Annie: And we are back with a new one-shot!

SB/Kierra: Why are we doing this one?

Annie: Because I can.

SB/Kierra: Oh.

Annie: This was inspired by the story 'The Sixth Gundam Pilot' by Sakurayoh.

SB/Kierra: We don't own anything except our OC's.

Annie: Enjoy!

The plan had been to originally to drop a colony onto the earth and send 5 extremely advanced mobile suits known and 'Gundams' to stop any resistance, but the 5 scientists who built the Gundams did not like that plan. They came up with their own and their pilots would attack and destroy only OZ bases. Each off the 5, built one Gundam, but Doctor S, on L3 built a second Gundam in secret from 'Heavyarms', the second Gundam he called 'Shadow' and it was based off all 5 Gundams. Shadow's coloring was based on 'Deathscythe' the Gundam from L2 as well as its main weapon which a staff that could turn into a double-bladed staff or scythe. It also had a flight mode and a beam cannon like 'Wing' from L1 had, it also had a flame thrower like 'Shenlong' from L5. The double-bladed staff was a combo of the weapons from 'Deathscythe' and 'Sandrock' from L4 since the staff could be split in two when needed. It also had machine guns and rocket launchers on the head and shoulders like 'Heavyarms' did; plus, it could not be picked up on any monitoring system when in stealth mode.

Doctor S finished 'Shadow' long before he finished 'Heavyarms' and he gave it to the one person no one would suspect to pilot a suit let alone a Gundam, the nameless teen and their equally nameless twin were the ones he wanted to pilot the 2 Gundams he built, but 'Heavyarms' was meant to be piloted by Trowa Barton the son Dekim Barton the leader of the Barton Foundation.

"Take care child, don't use it unless you have too." Doctor S told the nameless teen, who was their trump card.

"I know. From now on I will be called 'Trolina Barton' I will only fight with Shadow if the others need my help." The teen replied, revealing the fact that the teen was a female.

Doctor S nodded, Shadow had a system that could sense when the other 5 Gundams were in big trouble…Doctor S had made the program himself. He watched as she got Shadow ready and took off to earth. All too soon Trolina's nameless twin brother took the real Trowa Barton's name and place not long after his twin left with Shadow, when he witnessed the murder of the real Trowa Barton and the nameless teen took Heavyarms to earth during operation meteor. The teen knew that Doctor S had made a second Gundam and that he had given it to his twin sister. How the boy knew that, Doctor S had no idea but he felt that he would learn the truth one day.

After Trowa left with Heavyarms he found his twin sister Trolina working at a circus as a fortune teller and he got a job there as a clown. A couple of months later the Barton twins, as the circus called them, had learned of and met the other 4 Gundam pilots, Wufei Chang from L5 and the pilot of Shenlong and Heero Yuy from L1 and the pilot of Wing both met Trowa's twin sister but they did not know that she was also a pilot. Duo Maxwell from L2 and the pilot of Deathscythe and Quatre Raberba Winner the heir of the Winner family from L4 and the pilot of Sandrock have not met Trolina Barton even thou they met Trowa.

Some months later Trowa goes undercover on the Lunar base and he learns that Duo and Wufei have been captured and he captures Heero who had been trying to destroy two mobile suits that the doctors had been ordered to make since they too had been captured, as well as trying to rescue Duo.

"Undercover?" Heero asked Trowa as the taller pilot led him to the cell the other two were in.

"Yeah." Trowa replied softly, not wanting anyone to hear them.

"Heavyarms?" Heero asked.

"Safe." Trowa spoke in his ear before he pushed him into the cell with the others.

A couple of weeks later Quatre was shoved into the cell with them, he had been caught trying to rescue the other three. He had learned that bases were being destroyed, half of the people who had been talking about it said it was the Gundam 03 since no one has seen it in a while but they weren't too sure on if it was or not since no one could see it. The other half said it was a 'new' Gundam or an army of mobile suits, no one could tell since no one saw anything that looked like a Gundam or a mobile suit.

"It's not Trowa." Heero said when Quatre was finished telling them about the news he had learned of "I was caught BY him after trying to destroy the two mobile suit the mad five were ordered to make and trying to free Duo. He told me that he is undercover and that Heavyarms is safe."

"Then who is it?" Duo and Wufei asked.

"Only 3 people know who; me, the pilot themselves, and Doctor S." Trowa said as he came to 'check' on the prisoners.

"Who is it?" Heero asked as Trowa smirked at them.

"The last person anyone would think of." Trowa replied not giving the pilot's identity away.

"And with you undercover and this other pilot destroying bases, you are safe for now." Quatre said as the other four agreed, not knowing that Lady Une would learn the truth and arrest him, and torture him for information on who was destroying the bases since she now had all five pilots captured.

Trowa managed to escape the cell, he had not been tossed in with the others yet, he got to a computer and sent out a message to his twin before he was recaptured and thrown in with the others, before Lady Une came to the cell.

"How did you get out of the cell we had you in before?" she demanded to know.

"Like I would tell you that." Trowa said.

"I want the key to it and who you sent it out to." She ordered him, Trowa just laughed at her, the other 4 were confused.

"Like hell I would." Trowa said after he stopped laughing, some guards where there holding him and the others, when one of them punched him in the stomach, knocking the air of him, which made him cough, he already had injuries from the beating he got before he sent out that message.

"I will find out the truth eventually and will destroy them." She said.

"You won't be able too, the gilded Tigerlily of the Prongs stag of the Marauders cannot be tamed." * Trowa spoke as she and the guards left the five alone and he sighed and sat cross-legged on the floor where he had been standing while being held by the guards.

"Are you alright, Trowa?" Quatre asked as he coughed again.

"I'm fine." Trowa replied.

"What did you do?" Wufei asked as the other four came closer to him and sat down around him.

"I hope they got it." Was the only thing Trowa said not giving what he had done away.

Trolina was sitting in her trailer at the circus when her laptop beeped and she looked at it and found a coded message from her twin.

"So, my twin was found out and is with the others on the Lunar Base. Looks like it is time for 'Shadow' to step into the spotlight and perform for the crowd." Lina said as she read the message, to anyone else they would be confused and not understand what they were looking at, but she and her twin had come up with a code only they could understand as children, Doctor S could read their code only with a translator.

"Lina? Are you heading out again?" the manager of the circus asked her when he and the circus's knife throwing star, Catherine Bloom spotted her with a bag, and a cloak.

"Yes. Trowa was undercover on the Lunar Base when his cover was blown. He is now a prisoner along with the other Gundam pilots. He sent me a coded message and I have to free them, so I will be gone for a while." She told them the truth.

The whole circus knew that Trowa Barton, their silent clown, was a Gundam pilot and so were his four friends. They also knew that Lina was a Gundam pilot as well and that no one knew what her Gundam looked like, it was why they let Trowa come and go as he liked; they did not care that he was a Gundam pilot.

"Be careful." Catherine said to the teen she saw as a little sister, Trowa was like a little brother to her as well. It did not matter that Trowa and Trolina both looked like what she imagined her baby brother and sister would look like if they hadn't disappeared when their parents died when she was 5 years old.

"Take care." The manager said to her.

"I will." She replied and left to get 'shadow' and head to the Lunar Base.

It did not take her long to get into space since the circus was on L3. She had to fight 'the lightening count' Zechs Merquise and she let him see her Gundam before she 'disappeared' as if by magic. Lina had to laugh as she listened to everyone talk about her as she made her way to the base her twin was at and made her way to the control room. She took out the men in the room and learned where her twin was before she grinned and turned on the speakers so that everyone, including the prisoners, could hear what she was about to say.


It was a phrase her twin brother would understand. The cloak she was wearing as she entered the base, hid her body, the only thing anyone could see was her nose, since even her mouth was covered and in that piece that covered her mouth was a voice distorter so no one would be able to tell who she was by the sound of her voice. When she left the control room, she made her way to the cells and as she walked, she tossed flashbangs, concussion grenades, smoke bombs, and stink bombs into different rooms and hallways, causing mass confusion and chaos in her wake. **

She found the mad five, the five doctors that built the Gundams and freed them. Doctor S knew who the cloaked figure was the minute he laid eyes on the figure and told her about the two suits they had been forced to make and what they did to them, the fail-safe they put in. She would expand on that fail-safe once she made sure that the mad five where on a shuttle bound for the sweeper's satellite. After she finished with the two suits, she made her way to the cell were her twin and the others were and the 5 teens looked at her when the door opened.

"Seven." They heard the cloaked figure say as Trowa grinned.

"Blue." Trowa replied, revealing he knew who this person was.

"Nine." The figure said.

"Pink." Trowa said which, caused the figure to snicker. Whatever the numbers and colors meant the color pink was something the cloaked figure found funny.

"H" the figure said

"C" Trowa replied

"E" it seemed as if they were spelling out two different words.
















"What is going on?" Duo asked, but he was ignored by the two as the other three shrugged, they were just as clueless.

"You left it with 'Peter Pan and the lost boys'?" the figure asked Trowa.

"Yes." Trowa said, clearly knowing who and what the figure was referring to.

"Then let's get 'Deadpool', 'Joker', 'Kung fu Panda', and 'Prince Ali' out of here and to their toys and head off to 'Neverland'." The figure said as Trowa laughed at the names the other four were given.

"Uh, Trowa?" Quatre asked his friend.

"Let's get out of here and get your Gundams." Said Trowa, the cloaked figured had removed the cuffs the 5 wore as they had spoken to Trowa, as he looked at the others.

"What about the mad five and the suits that Lady Une was having them build?" Wufei asked.

"The 'Justice League' has already taken the bat-mobile and are currently heading to the Batcave where Bruce Wayne will make sure they return to their homes with their secret identities intact." The figure said as Trowa snickered, as they walked out of the cell.

"And the suits?" Heero asked as the figure let out an insane laugh.

"Won't be a problem, trust me." The figure said.

When they arrived at the hanger were Wing, Deathscythe, Sandrock, and Shenlong had been kept, they noticed another Gundam that must belong to the cloaked figure. They entered the Gundams with Trowa joining the cloaked figure in the new one and they made their way out into space. Trowa watched as his twin took her cloak off and get in touch with Howard who confirmed that the mad five had made it to the satellite.

"Glad you got my message." Trowa said after a moment.

"Of course, you know Cathy will mother hen you over your injuries." She replied as she glanced at him, the 5 Gundams arrived at the sweeper's satellite, the other four were surprised to see Heavyarms already there.

"He did say his Gundam was safe." Heero stated, remembering what he had learned from the other when he was caught.

The four teens then watched as the new Gundam came in and Trowa and its pilot came out, shocking the four. Heero and Wufei were surprised it was Trowa's twin sister Trolina Barton who was the pilot since the two had met her before when they each had been at the circus at one point. Duo and Quatre were shocked that the pilot was a girl and that she looked a lot like Trowa. Trowa just smirked at the four of them.

"Duo, Quatre, I'd like you to meet my identical twin sister Trolina Barton 'Lina' for short." Trowa introduced her to them since they were the only ones who had not met her.

"Doctor S made two Gundams; 'Shadow' was finished first and I took it to earth long before Operation Meteor." Lina told them.

"And everything the two of you said to each other?" Heero asked them.

"I assigned everyone a code name or two." Lina said.

"Peter Pan and Bruce Wayne is the same person, Howard. The lost boys are the sweepers that work under him; the bat-mobile is a shuttle; and were we are now is the Batcave." Trowa explained.

"The Justice League are the 5 doctors who built the Gundams, don't forget this place is also called 'Neverland'." Lina said the last past as she looked at her twin who nodded. The mad five and Howard were listening to the Barton twins.

"Deadpool is you, Heero. Prince Ali is Quatre, Joker is Duo, and Kung Fu Panda is Wufei." Trowa told them as the four nodded.

"And the number/color thing?" Duo asked.

"It's a code we came up with when we were younger." Lina said.

"We rigged our Gundam's output in a way that no one but us could read it, Doctor S can't even read it unless he runs it through a translator first." Trowa added.

"If I sent an email to anyone without changing the OS, all they would see would be blocks of color, same for Trowa but instead of colors anyone would see would be numbers." *** Lina said.

"So that is what Lady Une was complaining about, you sent out a message and all she saw were a bunch of numbers!" Wufei said as he and the other four realized why she had said what she did not long after Trowa had been tossed into the cell with them.

"I did after I was found out and kept in a different cell for a while as they questioned me, I managed to escape long enough to send a message to Lina, she is the only one who could read the numbers and know what it says without translating it first." Trowa confirmed.

"So now what?" Quatre asked after a few minutes to prosses the information they all just learned about the Barton Twins.

"We might as well as go into hiding." Trowa said.

"You five are known to OZ, I'm still unknown granted they now know what Shadow looks like, but they don't know what I look like, since I was wearing my cloak." Lina added, as the five agreed.

Duo chose to stay with Howard and the sweepers, Wufei would return to L5 with Master O, Trowa and Lina would go back to the circus on L3. The other four doctors would do the same as Master O and return to their colonies as well. Heero would go to earth and hide in a school as a student and Quatre would return to L4 and his family. Once back on L3 Trowa and Lina found the circus and let them know that they were back, Catherine fretted over Trowa's injuries that he had gotten from the beatings. After two weeks Lina was ordered to take her twin's place within OZ and she agreed, lucky she had a good story planned as to why her looks and name were similar to Trowa Barton's.

"His father and mine are identical twin brothers. His father married first and my father married his sister-in-law's younger sister." **** Lina told Lady Une when she stood before her in the office and asked why her looks and name were similar to the traitor's.

"So, two brothers married two sisters?" Lady Une asked to make sure she heard right.

"Yes. Plus, we were born hours apart, he was born at 11:30 pm and I was born at 1:45 am. Since we look so much alike and almost share the same birthday, out families like to joke about it; calling us "twin cousins" and we act like we truly were twins." Lina added as Lady Une nodded.

"Have you heard from your cousin recently?" she asked.

"Not in the past 10 years, haven't seen him since then either." Lina said.

Trolina rose in the ranks fast and told Trowa in coded messages what Lady Une was up to. She knew how mad Chief engineer Tsubarv was that the two suits; the Mercurius and the Vayeate, exploded shortly after heading out and all the plans and blueprints form them and the mobile dolls, pilotless mobile suits, had been wiped out of the system completely. Lina had to hide a laugh at that since SHE was the reason that the two suits exploded. **

After a while Trolina learned what was going on and knew that the 5 boys needed to reunite, especially after Quatre went insane while using the 'Zero System' in a Gundam he built after the death of his father. Heero and Trowa took their Gundams out to stop him and they did, but their suits took a heavy beating. Duo and Wufei were shocked when the other three pilots arrived Peacemillion, they were shocked at the condition that Wing and Heavyarms were in. The 3 explained what happened to Duo, Wufei, and Howard; who agreed to fix the two suits up for them, especially Heavyarms so Trowa could fight. Trowa revealed that he and his twin sister could pilot each other's suits if need be, so while Heavyarms was begin repaired, Trowa would pilot Shadow. Trowa, Heero, and Quatre told Wufei that they were sorry for his loss of his clan and his colony, they had heard that L5 had self-detonated.

Not long after that the five were out fighting when Trolina arrived on Peacemillion, and she saw that Wing and Heavyarms were there.

"Heero has been using Wing Zero, since the suit has been here, Quatre refused to pilot it, he had been staying here till Sandrock arrived. Trowa has been using Shadow while we have been fixing Heavyarms. Duo, Trowa, and Wufei have all used the zero system at one point and they all hate it, Heero has mastered the system." Howard told her after she was introduced to Sally and Noin.

"Where are they now?" Lina asked as she nodded, to show that she understood what Howard had just told her.

"Out fighting, they could use the help." Sally told her as she nodded again.

"Heavyarms ready to go?" she asked.

"Yep. Just finished not long before you arrived. Worked harder and faster on Heavyarms than on Wing." Howard replied.

"Good, I'm taking him out and going to help the boys." Lina said as she put her cloak on and hopped into her twin's Gundam.

Once she found the others, the five boys saw a screen with the number 2 appear. The five of them had a line open with one another and the four heard Trowa laugh before the screen turned grey in response as Trowa replied to his twin. They knew it was her since they knew that the Barton Twins spoke in a color-number code, the grey screen was replaced with the number 10 which then changed to a white screen before it disappeared altogether, they could see Heavyarms fighting the dolls nearby. One the battle was over the 6 returned to Peacemillion and talked about everything. They stayed on the ship for the rest of the war and during the last battle of the war, the world learned that the pilot of the Gundam called Shadow was a female and that she was the twin sister of the Gundam pilot 03!

Lina did not mind that her identity was revealed, she had known that it would become known to the world. Heero nearly died as Wing Zero was almost destroyed as he blasted a piece of the battleship Libra that was falling toward earth. After the war was over, everyone headed off to do their own things. Trowa and Lina returned to the circus on L3 again while Duo and Hilde; who they had met during the war; opened a junk/scrap yard on L2. Quatre worked with the Maganac Corps, who helped Quatre over the course of the war, to build a new headquarters for Winner Enterprises, while Heero and Wufei both wandered around, not knowing what to do with themselves.

"You are an idiot." Trolina said to her twin a couple of months after the war ended, they were sitting in the back of her fortune-telling booth.

"Why?" Trowa asked she rarely called him an idiot, then he noticed that her eyes had paled to an almost white color, there was a hint of green in her eyes, the color made her look like she was blind.

"A new battle is on the horizon and you sent your toys to the sun. Only Kung Fu Panda and I kept ours, they will be needed." She told him; he knew the nickname was the one she assigned to Wufei during the war.

"Oh." Trowa said.

"I have to go and speak to the other four." Trolina said as she stood, her eyes were back to the normal green.

"I will let the troupe know." He told her as she smiled and kissed his cheek.

Trolina headed to L2 first and found Duo and Hilde working, she personally had not met Hilde beforehand.

"You should know have sent your toy away." She said as they looked up at the sound of her voice.

"Why do you say that? They aren't needed anymore." Duo replied when he spotted the female.

"They are too needed; a battle is on the horizon and the toys will be needed to fight again." Lina said before she turned to leave "You will see that I was right."

"Duo? Who was what? What did she mean?" Hilde asked her friend.

"That was Trolina Barton, Trowa's twin sister. I'm not entirely sure what she meant but it sounds like the guys and I should not have sent our Gundams to the sun to be destroyed." Duo said, after Trolina had left to find Quatre and tell him the same.

"Hello, Quatre." Lina said as she entered the room, he was in.

"Hello Trolina, what can I do for you?" he asked her as he looked up at the sound of her voice.

"There is nothing I need but a moment of your time." Lina said as Quatre sat back in his chair as she walked up to his desk.

"I'm listening." He told her.

"You boys were too quick to discard your toys; a new battle is on the horizon and you will need them for it." Lina revealed.

"I see." Quatre said "Are you sure about this battle?"

"Very, in time you will see that I am right." She said as she turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I have spoked to you and Joker, I told my twin first, I still need to speak with Deadpool and Kung Fu Panda." She replied as she walked out the door.

"She spoke to me, Trowa, and Duo and needs to speak to Heero and Wufei." Quatre said to himself as the door closed behind her, he remembered the nicknames she had given them when she rescued the five from the Lunar Base during the war.

"You will need your toy once more, Deadpool." Lina said when she found Heero as he watched Relena from a distance while they were on L1.

"Why?" he asked as he glanced at the female Gundam pilot.

"A new battle will come and they will be needed once more. She will play a large role in it, so don't be surprised when she vanishes." Lina told him before she left him to ponder her words as she tracked down Wufei.

"His death was an honorable one, you shouldn't mourn him for that." Came a female voice as Wufei's head snapped up and around, he had not heard her approach him as he sat in a bar on L3.

"I'm not…" he started to say but the look she leveled at him made him shut his mouth and not finish that sentence.

"He knew when he joined the army that he would most likely one day die while fighting in a war. You lost to him in a sword fight, but in your second fight, in mobile suits, you won and he knew he would die and he did so with honor. The others were stupid to send their toys away, you and I did not. They will be needed in the coming battle. Remember his death was an honorable one, do not mourn him as you mourn your wife." Lina said as she hugged him and kissed the side of his head, before leaving Wufei with more to think about.

As the months passed and it was almost a year since the end of the war, did the five boys learn that Lina had been right. Quatre went out alone to get the shuttle that held, Wing Zero, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, and Sandrock and brought back to the others. Wing Zero was nearly destroyed once again and Heero managed to find Relena, who had gone missing, and Marimaia Khushernada/Barton the daughter of the late Treize Khushernada and the niece of the original Trowa Barton. The six stopped the Barton Foundation from undoing the peace they had gained a year earlier.

"Now we can all destroy these toys; we won't be needed them again in our lives." Lina said and the other five agreed and the six went off to destroy their Gundams.

Wufei and Heero joined Sally, Zechs, and Noin as Preventer and they worked under Lady Une or Commander Une as she was called. Trowa, Duo, and Quatre worked part-time for the preventers since they had other jobs, they liked doing as well. Lina just worked at the circus as a fortune teller, since she had the ability to do so. It was how she had known what to change her name to when she left L3 with Shadow in the first place. It was also how she knew that the four who sent their Gundams to the sun to be destroyed had been stupid and of the coming battle when they would need them.

Life was peaceful for everyone and the six eventually entered their DNA into the Family Reconstruction Act (the FRA). An act that was passed to help the war orphans find family, and help families that were separated by the war to be reunited and confirm the deaths of those who fought in the war. The FRA was run by the preventers and everyone in the Erath Sphere was ordered to submit their DNA. The circus troupe registered as soon as they could and they had a shocking surprise, Catherine Bloom had always thought of the Barton Twins as her younger twin siblings, turns out that they truly were her younger twin siblings. Trowa's real name was Triton Bloom and Trolina's real name was Tristina Bloom, even if they chose to keep using the names they had used during the war; Catherine was the only one aloud to call them by their birth names. Heero, Duo, and Wufei, all knew that they had no living family and the FRA confirmed it and it also confirmed that Quatre had 29 older sisters. Over time everyone got married, Duo married Hilde, Heero married Relena, Zechs married Noin, Wufei finally stopped mourning his wife and married Sally, Quatre married Dorthey, Trowa, Lina, and Catherine married other circus performers, since their parents had been circus performers before they died.

SB/Kierra: We hope you have enjoyed this one-shot.

Annie: I used the name 'Prince Ali' from Aladdin, and 'Peter Pan and the lost boys' from Peter Pan which are from Disney movies, 'Kung Fu Panda' is from the movie of the same name by DreamWorks Animation, the 'Justice League' is from the same movie/comics and 'Bruce Wayne' the 'bat mobile' and the 'bat cave' are from batman both are by DC comics, 'Deadpool' is from the movie of the same name which is from Marvel Comics. The phrase 'Constant viligence!' is a quote made by Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter, the scene the phrase I used in this story was inspired by a scene in the story "Unexpected Family" by FaeryMage in the Harry Potter/Gundam Wing crossover section.

SB/Kierra: Why say all that? We already said that we don't own anything.

Annie: I know, I just wanted to add it.

SB/Kierra: Oh. *shrugs it off* Don't forget to review! Cya!

Annie: Bye!

*=I forgot if someone else used this line or something similar in a Harry Potter story I read on or if this is something that only I have used.

**=There are two spots where these appear and that is because they are from the same story which was inspired by a Harry Potter/Gundam Wing crossover

***=color/number thing was inspired by another Gundam Wing story I read on

****=inspired by a Flashpoint fanfiction series by an author named missblueeye63 in her series it is the other way around, the mothers are the identical twin siblings, the fathers are the older/younger siblings, and the 'twin cousins' are born ten years apart.