Author Note: I have been enjoying the beach at the beginning of the week. I thought about this fanfiction all day and thought that it would be a good storyline now that I am trying to get back to my old schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I did managed to post a story on Friday so be sure to check that one out if you like Blindspot that is. This is a sequel to my Come back to me series that I did a few years ago.

Character Summary:

Steve: Married to Robyn. Still in charge of Five 0. Father of Kia, John, Michael, Leah and Savannah.

Robyn: Married to Steve. Works for Five 0 parttime. Mother of Kia, John, Michael, Leah and Savannah.

Kia: Oldest child of Steve and Robyn. Sister to John, Michael, Leah, and Savannah.

John: Second child of Steve and Robyn. Brother of Kia, Michael, Leah and Savannah.

Michael: Second child of Steve and Robyn. Brother of Kia, John, Leah and Savannah.

Leah: third child of Steve and Robyn. Sister of Kia, John, Michael and Savannah.

Savannah: Youngest child of Steve and Robyn. Sister of Kia, John, Michael and Leah.

"Daddy, Can we go to the beach?" Savannah asked her father with her brothers and sisters in tow.

"Guys, we live on the beach. We will go down there later with uncle Danny, Grace and Charlie." Steve said to his kids. He could not believe that they were asking that since they have litterly grown up on the beach.

"Okay, daddy." Savannah said to her father as they ran off to play outside.

"Do Not go down to beach. You guys know the rules that your mother and I set for you." Steve reminded the kids.

"We know, dad." Kia said to her father with a smile. She was definally her father's child with sometimes the rebel but for the most part she was her mother's child.

"I hope that you will listen this time." Steve said to his daughter as Robyn walked into the room.

"Hey what is going on?" Robyn asked her husband.

"The kids want to go down to the beach now. I told them that we have to wait." Steve said with a smile to her.

"Okay. When is Danny going to be here?" Robyn asked her husband.

"In about an hour." Steve said to her as he walked closer to her.

About an hour went by and the kids resting for a little bit. He knew that the kids were excited to go down to the beach. Danny and the kids arrived about ten minutes ago. All of the kids got ready for the beach and Robyn was getting the sun screen on the kids so that they were okay.

They got down to the beach. Steve and Danny got the kids into the water as Robyn relaxed on the beach to watch the kids and the boys playing together. She didn't notice when Danny walked up to the room.

"Hey, are you okay?" Danny asked his friend.

"I'm fine. Just worried about Steve. He has been through a lot since his father's death and then again with his mom's death. I am just worried that he is just gonna pack up and leave us." She said to him.

"Steve will not leave you or the kids. He loves you. On borning days at the office, he can't stop talking about you and those kids. Robyn, you need to believe in your marriage and in Steve." Danny said to her.

"Okay." She responded to him.

They stay down at the beach until it was time to go back to eat dinner. Danny and the kids stayed so they could watch a movie.

Author Note: I hope that you enjoyed this one take fanfiction. I am hoping to get back to a bigger word count soon. I hope that you will follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I update most of the time. I will see you soon for another fanfiction