"So, we need to talk."

Heather almost face-planted into the ground due to sheer embarrassment after she'd said it. The words she'd used were basically a break-up starter, and she'd used them on her aunt, the idea was cringe-worthy. Unfortunately for her, Heather couldn't take them back and start over either, not unless she wanted to obliviate her aunt. Heather was actually willing to do that, but by the time she thought it, Petunia was already responding.

Petunia's head snapped upward with an audible crack. Heather winced in sympathy, knowing the woman had been sitting in that position for hours, and the sudden motion had to have hurt.

Then, her attention was on Petunia's face, and her world stilled slightly. Looking into her aunt's memories had given Heather a good grasp of Petunia's emotional state, thoughts, and memories. What legilimency, however, did not provide Heather with was her aunt's physical appearance. Something that Heather hadn't realized might be different.

Petunia had bags the size of wells, her lips were chapped and bleeding from biting. Her skin was pale, but not from a lack of sun, but instead of emotional turmoil. All this Heather acknowledged. But truthfully, she got stuck on her aunt's eyes. Petunia Dursley's eyes were haunted. They spoke of in-depth knowledge, or at the very least, she highly suspected the truth. Beyond that, though, Petunia Dursley's eyes were the wrong color, and Heather found herself blatantly starring.

In Heather's world, her aunt had eyes the color of mud. She had been the plain muggle sister to Lily Evans. The one who got the giraffe neck, the mousy hair, and their father's muddy eyes. Petunia was the plain sister, the one without magic. The background character to Lily's emerald and fire. To her magical, spectacular life. And while Heather knew other girls with such appearances that never let it affect their personalities, she also knew Petunia had been continuously looked down on. Her accomplishments had been ignored. Her attempts overlooked. Because Lily was magic. Lily was intelligent. Lily was beautiful. Lily, Lily, Lily-

This Petunia Dursley had a subtle difference. A slight change when compared to the Petunia from Heather's world. This Petunia Dursley had Lily's eyes, had Heather's grandmother's eyes, that familiar emerald that sat in Heather's own head. And apparently, that made a world of difference in the head of this woman. Because, although Heather didn't know it, Petunia had one thing people complimented her continuously for. Sure she had a giraffe neck, a terrible complexion, and her father's mousy hair. At least she had beautiful eyes.

Funny how such a subtle difference could change so much.

Terrifying how such a subtle thing could change so much. Because, what else could change just because of a small shift in a DNA strand.

Heather felt her skin crawl as countless possibilities laid out before her. She was suddenly far more frightened of the drastic changes she'd see in the people she loved and cared for. This was the first Heather had met - for Heather hadn't really known Kunzite all that well - and she didn't even care about her aunt that much. What if Hermione, Ron, Sirius, and all those she cherished were just as altered? In Merlin's name, Heather worried about those interactions.

"What?" Petunia snapped out, finally responding to Heather's question. "Who are you?"

Green eyes darted across Heather's form in inspection. Petunia sought out key things, items like a wand hidden under baggy clothing. Odd clothing that stood out because Wizards, as she'd learned, were stupid if powerful. Petunia looked for anything that could be magical on pure instinct. When she failed to locate anything on the strange woman, she assumed Heather was a parent and relaxed slightly. For a moment anyway.

"I'm…" Heather hesitated for a moment. Just a single moment as she debated just how honest she intended to be here. Then she settled. "Heather Potter, and we really need to speak Petunia- oi!" Palming the wand in her pocket Heather swiftly cast a spell at Petunia's shoes. The woman, upon hearing Heather's name, had immediately attempted to bolt. She'd shoved right passed Heather only to stop dead as her feet caught and stuck fast to the ground. Arms pinwheeling Petunia shrieked-




Heather cringed as Petunia's voice hit an almighty pitch. Pressing her ear to her shoulder in a terrible attempt to stem the noise, Heather cast a rushed notice-me-not spell to go with the muffling charm. No one would hear their conversation or come to inspect when people realized Petunia was blatantly and soundlessly flailing for her life. That done, Heather pressed her hands to her ears and waited for calm to return to her aunt. Years of experience told Heather she would have to wait it out. There would be no yelling over Petunia Dursley in any world.

"LET ME GO! SOMEBODY!" Petunia struggled to get her feet off the ground and all around panicked. "You can't do this- there are laws! I'm protected!"

Heather grimaced, "Aun- Miss Dursley! Please calm down!" she tried to get into her aunt's face so Petunia could see her intention, but all it served was to bring her close to the swinging arms. One nearly collided with Heather's face and forced her back, "I don't mean any harm!"

"Help! PLEASE!"

"PETUNIA!" Heather finally screamed over her panicked aunt, "YOU ARE BEING FORCED TO ABUSE YOUR NEPHEW WITH MAGIC!"

That did it. Petunia's mouth snapped closed quicker than if Heather had sealed it with a spell. Her eyes bugged out, and she turned to look at Heather aghast. For a split second, Heather worried she was wrong, that Petunia had realized what was happening. Then the woman's eyes started to tear up.

"What… what did you say?"

Heather slowly lowered her hands away from her ears, careful to keep her wand from pointing directly at Petunia. "As I said, my name is Heather Potter, and I'm here to speak to you." Heather gestured to the nearby bench, "can we sit?"

"No." Petunia's green eyes were burning, not with magic as Heather's did, but still with an energy all Petunia's own. "No, you explain what you said right now!"

Swallowing, Heather inclined her head. So be it. "My mother is-"

"I don't care about your bloody genetics! Tell me about Harry!"

"Miss Dursley," Heather tried to soothe, "please, allow me to explain." Because she needed Petunia to have the background information Kunzite had given her. Heather knew that once someone realized Harry wasn't in his aunt's possession, then Dumbledore or perhaps Snape would look into it. They'd look through Petunia's memories as Heather had done, and she wanted them to see precisely this conversation. Heather wanted them to have her fake background story. Which would work far better than if Heather actually prevented them from reading Petunia; that would just be suspicious.

"Be quick about it!"

Acting as though Petunia was in control, Heather did precisely that; "my mother is Dorea Potter. My father is Charlus Potter, which makes James Potter my cousin… once removed." Narrowly resisting the urge to flap a dismissive hand, Heather explained, "I just learned I had a family, so I went to look into my nephew and let me say, the circumstances around James and Lily's death are beyond sketchy." Was she using too much language from the future…? Heather never thought she'd have to worry about that, but she bet she was. "I suspect heavily they were setup-"

"Get to the point!" Petunia snarled violence at the edge of her being, "tell me about my nephew!"

Heather sighed, pretending she was slightly put out by the interruptions, "there's a ward. Its sort of like an invisible bubble of magic around your house. I looked into the ward and found it's… dark, very dark, and very sensitive." Heather groped for a way to explain this to a Muggle. She was far too used to speaking to other warders like Bill, "basically, it twists the emotions of every Muggle who enters the house, forced them to quick anger when it comes to Harry."

"Remove it!" There was anguish in Petunia's voice, horrified realization in her eyes. The truth was right there. Petunia had physically and emotionally beaten down her nephew, and while it wasn't inherently her fault, she'd still done it. Petunia would forever remember her hand on Harry's skin as she slapped him, forever remember the hateful words spat out of her lips… she'd never forget it. She would have intense PTSD from this, and Heather, unfortunately, suspected that might come across as terror or hatred for magic and, by extension, anything involved with witchcraft. She would likely become distant with Harry, and who could blame her?

"I can't."

"What do you meant you can't?" Petunia couldn't focus on Heather. Her eyes were darting around frantically. Her hands were shaking after the emotional upheaval Heather had forced upon her… hopefully better late than never.

"The man… the man who did this I suspect was involved in Lily and James' death." That was not entirely the truth, Voldemort was the main culprit… but Dumbledore was involved somehow, and so Heather told Petunia that. Hopefully, he wasn't as immersed in this as Heather was beginning to suspect. "He placed this ward, and he's…" she groped for an explanation, "he's politically basically immune to everything. He's downright near a god in the eyes of the public… people won't believe that-"

"It's Dumbledore, isn't it." Petunia interrupted suddenly, "Lily's… that headmaster…" there was something in Petunia's eyes, a memory there that Heather couldn't resist… nudging. It wasn't strictly ethical… but she still did it. Heather silently cast legilimency and dipped into the memory and found flashing memories all connected in Petunia's head-

She was writing a letter to Dumbledore, desiring so badly to be a witch too and go to school with Lily. A brutal denial and Petunia's relationship with Lily suffering because of Dumbledore's words used to manipulate her young mind even from a distance. Petunia recognizing so much later in life that the words were heavy in manipulation. And 'gods it had been so easy' Petunia thought, as Dumbledore told her that Lily was special and that Petunia was ordinary. She shouldn't want for more and-

A memory of Lily desiring a relationship and inviting Petunia to her wedding. To actually liking and getting along with James Potter, 'even Vernon likes him, this is fantastic,' and Petunia sees Dumbledore speaking to James later and suddenly James is pranking Vernon, and it goes south so quickly- and her dress is ruined- and she's never talking to Lily again- and she feels bad, maybe she should-

-Petunia writing a furious letter to Dumbledore as Harry sleeps soundly beside Dudley in the crib. The boy has been crying non-stop since his arrival, but Petunia doesn't expect him to stop. His mother is dead, and his forehead is bleeding, and the doctor can't do anything but give them antibiotics. But its a magical wound and he's still crying, and Dumbledore told her Lily died in a letter-

The man steps through her fireplace after her sixteenth letter, and everything gets… a… bit… fuzzy…

"It's Dumbledore, isn't it?" Petunia said again, and Heather cringed back, creating a border between the memories and the now.

"Yes," Heather confirmed, rubbing her temple slightly, she really doesn't like what those memories are implicating. "Yes, he gained full control of the Potter vaults minutes after their death despite no one knowing they had even die." Merlin, it's challenging to refocus, but Heather managed, barely. "Anyway, if I remove the ward he'll know instantly and what do you think he'd do about it? What do you think he'll do to a Muggle woman and a girl who no one knows with the name Potter?"

Petunia, Heather thought, might have been in Slytherin. Her sharp mind that picked up social cues so quickly, she instantly jumped to the conclusion Heather already had with four times the speed. Their options are obvious. Petunia could move away from the ward, but eventually, Dumbledore would find her. Then, her mind would be at risk, and Harry would likely suffer. If that occurred, Harry's mental state… the boy may just crack from it.

On the other hand, Petunia could force Heather to remove the ward anyway and then try and hide it from Dumbledore. They could work together in hiding, to grow power and hope the man doesn't locate them and destroy them. But the risk were similar. If they were found, they were screwed.

Or the third option which Heather much hoped Petunia picked.

"You have to take him." Petunia sagged on the spot, dropped back into her seated position as the best option presented itself. "You can't remove the ward, he'd notice too quickly. If we leave it up, we have more time to prepare… but Harry…" If she left the ward up and Harry under it, then the abuse would continue, and neither could allow that. Not to mention, Petunia acknowledged one last crucial detail. Heather had magic, and Petunia did not. Heather could protect Harry in a way that Petunia could not.

So Harry had to go to Heather, for his emotional and physical well-being.

As it clicked, as the pieces slotted into place, Petunia's lips curled, and her spine straightened. There was the Evans blood Heather thought as she watched it happen. It was the same strength that had Petunia flee the war to protect her family. That caused Lily to fight and die to protect her daughter or son. There was strength in Heather's family, and only half of it came from James.

"You want him." Petunia said a moment later with full certainty that it was the truth, and it was. Heather taking Harry was the most straightforward path and the smartest one, and it was the one Heather preferred. She could, unlike Petunia, protect Harry, especially with the foreknowledge she possessed. On top of that, if Heather had Harry with Petunia's consent, they could keep that fact from Dumbledore for ages. Because no one had ever checked up on Heather except for Figg and no one would if the wards were left alone and she was careful. That, and though Petunia didn't know this, if Dumbledore did find the truth and actually overwhelmed her, then Heather could just leave. She could vanish into another world where Dumbledore could never reach them - once she perfected her spell that was, which was a current priority.

"Yes," Heather had no reason to lie, "it's the best chance Harry has, that we all have."

They stared each other down as the sound of children filtered behind them. Holly heard Dudley call out to a friend, unaware and clueless about what was happening. She could feel her own magic tingle in anticipation. Felt a brutal December wind cut across where they stood.

Before her, Petunia weighed her options, debated risks, judged Heather's intentions, and acknowledged what she'd always known deep down. She believed that the wards existed, in that Petunia knew Heather wasn't lying. That, and Petunia accepted that Heather was a Potter, no one could mistake that hair. But her eyes… the color and the shape… that was all Lily.


"I know your magic," Petunia suddenly spoke up from their staredown, "Lily told me about it… if you swear it, you will lose your magic and life if you break your word. I want that."

"A vow." While she was surprised Petunia knew about that, Heather didn't mind giving one. Though… the wording would have to be specific. "Very well. I will swear not to hurt the Harry Potter of this world."

"Good." Petunia stepped forward not realizing Heather's sticking charm had been removed, or that it had ages ago. "Swear it."

"I swear it, upon my magic that I will never intentionally harm the boy in this world known as Harry Potter." Heather's magic surged slightly as the vow settled on her core. She barely noticed it, and the sensation faded a moment later, so it was quickly dismissed. The spell she'd used was an altered version of the unbreakable vow. It didn't require a witness, and the cost was a bit looser if Heather actually broke the promise. Moving forward, should Heather actually try to harm Harry, the vow would tug at her magic. It will give her quite the warning against her actions before she genuinely lost her magic.

Though, in retrospect, Heather really should have thought about the whole 'Harry is a Horcrux' thing before making that particular vow. All well, too late now.

Petunia stepped back as a weight slipped away from her shoulders. As she nodded sharply. It was done. Her nephew would go to this girl and thrive, and Petunia could attempt to lose the guilt she'd be carrying for years. "Then take him, take him and keep him alive and safe from that old bastard."

Heather's lips quirked, "On that note… I actually think you could help with that if you're open to it?"

Petunia's smirk was blood-thirsty as she nodded. Yes, for making her hurt her nephew - something she process later - Petunia would find her revenge.

"Remember, once you pass the property line, the wards will activate. My spell will protect your mind for a short time, but it is temporary, so collect Harry and bring him out as quickly as possible." Heather gently reminded her aunt as they approached number four. At her comment, Dudley glanced at her, his small pudgy face confused. He'd be introduced to 'aunt Heather' shortly after Heather and Petunia established a general plan for Harry. As far as Dudley knew, Heather was both his and Harry's aunt just as Marge was. Dudley also hadn't been skeptical for long, not when Heather bribed him with a mildly magical toy that would keep him safe if kept on his person. After the gift, Dudley had spent the entire walk back chattering on to Heather, which was beyond surreal.

"I understand."

Petunia looked at her own house as if it were set to swallow her whole. Petunia's body language screamed hunted but determined as she stepped forward and- tripped on thin air to land flat on her face. Blinking Heather recalled the tripping spell she'd left on the property that she'd honestly forgotten entirely about. Watching her aunt shriek and hit the ground, Heather couldn't quite stifle her laugh. The woman had been so focused on her mission and was beyond shocked at the sudden failure. Oddly, for Heather anyway, she and Dudley got to share in a laugh. The four-year-old, delighted by his mother's drop and Heather equally amused for once, as she shot a perfectly innocent look at Petunia's confusion and embarrassment.

One must keep to their marauder roots after all.

"R-right…" Petunia smothered her embarrassment as she stood again, "I'll be… right back. Dudders dear, stay with your aunt."

There was that surreal moment again. Heather felt it brush against her as Dudley responded in a positive to his mother, and Petunia vanished into the house. Left alone with his new 'aunt,' Dudley began to chatter about a girl and the game they played in the park. Heather zoned the words out with the occasional 'oh wow' comment, which appeased the boy. Internally though, she was quickly reassessing what she needed to do moving forward.

Heather's plans stretched out altered by the fact that she had decided to take in Harry. Her priority continued to be finding her way home, but that was, as far as she knew, a progress that could take years. So beyond that goal, Heather needed smaller ones to attain. First, to set up her condo and get Harry to a discreet and contracted healer. He was four now just like Dudley, so she had half a year to prepare him for Muggle school. That involved introducing him to magic and what exactly he was allowed to talk about. Potentially she could have him meet some magical children for friends like Ron or Neville, as long as she first got a look into them to ensure they hadn't changed too drastically. She also had to finish setting up the condo. Contact Kunzite. Find an elf to work for her to assist with all this. Ensure the goblins properly warded the apartment. Looked into Sirius and the bloody Horcruxes.

"Aunt Heather?"

"Mhm?" she glanced at Dudley.

"Are you okay?"

"Yup, just fine. Tell me about-" what was it? "-Elizabeth?"

"Yeah, she was fun! So, we went into the forest and found this-" on he went about some bug he and this 'Elizabeth' found and how they'd brought it to the girls' mother to prank her. Heather listened with half an ear to it in case he asked anything. As she did, she internally shortened her large tasks into small ones. Heather reminded herself that she had years until any significant events occurred. Really, as long as she was careful, she could defeat Voldemort, and handle Dumbledore long before anyone noticed she even existed.

Then again. With her luck…

The front door to number four opened, and Harry came trotting out. He looked utterly confused and was bundled in a jacket much too big for him. Following behind, Petunia had a pinched look that had Heather assuming the boy hadn't actually owned his own winter jacket and that the one he now wore was actually Petunia's. Harry glanced at Heather and Dudley together. His tiny face gave away the trepidation he was feeling even as Petunia gently nudged him forward and away from the ward pushing against her mind. She carried a rather small bag in her hands. As Heather watched, Petunia's face grew more and more harsh- until she crossed the property line, and her expression cleared.

Cursing under her breath, Petunia stopped at Heather's side with a grimace. She knew the truth now. Petunia could feel the ward pressing down on her, even with Heather's magic temporarily protecting her mind. It was a brutal thing. The realization that everything she'd ever done to Harry was due to magic and Albus bloody Dumbledore. It made her instinctively want to despise all things associated with witchcraft. Still, at the same time, Petunia worried that emotional response was due to Dumbledore as well. She didn't know, and that was terrifying.

"Boy-" Petunia shook her head as Harry violently flinched, and Heather's hands twitched. The tone was eerily familiar, but it wasn't 'girl' as she was used to. "Harry," Petunia corrected by sheer force of will. "This is Heather Potter."

Harry's eyes flew with as looked to the woman who had come to the door earlier. Looked at her curly hair and her green eyes and all but gaped. He hadn't expected when she'd actually come to the door that she'd been related to him. Sure, in the hours since her visit, he'd fantasied about it as he did all other strangers that had any sort of resemblance to him. He'd pictured her coming back and claiming he was her long lost relative. That she'd take him away. That he'd have family that loved him-

"She's your father's cousin… she'll be taking you home with her." Petunia spoke in a clipped tone while her skin crawled from the nearby ward and the knowledge of what it could do. At the same time, Harry's world tilted on its axis. He'd fantasied about exactly this happen but- to have it actually occur-

"You're my… aunt?" he exhaled while Dudley looked between them all in utter confusion.

"I am." Close enough to one anyway, "and I'd like very much for you to live with me if you'd-"

"YES!" he staggered forward several steps, his entire being focused on Heather. Harry only had eyes for her, so he missed Petunia flinch at his eagerness, or Dudley growing increasingly red in… not quite jealously, but something else that he was too young to name. "I mean… please, I… I'll be good- if you- please-" he shot a look at his aunt Petunia too late. Her face had already smoothed over; she looked indifferent to his childish eyes.

"Okay," Heather soothed, kneeling in front of him. "That's good. I'll be happy to have you."

Behind him, Dudley's face pinched in an upcoming tantrum. Behind him, Petunia set his bag on the ground, nodded to Holly, and with a forced calm collected Dudley to explain some of what Heather would soon have to explain to Harry. Petunia would have to warn Dudley against the very world that Heather and Harry were a part of while trying to balance the fact that he was still special and that they'd see Harry again one day. Hopefully, to form a better relationship. Heather, in the meantime, would have to explain magic, the danger of Dumbledore and Voldemort, and how his aunt really didn't mean to hurt him.

Neither of them had a clue where to begin.

"Cou-… would you like to say goodbye to your aunt Petunia Harry? Before we head out?" for food, Heather was starving by then, and she was sure Harry was too. They'd stop somewhere nearby, and she'd explain magic during dinner. Then they could hopefully apparate home.

Harry nodded quickly, heartbreakingly obedient. He turned sharply backing into Heather, his hand sought her out even as he addressed his aunt. A tension in his body relaxed once he had a hand on her knee, once he knew she wasn't going to completely vanish now that he had his back to her. "Goodbye, Aunt Petunia."

Nudging Dudley into silence, Petunia looked their way eyes shining with unshed tears, "Goodbye, Harry… I… be good for your aunt, alright?" she wanted to embrace him and take back all those pains she'd caused, but she was smart enough to know if she tried it would only make things worse. Because Harry was too young to understand. He… he was an abuse victim, and she was his abuser, and even though she'd been forced to do it did not change that. Gods, she was never going to be okay again now that she knew-

"I will," Harry promised uncertain. He sensed something was wrong but couldn't begin to understand it. So, instead, Harry turned his back on Petunia and looked to Heather with a tentative smile.

"Alright," Heather offered Harry a hand which he took at an unreal speed, then she stood snatching Harry's bag with a free hand. Tossing it over her shoulder, she nodded to Petunia. She'd contact the woman soon to go through the next part of their plan and set up a more neutral meeting location once Harry was more secure with his position in his new life. Then Heather started down the road at a slow speed so Harry could keep up.

They trudged forward as small flakes of snow started to fall from the sky. Harry didn't react to them, but Heather still wandlessly cast a mild warming charm at the boy. She knew his clothes were quite ratted and not layered, and she didn't want him to freeze. They walked in silence for some time. Heather kept her eyes forward, trying to remember where they could get food in the area by walking in this particular year. While Harry spent the entire time stealing subtle looks at his new aunt and guardian.

Eventually, he'd crack Heather knew. But it spoke to his mental state that it took until they were sitting in a little diner to do so.

It was a louder place, and recalling Moody's words in her past, allowed Heather to cast several silencing spells, so no one would overhear her and Harry. After that, Heather had calmly told Harry he could order anything he wanted and specifically ordered a lighter soup for the boy just in case he couldn't stomach anything solid. Harry had barely asked for anything, and she was unsurprised, it would take a great deal of time for him to ask for anything. It hadn't taken her years as well, and she'd been a teenager.

"Aunt… Heather?"

Thirty minutes to find the diner, twenty to order and settle. Fifty minutes until Harry spoke a single word after 'I will,' it was worse than she expected honestly.

"Yes?" Heather took a non-threatening posture, kept a hand on her chin as she looked at Harry sitting across from her. Kept her other hand on the table but was ready to snatch her wand at a moment's notice. She had Harry now and was beyond paranoid that she'd be attacked at any point now that she did.

Harry shifted in his seat. He bit his lip. He looked everywhere but at her face as he tried to form the sentence within him. Heather waited patiently, not pushing. He'd talk when he wanted to and not beyond, and she greatly wished to encourage him to talk. Harry struggled for a full five minutes before he finally blurted, "did you know dad?"

Heather's expression turned sad as she shook her head, "no, he died long before I met him sadly." The plead to elaborate was on Harry's face. He'd already worked to ask his first question, so Heather obliged the silent one. "I was raised an orphan actually, I didn't know for a long time that I even had any family." Here was the thing, Heather didn't know how honest she ought to be with him. Should she tell him the blatant truth? Or should she hedge and give him the fake truth. Heather didn't know. She didn't know if he'd even believe her… Merlin, she didn't know what to do.

In the end, Harry settled her dilemma; "you wanted family, like me!… right?" his green eyes brightened happily then immediately he grew nervous, worried that he wasn't allowed to speak like that to her. Heather's expression softened, he was so young. He would learn too much from her about his own life to pile on her own history, she'd tell him the truth later and stick to half-truths for the time being. It would be better for him, she thought.

"I did, and I found you. I'm happy that I did, now I can share my magic with someone."

Harry's face instantly scrunched. That wasn't something he was allowed to talk about and his new aunt had just said it… in public! "…magic?" he whispered the word warily glancing around.

Heather felt her lips twist, she felt positively wicked, like Hagrid introducing her to magic for the first time. With careful, obvious movements, Heather pulled her wand from her pocket, and placed it on the table. Harry's gaze followed her every motion and his expression showed his blatant confusion at the 'stick' she'd just revealed. Heather relished the moment as she calmly said: "Oh yes… didn't you know? The Potter's… have magic."