AN: This is another piece to my little universe, but it can also be read entirely alone. I play fast and loose with canon. There's also a smut warning for this piece.

This takes place some time after the "Irresistible" episode in the show, and it takes place after "The Holinshed Ghost" in "my universe."

I own nothing from The X-Files.

I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!


Dana Scully cried out, unashamed, from the pleasure that was so intense it almost bordered on pain. She kept her eyes closed and focused on getting her breath back. She didn't want to break the perfect feeling in which she was practically cocooned at the moment. Nearly ever nerve felt on edge in the most delicious way possible. Scully relaxed, entirely, into the pillows as her body let go of the tension that had coursed through it while her orgasm had been building.

If she didn't open her eyes—if she focused on her breathing like she was in meditation—she could maintain this almost foggy feeling of pleasure for at least few moments more.

She allowed her body to be manipulated. She felt when Fox Mulder pulled his weight off of her, after using her body to find his own release inside her. She felt him leave her body, though her sense memory still reminded her that he had only recently been as deep inside her as nature allowed. She felt his hand squeeze its way—pulsing—down her leg, and she felt it knead at the muscles where she'd complained, earlier, of the cramp that had seized her while Mulder's tongue had been exploring her and he'd been suckling at her clit.

Scully groaned, arching her back, as Mulder started the trip down her body once again. The slight sting of the occasional bite—too hard as his own pleasure got control of him—wasn't undesirable. It blended well with the gentle scratch of his softer nibbling. Sucking. Lapping. Biting. Mulder seemed to be content to spend hours just tasting every inch of Scully's skin, and she couldn't complain too much about the seeming compulsion.

Mulder latched onto Scully's nipple, and she arched her back as a surge of desire shot through her and tugged at parts of her that were still throbbing from his earlier careful attention. Amused, he moved a hand between her legs to stroke her, teasing the already sensitive nub and making Scully's body jerk in reaction as her mind went blank for a moment.

Scully could easily suggest that Mulder was the best lover that she'd ever had, though she really had relatively little with which to compare him. That revelation had surprised him, too, when she'd made it their first time together—in her apartment, and after he'd taken such good care of her after an ordeal in which she'd been kidnapped and, thanks to a rather serious case of amnesia, had been lost for some time in a place she couldn't recall. Her ordeal had put her in a coma, and it had almost taken her life. Mulder had called her back—or at least that's how her mind remembered it—from the threshold between life and death. He'd confessed his love to her, and she hadn't hesitated to echo the sentiment. During her recovery, he'd cared for her for a while before they'd moved their relationship from innocent affection to something more serious and physical.

Mulder had been surprised when Scully had admitted that, though she'd had her share of dates, and even a few so-called relationships, in the past, she'd never really moved far beyond the kissing and making out stages with most of them. She'd expected heavy teasing for her confessed lack of experience—and Mulder did tease her, from time to time about what he called her innocence—but he hadn't teased her then. He hadn't teased her the first time. He'd simply promised to take care of her, to the best of his ability for the good of both of them, and he'd delivered on that.

He'd delivered on that many times, actually, since that day. He was a very giving lover, and he was thankful and appreciative for everything he was given in return. The sex, honestly, only made Scully sorry for every day that she'd known Mulder and had missed out on the possibility of being with him. Still, his stamina could, at times, make him exhausting.

"I've gotta go, Mulder," Scully breathed out. She moved her leg over him, interrupting his tour-de-Scully, and rolled toward the edge of the bed.

He caught her, before she could leave the bed, and pulled her backward. She laughed to herself as she let him rock her back onto the mattress at the new angle. He kissed her, where he could reach her, over her ribcage.

"I wasn't done with you, Scully," he teased.

"I have to go to the bathroom, Mulder," Scully said. "I have to pee."

"Not yet," Mulder insisted, resting his arm across her stomach.

"That's not helping," Scully offered. "Just remember—you have nobody but yourself to blame. You did this to me."

Mulder smiled to himself at the reminder. For all the teasing, and all the joking, he was happy, and Scully knew that.

"You said it yourself, Scully. The alien's hardly bigger than a blueberry. Insignificant. You can't tell me something that small is making such a dramatic difference in your life."

"We'll talk about it when you're seven and half weeks pregnant," Scully offered.

Mulder playfully groaned and pretended that being asked to release her to use the bathroom was torture after it felt like they'd been tumbling around in bed together, enjoying each other's bodies, for at least an hour. He didn't really fight her, though. Scully got up and padded to the bathroom, leaving Mulder to do anything he needed to do in her absence.

In addition to an unprecedented amount of sex and an immeasurable amount of support and affection, Scully and Mulder had gotten an unanticipated surprise from their fast-paced, and relatively short, relationship. After the recent medical scare of Scully's coma, her doctor had immediately ordered an ultrasound and several tests when Scully had called with her confirmation that an over the counter pregnancy test had reminded her that, following everything that had happened, she had completely forgotten about the fact that her birth control had lapsed.

As soon as Mulder had seen the confirmation, on the screen, of their six-week old embryo's beating heart—the print out of which he'd placed in a little frame beside Scully's bed— he'd dubbed the little thing an alien. Their alien.

And they both already loved it more than either of them had imagined possible. It had been a surprise, but it was a surprise created out of as much love, in Scully's opinion, as any child ever had the good fortune to be born from.

After she washed her hands in the sink, Scully examined herself in the mirror. Nude, she ran her fingers over her stomach. She probed, gently, at the skin beneath her navel. She cupped her own body with her hand. At most, she was as bloated as she'd be from any particularly large or starchy meal. The rational medical doctor part of her knew that there was nothing there to see or feel. The brand-new mother-to-be part of her felt her stomach flutter at the thought that, soon, there might be something to see. It was both exciting and terrifying, for various reasons.

At work, they'd already told everyone it may concern about the fact their work partnership was now something of a dual partnership—at work and in their private lives. They hadn't been met with absolute approval, but there was little the bureau could do. Inter-office relationships were frowned upon, but not forbidden, and nearly everything that Mulder and Scully did, at the end of the day, was frowned upon by someone.

Now it was time, though, to take the next step. Now it was time to tell their families.

They'd decided to baby-step things with their families, as they were doing with everyone. They'd discussed it and agreed that it would be too much to slam either of their mothers with the news of their dedicated relationship to one another and their impending arrival all at once. It was better to ease into things. Beyond that, Scully wasn't ready to announce the presence of their little alien until after she'd crossed the first trimester finish line. Though she didn't expect that anything would happen to terminate the pregnancy, she knew that life was unpredictable and, for she and Mulder, it could be doubly so.

They would start by confessing the fact that they were seeing each other seriously. They would start by declaring that they were in love with each other—completely devoted to each other, honestly. They would allow their families to adjust to the idea of this serious relationship, and then, in a few weeks, when everything was settled and the pregnancy was a little more secure, they would make further announcements as necessary.

"I was starting to worry about you," Mulder said when Scully came into the bedroom again. "I got you water but—then I got you ginger ale, too. I didn't know if you might not be feeling well."

Scully smiled to herself. She felt warmth puddling inside her at the simple gesture. Mulder was good at those simple gestures, and they meant more to Scully than she even felt able to communicate to him.

"I'm fine," she said.

Mulder got up, leaving the bed. Like Scully, he hadn't bothered to dress—either in anticipation of another round of love making—or because it simply wasn't necessary. He walked toward Scully, and his hands went directly to her hips. He pulled her to him, and rested his chin on her head. She snuggled into him a moment, regretting that she'd missed the post-sex snuggling that was one of her favorite parts of being with Mulder.

As though he could somehow hear that thought, Mulder wrapped his arms around her and swayed her, gently, holding her close to him. He let his fingers trail lovingly over her back, and he pressed at a knot, here or there, in her muscles to release any tension she was holding onto.

"I love you, Scully," he said, breathing out the words.

Scully pulled away from him just enough to kiss his chest before she snuggled in against him again.

"I love you, too, Mulder," she offered, putting a little more voice behind her own declaration.

"Drink your ginger ale," Mulder said. "I'm going to—switch places with you. Run to the bathroom. And when I get back—I'm going to finish what we were doing."

Scully pulled away from him and smirked. He looked tired—exhausted, even. They'd just come off a case. They'd only gotten back the day before, and she wasn't sure that Mulder had slept a solid eight hours in three or four days. The sleep deprivation, maybe, was making him as giddy and enthusiastic as he was.

"The spirit is willing," Scully said. "But the flesh is weak. You need to rest. Even you have a refractory period, Mulder."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me, Scully," Mulder offered in response.

Scully laughed to herself and pulled away from him, sending him to the restroom. She returned to the bed, rearranged the pillows, and got comfortable reclining against the headboard. She drank the ginger ale that Mulder had poured for her, and she waited for his return from the bathroom. She was sleepy now that her body felt entirely relaxed. She could probably be asleep before he got back, but she wanted to wait for him. She didn't like sleeping without him—though she hadn't exactly told him that, yet, in words. Still, she thought that maybe he knew. They took turns sleeping at one apartment or the other. Mulder had hardly ever used his bed before they'd started their relationship. Now it got used at least three nights out of the week.

In the corner, Mulder's bag was packed with fresh clothes. It rested next to Scully's already packed bag. They were used to living out of suitcases, so it seemed that each of them almost always had a bag packed for one reason or another.

When Mulder came back, he practically leapt onto the bed. Or, maybe more realistically, he collapsed. As soon as he was flat on the bed, he lie there, face down, for a moment like he might choose to sleep with his head beside Scully's hip and his legs half hanging off the mattress. Scully smiled to herself and reached to scratch her fingers through his hair. He hummed his approval and raised up. He hooked an arm over her. He pulled her body slightly toward him, though not with enough force to move her. He rested his head on her thigh for a second and then nuzzled the space between her legs.

"Mulder…no," Scully said. It was hard to tell him no, but it was time. "It's late. You're exhausted. I know it. And I'm tired and—we've got a busy day tomorrow."

A hint of a pout crossed Mulder's features. He kissed her thigh in response, but he did raise himself up and crawled toward her, righting himself in the bed.

"I know you're exhausted," Scully said, her chest aching with an odd wave of tenderness that she felt simply from looking at Mulder. She brushed her fingers against his face. She brushed his hair back. He caught her hand and pulled it around to kiss it. He held her eyes with his own—his eyes said he was almost exhausted enough to be unable to rationally handle the feeling.

"How about a nightcap for you then," Mulder teased. "And a last meal for me?"

Scully laughed to herself at his teasing.

"It won't be that bad, Mulder," Scully said. "You'll see. You're just being dramatic. It's just my mother and maybe Missy. And—I'm not sure that mom hasn't had some suspicion before."

"She's going to be looking at me like she knows I'm violating her youngest daughter," Mulder said.

"We're only telling them that we're dating," Scully said. "If you're this nervous now, are you even going to be able to handle it when we tell them about the alien? Or am I going to have to face everyone alone with that news?"

"Are you kidding? My mother won't be able to think of anything except 'grandbaby' from the moment you tell her about the alien," Mulder said. "You'll be put on a pedestal so high that I'll never get you down."

Scully knew that he was teasing, and she knew that much of his anxiety was for show—but he was really at least a little nervous. So was she, after all. There was something about announcing their love, for all the world to know and judge, that was a little nerve wracking.

Scully kissed Mulder, and she accepted when he pulled her into his arms to hold her and to deepen the kiss.

"Not just dating, Scully," he said when the kiss broke.

"Almost living together," Scully offered.

"More than that," Mulder said.

"In love," Scully said. She nuzzled her face against him and returned to kiss him again, soaking up any remaining afterglow there may be from earlier and basking in the intimacy that she'd never even imagined, before, she would enjoy so completely.

"Hopelessly devoted," Mulder said. There was a hint of teasing there, but Scully knew it was the words that he found humorous, not the sentiment.

"If you lead with that, Mulder, I don't think my mother will have any problem at all with our relationship," Scully said.

"The question is," Mulder said, "will she allow us to sleep in the same room?"

"Probably not," Scully said. "Which is why we have to sleep now, Mulder."

"Why's that?" He asked. She saw some mischief in his tired eyes. He wanted her to say it. That was one of the things he wouldn't say—one of the things that he was reluctant to confess—but he craved her words of validation and need.

She would give that to him, simply because he gave her so much. She smirked at him.

"Because, Mulder. You know I can't sleep without you."


AN: I hope you enjoyed this. I'm not sure if there's any interest in actually doing some of the family interaction.

I'm still fairly new to The X-Files and the fandom, so I'm still introducing myself with all my stories. I'm only in season 3. If you haven't read any of my other MSR stories, I have a few stories that can all be read separately, or they can be read as all belonging to the same universe. I'm playing loosely with canon and I'm absolutely going to cherry pick what I want to keep and change for my own stories. I may, later, write a few stories that go in between the ones I've already written, but here they are in current chronological order.

"A Light in the Darkness," "Stay, "The Cross," "Aubrey," "Irresistible," "The Lake House," and "The Holinshed Ghost."

I hope you enjoyed this piece. If you have time, comments and reviews are always appreciated, as they let me know that I'm not just writing in a vacuum. Please let me know if there's any interest in exploring the family dynamics (just for fun) a little.