I saw a ton of art on this, and I decided to make a story on it. Not sure if anyone has done this already, but if not, glad to have made this. If it has, oh well.

Hope you like it.

Lincoln was having his arm wrapped in a cast by Luna, after being cut on the way home. He had no idea what did it, but it made him black out and he awoke at home, surrounded by his sisters...

Lincoln:"Ah, it's still hurting."

Lisa:"I wouldn't move too much, give your arm some rest. I'll have your results in the hour."

Lincoln:"Thanks, Lisa...Ugh."

Luna:"You alright, bro?"

Lincoln:"...Yeah...just...felt different for a second."

Luna:"Rest, little bro. You'll need it."

Going to sleep as fast as he could, Lincoln moved around a lot in his sleep for the rest of the night. Little did he know that cut on his arm, was only gonna get worse, in more ways than one. The next day, Lincoln headed off to school, and things were a bit different. His friends were a bit weird by how he looked, as he seemed restless, had crazy eyes and hair. Lincoln looked like he wanted to commit a murder, making a his friends keep their distance...

Clyde:"Uh, Lincoln. I think you should see the nurse, 'cause you're looking kinda weird."

Lincoln:"(Foaming at the mouth and twitching) What makes you say that? I feel fine."

Clyde:"Yeah, I should probably call a doctor."

Lincoln:"Oh, you're not calling anyone! I've never felt more ALIVE!"

Lincoln showed off his new found speed, strength and agility in gym class, running a dozen laps and doing many pull-ups and push-ups, impressing everybody around...

Clyde:"Dang, Lincoln! You're on fire!"

Lincoln:"Aw man! I feel so (howls)!"

(Dog howls in the distance)

Lincoln:"Aw, you hear that? My friend, buster, just caught a squirrel."

Back home, things were a little more awkward. Lincoln was like an animal, running around, causing a mess, shedding. At dinner, he was extremely hungry, eating away everything on his plate...

Lynn:"Jeeze, Lincoln! Are you even chewing?"

Lincoln:"Well yeah! I think there's still some in my teeth. See?"

Lana:"Uh, are those...fang?"

Lincoln:"Huh. (poking his pointed teeth) Must be puberty. Anyway, I'm already feeling like hitting the hay early right now. Good night, everyone! (zooms out of there)"

Lola:"That was weird."

Lori:"You're telling us... Where's Lisa?"

Lynn:"She's been in here room all day."

Heading towards Lisa's room, Lori found Lisa's overlooking Lincoln's test results, looking a bit scared...

Lori:"Lisa, you're dinner is literally getting cold right now. You have to calm down and eat."

Lisa:"...We have a problem, a huge problem! It's Lincoln, he's not well."

Lori:"Yeah, we literally just noticed."

Lisa:"This is worse than anything that I've ever seen before! Lincoln's DNA is...corrupting somehow. It's mutating at an incredible. I believe he's turning into something...not human."

Lori:"That's ridiculous. Why would-? Actually, that might explain his behavior today. And it might have something to do with the cut on his arm."

Lisa:"Where is he now?"

Lori:"He went to bed."

Quickly heading over to Lincoln's room, they opened the door, only to find that the room was empty and that there seemed to be claw marks heading up to the window...

Lori:"He didn't."

In a state of panic, Lori and Lisa ran downstairs and started telling the rest of their family that Lincoln escaped. They saw this for themselves and then headed outside in search of Lincoln. Though, they didn't seem to find anything a first, they found Lincoln's shoes on the ground, and tracks in the grass that are leading into the woods...

Leni:"Why would Lincoln be heading into the woods?"

Lisa:"Must be some kind of feral instinct he's developing."

Lori:"We better hurry. Gotta get him back home before he hurts himself."

Heading into the woods, they all split into groups; Lori, Leni and Luna and Luan and Lynn and Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lilly. They all heading into different directions, looking for their missing brother. After half an hour, they had no luck finding him, but then Leni found tracks, but they looked pretty weird. They were big, sank into the dirt and claws at the nails. Whatever was happening to Lincoln, it was happening fast. Leni followed them to an opening, where she found, but he was acting weird. He was breathing heavily, drooling and growling. The full moon was out, and Lincoln was starting to change...


And so, white fur started to sprout around Lincoln's arms, as his hands sprouted claws. Using his newfound claws, he took hold of his shirt and started to rip it apart as more fur sprouted around his body. Leni watched in horror as she saw what was happening to her little brother, now seeing the fur move to his face, which began to stretch out, growing into a snout. As if it wasn't getting bad enough, all of a sudden, a tail sprouted from Lincoln's behind, ripping through his pants, which fell apart, leaving the newly turned boy bare, not that it mattered anymore. Lincoln's eyes opened, no longer that of a human, but of a wolf and he looked up to the night sky...and howled...


Leni:"Uh, oh."

Turning his head, Lincoln saw Leni from behind, quivering in fear. His new instincts were telling him to go get, and he couldn't ignore it. Snarling and growling, he turned all the way, faced his frightened sister and went for it. He went on all four, which made him faster.

Leni's scream could've been heard all around, echoing through the woods...