I figure it's time to write a little something about Randall and Fungus. Yeah, I know, they've got a rocky relationship, but I think Fungus might be the closest thing to a friend the lizard monster had in the movie, so let's explore it! Enjoy!

~Caring Friend~

Preparations were coming along all according to plan. Many months of work and tons of hours spent into the development for the machine were finally paying off, within a couple of weeks, the Scream Extractor will be ready and then the testing phase will begin. Soon, they would be able to get screams more efficiently and revolutionize the scaring industry as a whole.

Attaching the cables to the Scream Canisters and securing every connection, Randall yawned as his sharp teeth were out, rubbing his eyes as he felt the exhaustion washing over him. Fungus was using a tool to tighten the last of the bolts on the machine, just as the wrench slipped out of his hands, striking him on the head, though the hard hat cushioned the hit.

"Ow... I wish that would stop happening." groaned Fungus, removing the hard hat and making sure it wasn't dented.

"Just be more careful and get back to working on it, you idiot!" hissed Randall, before tiredly rubbing his eyes some more.

Fungus jumped and dropped the tool onto his foot, yelping in pain as he clutched his foot and bounced around, falling onto his face. Groaning in annoyance, Randall rolled his eyes and went back to working on the machine. Fungus was less than useless.

"S-sorry, Randall, it was an accident!" jumped Fungus, not wanting to make the lizard monster angry.

"I don't care. Come on and help me with this already!" demanded Randall, pointing to the suction device at the front of the machine. "Make sure the thing's in place and stable!"

Nervously nodding, Fungus rushed over to the machine, as Randall carefully inspected the machine, before grabbing a tube and inserting it. He made sure the tubing was tightly inside, just as Fungus helped out.

"We really ought to call it a night, Randall. We've gotta work in the morning and you don't need to be tried again." came Fungus, yawning himself, as he put his hard hat and glasses back on. "You don't want Sullivan to outpace you again tomorrow."

Hearing that made Randall's blood boil, snarling as he grabbed Fungus by the red monster's arms and slammed him against the machine angrily. Fungus yelped as his eyes widened upon seeing just how fiery Randall's eyes were in that one moment, stuttering and screaming.

"Will you be quiet before I use this machine on you?! And stop acting like you're my mom, I'll decide when we're done!" snarled Randall, angrily eyeing Fungus as he drops the frightened red monster down. "Now, just shut up and go over to the controls!"

Fungus didn't even say anything. He hurriedly rushed to the control console, before giving Randall a nod. He flipped switches and mashed buttons, seeing the machine slowly come to life. Satisfied, Randall patted the machine in appreciation.

"Soon, I'll be on top of the scaring industry and James P. Sullivan will be working for me." darkly chuckled Randall, happy that his plans were coming to fruition.

Fungus often wondered about the rivalry going on between Randall and Sullivan. He didn't really understand why Randall always felt the need to better than the big blue furry monster, or why he's so hostile and aggressive towards him and Wazowski. Randall was the runner-up, a very good spot to be at and he's already proven that he's a truly frightening and sneaky monster in his own right.

The Scream Extractor didn't seem right. In fact, they're involved in an illegal criminal conspiracy by constructing such a machine. It was wrong. Fungus hated being involved in it. In fact, he wanted to withdraw from the project and go back to being just a normal scaring assistant, but was too afraid of provoking Randall.

"Um... Randall?" Fungus called out, his hands shaking as he nervously watched as the purple lizard faced him.

"What?" impatiently growled Randall.

"W-why do you hate Sullivan so much? He doesn't seem that bad of a monster, really friendly too." came Fungus, as Randall growled before shrugging.

Could Fungus not keep his mouth shut? Randall toyed with the idea of threatening his co-worker, but abandoned it. His incompetent and bumbling partner really got on his nerves at times, even with his reluctance on the project.

He hated just about everybody in the company. Nobody would sit with him at lunch, everybody would ignore his own accomplishments in favor of Sullivan's, and whenever he did take the top spot, Sullivan still outclassed him moments later. He had nobody, even his boss thought of him as nothing more than a mediocre monster, fueling his resentment and hate for Waternoose.

"Simple. That stupid, pathetic waste has always been number one!" revealed Randall, though it wasn't the whole truth, but Sullivan always being on top was a major factor in much of his jealously and hate towards Sullivan.

Randall was always a snarky and hostile jerk at work. Sullivan would try to be nice to Randall, only to get rebuffed with hostility. Fungus wondered why Randall always seemed so angry and distant at work.

"But Sullivan always tries to be nice to you and everything, he even offers to shake one of your hands before going to scare kids." commented Fungus.

Opening up to others wasn't something Randall had done in a long time. Since his humiliating defeat during the Scare Games, Randall became hardened, cold, and very bitter. He was a shell of the monster he once was, once so warm and friendly, now he was just consumed by bitterness and jealously. He tried to make friends, get in with the cool kids, but it all came crushing down on him.

Even though he'd worked with Fungus for many years, the two of them hardly got along. In fact, Randall believed the clumsy idiot probably despised him. But still, Fungus was the only other monster that would even associate with him, even though it was his job as his assistant. He was probably the closest thing to a friend the lizard monster had known.

Randall's usual scowl and angry expression softened somewhat, as he looked back at the machine and then over to Fungus. He rolled his eyes and grunts in annoyance, before walking over to his useless partner.

"I don't care if he tries to be nice to me, I just want to beat him for once in my life." came Randall, going over to the console and placing his hands on it.

"B-but why?" asked Fungus, hoping he doesn't make the lizard monster angry.

"Seriously, why can't you just shut up?" groaned Randall, his fronds falling as he growled softly.

More than anything, he wanted Fungus to go back to keeping his mouth shut. But tonight, it seemed like that wasn't gonna be the case. He could just threaten to put the smaller red monster through the shredder to shut him up, but he didn't have the energy for it.

For Fungus, as frightened as he was and intimidated by Randall's presence, he could see that the lizard wasn't all bad. Randall did have his moments, sure, they were few and far between, but Randall wasn't just some jealous and hateful monster, he did smile and show some genuine emotion, especially whenever he was congratulated when successfully scaring children.

"R-Randall, you can talk to me, if you want. I mean, I'm the only other monster here, but you can talk to me." came Fungus, sounding a little nervous, but otherwise calm and even a little open.

Randall's fronds perked up a little bit at that. His tail swished back and forth, as he looked at Fungus. Part of him wanted to yell at the idiot to shut up, though another part of him encouraged him to open up with Fungus. The assistant seemed persistent in pressing him for answers.

"I'll keep it brief. I hate Sullivan because he ruined my life." bluntly stated Randall, lowering his head as his eyes stared at the floor.

"Wait, how did he ruin your life?" asked Fungus, confused.

Snarling, Randall glared at Fungus. "That big lump of my fur ruined my chances in the Scare Games! He took my best friend from me, he always outclassed me no matter how hard I tried, and even today, he still laughs at me! I'm nothing compared to him! He's the great James P. Sullivan, son of Bill Sullivan and the top Scarer! He took everything from me!" Randall breathed, as he panted a little from the outburst. "Now just drop it, Fungus."

He didn't think he'd get that emotional, but memories from MU flooded his mind when he revealed that to Fungus. His good times from meeting and befriending Mike, to his horrible memories of joining those assholes and to failing at the Scare Games.

"Randall, please, I just want to talk to you." came Fungus, a sign of sympathy in his voice.

"There's nothing to talk about. It's all in the past, I just need to suck it up and look towards revolutionizing the industry." stated Randall, though hurt, he also had other motives for wanting his project to take off.

Of course, the showers of praise and wealth were welcome when he stopped the energy crisis. But, what he truly wanted, was for the other monsters to notice him and acknowledge his existence. He wanted to be noticed, to be liked, and perhaps for even Mike to notice him again, though considering how they jab at each other whenever they get the chance, the likelihood of that seems impossible.

"I want to hear. You're my partner, after all." said Fungus, his voice a little hesitant when he uttered the word 'partner'.

Randall froze and he couldn't understand why. Maybe he was curious. Maybe he felt a tug at his heart by Fungus's more kind nature. But it did reach Randall's ears and his fronds perked up in response to it.

"I mean, you're kinda a jerk and all, but we're partners. I-I want to know what's wrong, please, Randall." pleaded Fungus, hoping that he can appeal to Randall in any way he could.

Randall hated himself for softening up in front of Fungus. But at the same time, he hadn't made any friends in years since his fallout with Mike, and Fungus was by all accounts, his one and only friend, the only other monster that perhaps gave even a little bit of a damn about him.

"Shut up already. Fine!" shrugged Randall, taking a seat beside Fungus, as his gaze remained on the floor. "I enrolled at MU as a Scaring Major and Mike Wazowski also enrolled to become a Scarer, we became roommates and best friends, or best chums as I called us. Mike was the first and only friend I had, he was confident and determined, he gave me confidence in myself and made me believe that I wasn't a joke. We studied and hung out, he was the one bright spot in my college experience. But..." Randall trailed off, his expression dampening to one of sorrow and regret.

Fungus hadn't seen Randall like this before, he looked so hurt. "And...?" Fungus probed for more.

"My own stupid desire to be with the cool kids and Mike's warped priorities were what drove us apart. Mike got removed from the Scaring Program because he was deemed not scary, while I, joined an elite fraternity and took Sullivan's place, becoming an asshole so caught up in where I was and with monsters I thought were my friends. Ultimately, during the Scare Games, Sullivan, who joined another fraternity so he and Mike could reenter the program, beat and humiliated me during the final challenge and I was kicked from the fraternity, with them even saying I was never one of them to begin with. Then, to add insult to injury, they tried to get Sullivan back!" angrily snarled Randall, before frowning as he thought of what came next. "Then, afterwards, because of something stupid Sullivan did, it resulted in him and Mike being expelled and losing my one chance at reconnecting with my old chum."

Fungus was surprised by what he heard. Randall had a horrible college experience to say the least, alone and without friends. It honestly made him feel bad for the lizard monster, even if Randall was pretty hostile and often threatened him.

"I'm really sorry about all that, Randall." said Fungus, as Randall's eyes widened and he faced his assistant, almost awestruck by what he said.

"What did you say?" breathed Randall, needing to hear those words again.

"I said I'm sorry what happened to you." replied Fungus.

Fighting his emotions, Randall felt a tug at his heart at the revelation that his useless assistant actually felt sorry for him. Fungus actually cared. He softened up a bit, no longer frowning or scowling, but his eyes were a little bit more open.

"I know. I shouldn't pity you, but I don't. It stinks because college is supposed to be a time of fun and excitement for us monsters, but it looks like for you, it was always being kicked around. Still, I didn't know you and Mike used to be friends." replied Fungus, a little surprised at the idea of a softer Randall.

"He was more than my friend, he was my best chum. Even though we hate each other now, Mike meant everything to me back in college. Losing him to Sullivan was my biggest regret." Randall sighed sadly, his fronds lowering.

"Losing him to Sullivan? Did he steal Mike from you?" asked Fungus.

"In a way, he kinda did. After I joined those assholes, I completely abandoned Mike and even became a bully to him, participating in a prank that humiliated him in front of the other students." remarked Randall, sniffing a little bit at how he had wronged Mike.

Randall wished he could've taken it all back. He wanted Mike as his best chum again, he wanted them to be back together and remain friends. He wished time and time again, that he and Mike could apologize and be friends again, and things could be good again between them.

"Sullivan was an arrogant and stupid party boy that did nothing but insult, berate, and bully Mike, but somehow, he and Mike are best friends! He's the reason why Mike was kicked from the program, but just because I join those elitist jerks, he thinks I'm the worst monster ever and just nothing but a creepy jerk!" Randall fumed, slamming his fist onto the control panel.

Randall winced at the pain, but he didn't care. Physical pain was irrelevant, for his emotional turmoil was far greater than any bruise he might sustain.

"I guess Sullivan really matured and grew out of those phases." commented Fungus. He could hardly believe the kind of monster Sullivan was as a teenager, but he assumes Mike got him to change for the better.

"But I still hate him for taking Wazowski from me!" growled Randall. "I shouldn't have abandoned him! I shouldn't have humiliated him with that stupid prank! I shouldn't have lost him!"

Fungus saw that Randall had many regrets in his life. Some monsters would call the lizard nothing but a psychopath and possibly even pure evil, but Randall was neither of those things, he was a sad and lonely monster just tired of always being left behind and sick of having another always outclass him.

Reaching out, Fungus placed a sympathetic hand on one of Randall's, catching the lizard by surprise. Randall immediately pulled his hand back in response.

"Don't touch me!" yelled Randall, as Fungus jumped a little away from the lizard monster.

"S-sorry! Just trying to help!" screamed Fungus, taking a step back away from Randall, afraid he may have provoked him.

Immediately, feeling a tiny bit of guilt over his sudden outburst. It was uncalled for, even if he was easily annoyed by his assistant. Fungus was only trying to help and he aggressively shoved him away.

"No, I'm sorry, Fungus, that was my fault." Randall apologized, as Fungus went back over to sit down. "You were only trying to help."

"Maybe you could talk with Mike, try to be friends with him over coffee or something?" suggested Fungus, coming up with some ideas to help the lizard.

"You're kidding?" Randall remarked, giving a bitter chuckle. "He'd probably much rather see me struck by a car and left bleeding out on the side of the road!"

Taking Randall's hand again and this time, giving it a bit of a firm but reassuring squeeze. Fungus looked Randall in the eyes, before speaking. "Just try, Randall. That's all you can do. If you were so happy back then with Mike as your friend, try to reach out to him and open up about your feelings, let him know you feel bad over what happened and try to be nice to him. Even if he's friends with Sullivan, just ignore him and think about you and him and your prior friendship with him."

Fungus had a point. The least he could do was try to apologize and reconnect with Mike. It was better than nothing, he supposes.

"And you're not entirely alone, Randall..." whispered Fungus, before looking right in Randall's eyes. "I'm here too. We're friends, you know?"

Taken aback by the statement, Randall's eyes widened and he felt a sudden pull of his heart strings, stiffening at the declaration that Fungus called him a friend. His emotions went wild, they were allover the place, but a strange happiness poured into his heart at the mention of friends.

"Y-your friend?" whispered Randall, in deep thought.

"Yeah." smiled Fungus.

Randall honestly didn't know what to say. Out of all the other monsters in the company, the monster he bosses around and often threatens considers him a friend. He didn't deserve Fungus's friendship, the smaller red monster was too kind and even if he did annoy him, he did at times grow to accept the monster's company.

"I'll admit that I am afraid of you and do at times despise you, but I don't hate you, Randall." revealed Fungus, grabbing another of the lizard's hands. "I don't like this project, I think it's bad and we could possibly hurt innocent kids. I think Waternoose is overworking us and under-appreciates your talents. I also wish you'd be a lot nicer."

Hearing all that made Randall feel bad for the way he's treated Fungus, some friend he is. The poor red monster, even though he was against the project and had reservations about it, he still remained with it, for some reason.

"Why are you still working on it then?" questioned Randall.

Fungus didn't want to answer at first, fearing retaliation from Randall if he explains his reasons. But the lizard's expression showed very little aggression and it seemed Randall wouldn't hurt him, thankfully.

"Because I worry about you and want to remain with you." confessed Fungus, almost tempted to pull Randall in.

"W-what?" whispered Randall, unsure if he heard his assistant correctly.

"I choose to remain with you, because I don't want you to be swallowed up by the darkness, Randall. You're not a bad monster, in fact, I know you're a good monster underneath all that pain and bitterness. I care about you, Randall. I really don't want you to go down a path that you might not come back from." revealed Fungus, taking a deep breath. "I want you to be happy. And I want you to be have a good life. Not just because you're my friend, but because I care about you and like you."

Going for it, Fungus put his arms around Randall's torso and pulled the surprised lizard monster in, wrapping his arms around him and embracing him in a tight hug. Randall, eyes widened, stiffened into the hug and very slowly, taking a deep breath as he brought all four of his arms around his partner, returning the embrace.

"You're hugging me..." gasped Randall, tightening the hug around Fungus, as he chokes back a sob.

"We're friends, Randall. Of course I would hug you." smiled Fungus, hugging him tighter.

Moved by Fungus's compassion, Randall couldn't help but smile and ease into the hug, closing his eyes. It felt warm, comforting, and at the same time, peaceful. It was as if a warm blanket of care had been draped over him and was holding him in calm and caring embrace of companionship.

"Fungus, my friend..." whispered Randall, basking in the moment. "Thank you."

"Anytime, friend." sighed Fungus, happy as he enjoyed the hug.

Eventually, the two broke the hug and looked at each other. Randall having a new appreciation for Fungus and developing a stronger, deeper connection to his partner, while Fungus was happy with himself, he had managed to bring out a light within the lizard monster's heart once again.

Looking at the clock, Fungus saw that it was getting really late. They'd be lucky to get a goodnight's sleep if they left now.

"Come on, Randall, let's go home. I think we've worked enough." said Fungus, getting up from his seat and removing his hard hat. "I'll even drive you home."

Randall wanted to protest, but gave up on it. He was tired anyway, not to mention, way too emotionally overwhelmed by Fungus's compassion and their friendship. Sleep sounded heavenly, anyway.

Smiling, Randall slowly rose up and nodded, only to lose his balance and fall, but Fungus caught him before he did. "You can lean on me till I get you to the car, Randall." responded Fungus, as the lizard gave a soft chuckle and leaned against him as they exited the lab and sealed the entrance behind them.

Walking through the darkness of the building, Randall leaned on Fungus for support, a small smile on his face as they walked together. Just maybe this was what the winds of change were blowing him towards, a fresh start and a second chance at friendship. First Fungus and hopefully Mike too, Randall felt at ease, he felt like that for once in a long time, this just felt right, like he was doing something right and he felt happy.

"You had better hurry and get us to the car, or I'll personally put you through the shredder." yawned Randall as he joked, laughing to himself.

"Don't fall asleep yet." remarked Fungus, rolling his eyes as they exited the building and headed for the parking lot, both smiling.

Finally reaching the car, Fungus helped the lizard into the passenger seat, before taking his spot in the driver's seat. Starting the engine, they pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the streets, as Randall looked out the window and looked up at the night sky.

The end.

I know Randall's often annoyed with Fungus, bosses him around and even threatens him, but I don't think Fungus hates him. I do believe that maybe Fungus could've also done something to help Randall, appeal to him and even pull him from his villainous path. He's a nice monster, even apologizing to Mike when he was captured. I'd like to think that Randall and Fungus were friends, not best friends, but friends, regardless. So, what'd you think of this story? Please do review, favorite, and follow, and feedback is appreciated! RandallBeast19, taking flight!