"The secret admirer"







Side: Midoriya

Act 1: I love you freckles

The great events that had happened throughout his life were many, beginning because he was the bearer of the OFA and therefore, the heir of his irreplaceable idol: All Might.

Life had been very cruel to him in his childhood and young adolescence, but in his senior year of middle school, things had curiously turned in his favor.

Great responsibilities accompanied a great person.

And he was none other than Izuku Midoriya, better known as Deku.

Izuku, barely sixteen years old, had been experiencing a new event in his life: Someone was leaving him messages and gifts in his locker.

At first he thought it was a Class 1B prank because they made fun of him a lot, but no. This person who sent him messages was serious and it was obvious that he knew him quite well.

The messages were related to him, sometimes messages of support when he did poorly in training or when Kacchan treated him badly, insulting him or mistreating his things.

Izuku was very fond of opening his locker in the afternoons and coming across a message written in impeccable and refined handwriting, wrapped in elegant white paper and enclosed in a sealed envelope with a small red heart decal.

Izuku blushed every time he opened the envelope and the message appeared in that beautiful letter that he was so fascinated to contemplate with his green eyes, lit with joy.

Today your freckles looked very beautiful, and do you know Izuku? I love your freckles. They look like stars embedded in your face, because they make it shine. To me, they are an extension of your porcelain skin, which is as white as snow, as beautiful as mature flowers, and so soft that the finest silk of all could break.

I feel that if I caress your skin, my hand would break, because you are so sweet and I so bitter, that if I were to touch you, I would break in your own light.

P.S. I really like you, Izuku.

The aforementioned reread the message several times, a blush crackling in his rosy cheeks and his trembling hand holding the paper, using his best effort not to collapse from how special he felt at the moment.

This person, whoever he was, loved him.

He really loved him and said he loved his freckles.

A huge and dazzling smile appeared on Izuku's face, who hugged the letter in his grasp and ran to his house, jumping with joy along the sidewalk.

He felt tremendously special, so much so that he swore he could fly through the clouds and nothing and nobody would bring him down from that beautiful feeling.

Act 2: A notebook for you

Shortly after reading the letter about his freckles, he had received nothing from his secret admirer and this worried him, because what if that person had given up on continuing to send him things?

Izuku shook his head, chasing away that terrible possibility. His secret admirer must have been very intelligent in the matter, because if he continued to send him things on a daily basis, it would only cause Izuku to wait for him in the lockers until he had a glimpse of who dared to be that person.

Again he was usurped by the thought that this person knew him well enough and knew that his curiosity was dangerous.

However, Izuku knew that he must be patient and give his secret admirer time to find an opportunity to continue speaking to him through the letters.

On one of those days, he accidentally crashed into Kacchan in the hallways, for being distracted in his own world. His childhood friend shot him a murderous look, his body twitched and his fists clenched.

"Stupid Deku, look where you walk!" He yelled warning. Izuku leaned back, shrugging, letting out a small nervous giggle.

"I-I'm sorry, Kacchan." He looked down at the ground.

He felt Kacchan watch him as he gathered up his things that had fallen from the moment they crashed.

Suddenly, Kacchan's hand snatched a notebook from him, surprising him for that.

"K-Kacchan, give it back to me, please" He asked pleadingly, extending his hand towards the notebook. But just as his fingers brushed Kacchan's rough fingers, Kacchan blew up the pad, red. His eyebrows twitching, and his lower lip trembling. "K-Kacchan!" His eyes saw his own notebook, and he cast ash into the hands of his childhood friend in horror.

Izuku didn't notice that his childhood friend wasn't fully aware of what he had just done with the notebook, noticing seconds after his assignment, and like Izuku, he looked at the notebook made a bunch of ashes in his hand.

However, he composed himself without being noticed by anyone.

"That's why I told you to look where you walk, useless" He mumbled, bringing his piercing gaze closer to Izuku's crystalline eyes.

Izuku simply nodded, intimidated and trembling.

"Now get out of my sight!"

Izuku gave a yelp, and ran to the classroom, trying with all his might not to cry in front of his classmates.

He stayed that way until the end of classes, and although his friends noticed his apparent sadness, they did not mention anything about it, which Izuku thanked, because he was not in the mood to explain the situation, because if he did, he would end up crying.

Anyway, the next day, when he opened his locker, a notebook appeared exactly like the one Kacchan had exploited the day before. His surprise was such that he exclaimed in amazement, taking the notebook in his hands, looking at it from all possible angles in wide admiration.

His green eyes lit up, when he ran into a note inside the notebook, which said:

I saw that yesterday your precious notebook was unfairly exploited, that's why I bought you one so you can make your notes.

Please enjoy it, and smile like you always do.

P.S. Your smile is what makes me want to go to school every day.

Izuku returned his gaze to the notebook, delighted with it, drawing him to his chest and giving it a big hug. His secret admirer had made his appearance in a surprising way.

Consequently, he found himself floating among the clouds with that beautiful feeling fluttering in his chest.

Act 3: I love your smile

Izuku was quick to tell his friends about his secret admirer, concluding that if he told them, he could rule out that any of his friends was his secret admirer.

The first to scream with pleasure was Uraraka, the next to throw a bad streak was Iida and the one who gave a detached expression (in his eyes, suspicious) was Todoroki.

"And who do you think it is?" Asked Uraraka excitedly.

"I-I don't know" Izuku said blushing, bowing his head.

"Are you sure they are not playing with you, Midoriya?" Iida intervened with a hand resting on his shoulder.

"Oh, Iida-kun! Why would they play with Deku-kun's feelings?" Uraraka stated with an incredulous laugh.

"Well, I'm just saying" Iida babbled indignantly.

Izuku was still blushing, playing with his fingers nervously.

"Then-isn't it any of you?" He asked doubtfully.

"Of course not!" Iida and Uraraka grumbled at the same time. Their gestures and voice were enough for Izuku to rule out that it was them. But Todoroki continued in a strange silence and suddenly, Izuku's heart began to beat fast.

"And you, Todoroki?" His voice reflected his great nervousness at knowing it. The aforementioned leaned to look him directly in the eye.

"It's not me" He stated expressionlessly.

In a way, Izuku hoped they weren't any of his friends, but another part of him, wished that one of his friends was his admirer, because that would make things easier. However, the mystery filled him with a happy pumping sensation that fanned his chest and caressed his face gently, as his cheeks were tinged with a warm pink.

That heat melted all around him and covered him with a sweet sensation throughout his body.

"We can find out," suggested Uraraka.

"And how can that be done?" Iida asked questioningly.

Uraraka was thoughtful for a few seconds, as Todoroki raised an eyebrow, lost in the matter.

"You say his handwriting is impeccable and refined, isn't it?" Uraraka commented thoughtfully. Izuku nodded. "Then let's try to unmask him through his writing!" He suggested with his fists raised.

"Good idea, Uraraka," Iida praised, waving her hands.

His jaw dropped in surprise.

How had it never occurred to you before to identify who the lyrics of your secret admirer came from?

The whole rest lit up, excitement piling up in his stomach.

"Yes!" Exclaimed the child.

"Good." Uraraka smiled. "Let's start by saying who has good handwriting in our classroom," he suggested with a finger raised. "Iida is one"

"Ah! Do you think so?" Iida said in surprise.

The three nodded in agreement that Iida did indeed have good handwriting.

"Momo has refined handwriting" Todoroki said.

"Aoyama and you too, Todoroki-kun" Uraraka chanted.

Todoroki cringed, nodding.

"Thanks" He muttered seriously.

"Tokoyami has good handwriting," added Iida. "And, Ah!" His scream startled the three, who looked at him with a puzzled face. "How come I forgot to mention him too?"

"Who?" Asked Uraraka.

He placed a hand under his chin, nodding in affirmation, giving him the impression that he marveled at his own discovery. This infected Izuku's intrigue.

"Wh-who can it be?"

"Well Bakugou!" Iida revealed in pride. "Bakugou has refined and impeccable handwriting"

Izuku's world came to a halt.

"Bakugou?" Uraraka frowned, puzzled.

"Now that you mention it" Todoroki commented, as if he remembered something. "Bakugou does have good handwriting, I know, because I've seen it when I hand over the others' notebooks."

Kacchan? He said to himself in shock, but he hates it, he reaffirms it all the time since he manifested his individuality at the age of four.

His childhood friend was the person who was least expected to be his secret admirer, although he did not rule out being one.

For some reason, he did not want to put it aside in the expedition that Uraraka wanted to undertake by wanting to decipher his admirer, although Izuku wanted to leave the mystery floating in the air, since it seemed to him that this person had his reasons why he was not encouraged to introduce him in person.

That afternoon when he went to his locker, a letter wrapped with a milk chocolate, which said:

Today I noticed that you were smiling more than usual.

Many times I want to believe that your smile is caused by me, that I cause those smiles in you, even if you don't know who I am.

You know? I love your smile, Izuku.

Every time I see you smile, my whole being shudders, my whole body contracts and my heart beats fast, my face lights up and I feel that everyone stops at your mercy, because this is how you have me: at your mercy .

So, today I wanted to be spontaneous and buy you this little chocolate to continue seeing your smile that is more beautiful than any other sweet covered in all the sugar in the world.

Do you know anything else? You have me at your mercy, at the constant admiration and contemplation of your smile.

You drive me crazy every time your face is covered by that beautiful smile and I want to be the cause of all your smiles, your laughs, that your heart beats fast and I want to be above all things, the reason why which one you get up every morning and come to school, because you are the reason why I get up every day from bed, no matter how tired I am, because I know I will have a glimpse of your smile.

So please, keep smiling, Izuku.

P.S. Don't be sad that Professor Aizawa has said that you will not achieve your new technique the first few times. Practice every day, even when you're not in the gym.

I know you can do it.

Izuku smiled warmly, tears of happiness as he reread that letter countless times, soaking up the words his secret admirer expressed.

Now he already knew it was a man, who wrote those letters to him, although man or woman, it didn't matter who the sender was, because he was already in love with his secret admirer.

In addition, he had left a little advice at the end of the letter and realized that his admirer realized that he was saddened by not having achieved his new technique that day in the gym, because he was distracted thinking about the conversation he had with his friends before going to train.

Professor Aizawa scolded him in front of some of his classmates, but not all, so he excluded Tokoyami from the list of probable prospects to be his secret admirer.

However, now that he had just read the letter, he no longer cared who his secret admirer was, because his intentions were good to him; and he was also very kind and gentle.

On the way home, she ate the chocolate, savoring the sweet taste in his mouth. Never before had a chocolate tasted as sweet as that.

Act 4: I want to meet you

Izuku waited at the end of all his classmates after having allowed months to pass since he had a secret admirer, to go one step further with that person. Izuku squeezed the white piece of paper in his hands, giving it a tight squeeze before leaving it in his locker, hoping that his secret admirer would take it, read it and respond it.

Izuku wrote something to that he who hadn't stopped leaving letters and he wanted to dare and leave him even a message of thanks for his affections. His little letter said:

Dear admirer:

Hello, I am Izuku Midoriya, the person to whom you have left the letters, the chocolates and the notebook.

I am writing to thank you for all you have done for me to this day. You are right to say that you are the cause of my smiles.

Every day I think of you and the immense happiness that will give me when I can finally have you in my arms, because you have conquered me with your letters.

And you know something? I'm completely in love with you.

I hope that one day you like to introduce yourself with me, so that I can see your face and express all my thanks to your affections.

Thank you for looking at me.

P.S. I would love to have an answer from you.

For Izuku it was the first time that he wrote a letter to a person, and more to a stranger, but it didn't matter, because he already did it and eagerly awaited a response from his admirer; Besides, he had just confessed his feelings to him.

What madness!

The first step had been taken by his admirer when he left him the first letter, but he took the second step by leaving him a letter, telling him of his feelings for what he had been doing so far.

It was worth mentioning, Izuku kept each and every one of the letters from his admirer, in a box that his mother gave him to keep. His mother, like him, was fascinated to learn that his son had a secret admirer and was delighted to buy the box from him.

However, that day caught his attention when he saw that Kacchan, seemed to be in a good mood (something rare in him), since he was always with the crooked gesture, and bitter.

When Izuku looked at him with his dazzling eyes of admiration, he would yell at him, then chase him away or tell him to get out of his sight.

Izuku was nervous and smiling during that day in class, his behavior was so notorious that his friends told him about his behavior, to which he told them what he did that morning. Uraraka was the first to scream with excitement, exalting Iida and Izuku, while Todoroki seemed to be in a contemplative trance.

"Finally, Deku-kun!" Uraraka yelled quickly. "It was time for you to take the next step"

"Do you think so?" Izuku muttered, biting his lip and his voice quivering.

"I don't think so, I mean it" She stated shaking her head in affirmation.

"Let's hope your admirer answers you" Iida said straight, to which Izuku nodded. "Because maybe he's shy"

"Or think you will reject him if you see him in person" Uraraka guessed.

"I-I wouldn't do that" Izuku denied, alarmed, blinking a lot. "This person is special." He blushed saying that. His friends looked at him crafty.

"I say he doesn't feel ready to tell you everything he thinks to your face" Todoroki suspected. "What if he's the person you least expect? He has his reasons for having his reservations and not showing his face; It will also break the mystery if it appears before you now"

"Good argument, Todoroki" Iida stated.

"I'm just saying" Todoroki nodded.

"Ignore them, Deku-kun." Uraraka placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. "You will have your answer sooner or later"

"Y-yes," Izuku accepted with his head down.

At this point he didn't know what to think, but he wouldn't give up. He was already willing to meet his secret admirer in person, no matter what it cost him.

And as if the entire world conspired in his favor, a letter appeared that same afternoon in his locker. A letter on paper that he was already so familiar with and when he opened it, he received the refined and impeccable handwriting that Izuku liked so much to contemplate in its entirety. He said:

I never expected to receive a letter from you. Never.

This morning when I opened your locker waiting to leave you something, I saw that there was a letter in your locker that was not mine. At first I was jealous thinking that it was someone else who was targeting you, but when I recognized your handwriting and your aroma, I knew it came from you and to my surprise it was directed at me.

Let me tell you one thing, Izuku.

I am still shocked to have received your letter, and you drive me crazy every day, but today was something different. You have made me lose the sanity of my thoughts, because I longed to be hugged by you all day and it was difficult for me to concentrate on classes.

If you see me in person, will you still be willing to hug me?

I ask you this because you said you want to know me, but what if you know me and I disgust you? Or worse yet, will you repudiate me your whole life for being who I am?

I don't know what I would do if you came to hate me, because I love you.

I don't want to be hated by you, Izuku.

P.S. If you promise to be patient, Izuku, I would be willing to make an appearance on our graduation day.

What do you say, Izuku? Are you willing to wait for me all that time?

It didn't take long for him to decide that he was willing to wait that long, just to meet him even once.

At that point, he pulled out a sheet from one of his notebooks and began writing his response, using his knees as a desk.

Of course I wait for you until that day.

Do you think if we meet right here?

P.S. I am willing to wait as long as you need, regardless of the conditions.

After writing that, he folded the paper, hugged it to his chest, and left it in his locker, as he had done with the previous letter.

That day he went home, with an accurate fact: his secret admirer was ready to make an appearance in the future.

Act 5: The shocking revelation

Three years had passed since Izuku Midoriya had entered the U.A. and the day of the long-awaited graduation of the 3A students had arrived.

He was very nervous because that same day he would meet his secret admirer after so many exchanges they had during those three years, through letters. Mostly by his admirer, who was responsible for the fact that he now had four little boxes in his bedroom of the dorms.

Izuku didn't write to him again after his answer, more than a month before graduation, letting his admirer know that he would be dressed in dark and would bring him a freshly cut red rose from the garden and a small gift.

His admirer had replied that he would be dressed in a black suit, a red shirt and comfortable dress shoes.

Izuku went to the place where they had seen each other, being a bundle of nerves, because his entire body didn't stop shaking with emotion and his appearance despite looking innocent and childish, highlighting that he had grown several inches during those three years, he should be noted that it made him look very handsome.

Time was gentle with his physical appearance, despite the fact that he had spent the night preparing the gift for him in the kitchen, that didn't mean that he indeed looked very handsome.

His heart was pounding from his chest, his throat was closing, and his feet were playing, balancing between the weight of his body.

He was just waiting for his secret admirer to appear.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps pulled him out of his train of thought, making him stand upright.

Turning to see where the sound of the footsteps came from, his jaw dropped in surprise.

"Kacchan?" He articulated stupefied.

His childhood friend stood in the locker room, looking just as handsome as he was, only his rough boyish appearance hardening his coarse features, giving him a mysterious and endearing air.

"Deku," Kacchan articulated in a strained voice.

"What-what are you doing here?" He asked with great nervousness. His legs were failing him, as the scene was dreamless.

Why was Kacchan there?

His childhood friend clicked his tongue, offended by his question.

"What do you see I'm doing here, moron?" He inquired menacingly.

"Em" Deku hesitated, blinking rapidly, making connections between his thoughts at a thousand an hour, trying to find an answer before collapsing. "I-I... uh...I"

"Do I have to spell it out for you, stupid nerd?" Kacchan said, slightly lifting his chin, and then Izuku's count fell.

Kacchan was wearing the outfit his admirer had described in the letter, Kacchan had known him for years, Kacchan was the cause of the explosion of his notebook, Kacchan was there when Aizawa scolded him that time in the first year, Kacchan had impeccable and refined handwriting.

Izuku widened his eyes in shock.

Now he had no more doubts.

His secret admirer was Kacchan.






P.S. What do you think?

This is a Dekukatsu fic.