Author Note: I have been enjoying the beach at the beginning of the week. I thought about this fanfiction all day and thought that it would be a good storyline now that I am trying to get back to my old schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I did managed to post a story on Friday so be sure to check that one out.

Kurt knew that Jane has never been to the beach so he wanted to take her. It's been hard for them to get away because of their work schedule. He had managed to get them off for the weekend and started to make plans for their trip.

"Does Jane know that you are planning to take her to the beach?" Patterson asked her friend.

"Not yet. I don't want her to find out yet." Kurt said to their friend.

"Okay, I will keep it a secret for now." Patterson said to her friend with a smile. She knew that he had something planned and she was okay with it. "I'm glad that you are doing something for her."

"Yeah, she needs it." Kurt said to his friend with a smile.

"So what is the big plan?" Tasha asked her friend as she and Reade walked into the room.

"Sorry but I am not going to say what's going on with me and her until we are ready for it." Kurt responded to his friends because he knew that they had a semi big mouth and would tell her about his plan and he could not risk that.

Later that night, Kurt got home to find Jane sitting there. He knew that she was excited about the trip which made him happy.

"Hey, are you excited about our trip?" Kurt asked her.

"Yeah I am excited about it. When do we leave?" Jane asked him.

"We leave tomorrow." Kurt said to her with a smile. "We do need to go to bed early through."

"Okay, let's make sure that we are packed and then we can go to bed." Jane said to him. "Also we need to eat dinner."

"Good thing that I brought dinner home with me." Kurt said to her with a smile. He made to bring home some of her favorites which he knew that she would be happy about it.

"I am glad that you brought home dinner because that's one thing less that we have to do." Jane responded with a smile.

The next morning, the couple headed to the beach where they had a wonderful time. Kurt took Jane to his favorite spot.

"Kurt, this place is wonderful." She said to him with a smile. She turned around to find him down on one knee. "Kurt, what are you doing?"

"Jane, I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Kurt asked her.

"Yes, of course." Jane said to him with a smile as he slipped the ring on her finger and stood up.

Author Note: I am trying to increase the word count so bear with me. I hope that you enjoyed this storyline because I have a few more in the works for you all. Be sure to follow me on twitter as Carson34ff where I am getting better to update.