I just finished Fate / Apocryha and although I don't quite like it cause of Sieg, I couldn't help but wonder what if KHR characters got summoned as servants. So! What if Hibari was Berserker? He totally fits the name for who else causes havoc like good old Hibari? Caules kinda looks like a mix of Tsuna and Irie IMO and so! the only one to probably escape the destruction called Hibari would probably be him! I am not familiar with the Fate Franchise and so I might get some concepts wrong, but hey, its fanfic so I'm just gonna wing it. Hopefully I am not too far off.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fate or KHR

Wiping the sweat from his brows, shifting his glasses and taking a deep breath, Caules Forvedge Yggdmillenia prepared himself.

The tension in the air was palpable and the scent of apprehension, fear and hope was apparent as he and the other three master candidates stood in the hall below his uncle. Today, at this very moment, was a turning point for the whole of Yggdmillenia and failure was not allowed. He and his sister had been trained since birth to be worthy Master candidates for the upcoming war, it was for this very moment that he was born for.

It was time to summon their servants.

The Yggdmillenia had been scouring far and wide for years to obtain catalyst that would ensure their summons were the one they desired. For Caules, he was tasked with the summoning of the strongest Berserker and so in the past few years, he dedicated himself to research for the best candidate that would bring glory to Yggdmillenia. A Servant's power depended on the admiration of people of their legacy. The more widely known they were, the stronger they tended to be. Originally, Caules wanted to focus on classics and legends for they tended to be the powerhouses without a fail, after all, who in the world did not know about Dracula for example? (and he also had proof that Dracula was powerful with him being summoned by Darnic and all).

Caules poured over all the literary texts, all the mythologies and legends possible and they were either too obscure, did not seem to have the ideal traits for a Berserker, or too difficult to find anything close enough to work as a catalyst to ensure that the particular servant would be summoned. He nearly got hold of Frankenstein's blueprints but turns out that the blueprint was a bust. He wanted to scream and pull his hair out, out of all the servant classes he was tasked with, why did he have to oversee the summoning a Berserker!

He was so close to pulling his last strand of hair out when he finally had a hit. If he could not find someone from the distant past, all he had to do was find someone from the recent decades. Even if their legacy was not as well established as older characters, they still had to be worth their salt to be even considered a potential Servant candidate. With a renewed vigor, Caules researched and analyzed all the possible candidates that fit his requirements and he finally found the perfect one.

Darnic's voice broke him out of his train of thoughts and shaking his head, Caules turned to focus on the summoning circle in front of him which had a small piece of rusted silver placed in its middle.

It was time.

Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let black be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be declared now;

your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here.

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

Yet you shall serve with your eyes clouded by chaos.

For you would be one caged in madness.

I shall wield your chains.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,

come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!

A blinding light covered the room and smoke filled the space. His eyes did not even have time to adjust to the sudden flash of light when he sensed an incoming attack. Narrowly dodging the blow (was it a flash of silver he saw?) to the side, Caules stumbled back as he tried to process what was going on. Was being attacked right after the summoning normal?

The smoke finally cleared and seeing the figure standing in front of him, he could not help but feel a swell of pride for his job well done. Standing in front of him was a handsome young Asian man with jet black hair and steel grey eyes, it was none other than the Servant named Hibari Kyouya.

Yes, it wasthat Hibari Kyouya.

The famed cloud guardian of the Vongola Decimo, known for his unparalleled strength and endless blood lust. His name itself was a deterrent for anyone who was anyone and he had probably collectively over the years destroyed at least half the cities in each country. He was a lone wolf that acted alone and could never be controlled or restrained by anyone. Even his Don, Sawada Tsunayoshi, had admitted that he was not controlling Hibari Kyouya but rather counting on his favor of him to guide Hibari's destructive tendencies towards targets that would benefit the Famiglia. If you were on the receiving end of only his tonfas it was still okay, you might still live. However, it was when he called out his pet hedgehog that you should start writing your will. Running was futile as like a carnivore he prized himself to be, he will never let his prey escape.

"Hmm…so you are the one who summoned me…it seems that you are not a total herbivore I suppose" as Hibari started walking towards Caules who was still trying to digest the fact that out of all the Servants summoned, his Servant was the only one that was not kneeling down and pledging their allegiances like the other three. Well, he supposed it was a Berserker thing…or maybe a Hibari thing. He had never heard of a Master being attacked by his newly summoned Servant, at least his name would go down in history for something he laughed mirthlessly.

Ignoring everyone's varied degree of disbelief, Hibari turned to look at the rest of the group and his eyes widened. He could feel it, the sheer power of the Servants that were summoned along him, the power of the Servant sitting at the top. How long had it been since he felt such strength, such excitement.

Too long.

In an instant, blood lust filled the entire castle and everyone, even the ones at the basement could feel the heavy air of oppression and eminent danger. Even if they wanted to flee, their legs would not move, and the air seemed thinner than before. Hibari's cold eyes was filled with joy and ecstasy.

Initially he did not even know that he had a wish which caused him to respond to the Grail's call but now, he knew. Without anyone he remotely cared about who would get caught up in the carnage, without Sawada Tsunayoshi's exasperated sighs and disapproving glances.

He was truly free to do whatever he wanted.

Licking his lips in excitement and bracing his prized tonfas out, Habari's last sentence was the only warning anyone got.

"I will bite everyone to death."




As Caules was struggling to stay alive from the absolute beatdown – borderline massacre – caused by his Servant, his only thought was

"ah, maybe I found someone who fits the description of a Berserker a bit too aptly."

Hope you enjoyed it!