parents special Channel Chasers (which easily would've made a fantastic finale for Fairly Odd Parents, along with Abra-Catastrophe, Fairy Idol and Wishology, but the downfall of that show is a discussion for another time), and I know that if anyone were to be smart enough to bust Megan, it would be Mindy. I don't know how good this is going to be, maybe it's just me letting out some rage over the thought of Megan getting away with everything, but either way, this is what I got, so let me know what you guys think.