Author's note: Last Chapter, everybody, let me know what you think...
"You don't have to do this, if you don't want to, Draco!" It was Ginny, she was standing by his side, "Look, I am okay!"
"You are not okay!, Ginny. What happened to you is not okay!" Narcissa put her hands on Ginny's shoulders.
"Order!" The judge banged the gavel as all of the court came back to order. Ginny took her seat, in the benches, next to Harry, and Ron. She was okay, after four days of being depressed, and dealing with bandages and healers. She was feeling a little better.
"Mr Malfoy, are you ready to give your statement?" The Judge looked directly at Draco.
"Yes, Sir!"
Draco stood up, "Yes, Sir, it is true, all of it, My Malfoy, My father, broke and entered, into Mr. Potter's house, who had so kindly let me stay for a little while. Mr Malfoy was arrested for breaking, entering, vandalizing, and using the illegal curses. One of the curse also affected, Mrs Potter, " He pointed to Ginny, "Who took the curs to her chest, but a weak protection charm saved her life!"
Draco looked at his father, in cuffs, right in front of him, pleading and begging by the eyes, It was his last chance to save the Malfoy name and get his family back together.
"She was saved, but still a life was lost, she lost her baby!" He returned his gaze to the Judge's table, he had to make amends, put everything right. Pay for the mistakes and actions of his father. He was after all he was under their debt.
"Statement accepted, Mr Malfoy to be taken to Azkaban at once!" The judge banged his gavel on the table and left, everyone in the court was congratulating each other.
Draco saw Lucius Malfoy being dragged back out of the rooms, as Narcissa pulled him, blocking the view, and enclosed him in to a hug.
"It is for the greater good, Son!" She whispered slowly as a tear from her eye got absorbed into Draco's robes.