"Error (part 4)"






Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a woman. Almost.

He almost made the worst mistake of his life and barely remedied it by almost sacrificing the only good thing that had happened to him.

The other mistakes he made before meeting Deku were more than he can count, but the worst mistake he made was lying to Deku, and the consequence that may have happened to him, could end his existence. He almost didn't have Deku, for a very fine and fragile line that could have been broken, but no, he was too kind to someone as mediocre and false as he was.

And after being forgiven by Deku, he returned home with some concern and intrigue for the reaction his mother might have, and just as Deku predicted, it happened. His mother was surprised to see him at the door of his house in the company of Katsuki, who was still wearing his wedding suit and was holding hands with Deku.

He admitted that he felt very nervous and guilty when he saw Deku's mother with an abysmal expression of confusion that reflected the great bewilderment when she saw his only son return with the person who broke his heart.

Deku's mother began to cry after Deku explained what had happened, which the lady didn't take well at first, but when she saw that her son was smiling dazzling and full of joy, she accepted it at the end of the day.

As much as it was hard for him to believe it, things turned a better direction, a better direction than the usual rhythm that he used to carry before. It was not necessary to mention that he did feel guilt at the thought that Uraraka was sad about what had happened, but fortunately, he resolved that matter during those days by explaining that he had fallen in love with a man, and that would never change. For her, it was a shocking revelation, although she stressed that she sensed that there was something about him that was intriguing and that led to his not being very interested in marrying her.

Between arguing and crying, they managed to stabilize their relationship, ending up being good friends, instead of a couple.

It was noteworthy that his parents took great care of everything. They solved all the inconveniences, also, they made a party with the same guests to avoid that all the food went to the garbage dump, in the end it ended up being an excuse to eat and dance during the night.

Katsuki Bakugou got his lesson.

But that didn't mean that the new events in his life began from there.

Katsuki often struggled to express his feelings, and it was a habit since he was a child, a habit that cost a lot to break the ropes that tied him to evolve.

It could seem like a very difficult challenge to meet, and it involved putting aside your heavy and twisted pride, which was on several occasions an impediment to evolve as a person and as a hero, because pride blinded even the most brilliant minds, especially if He lived a life surrounded by praise from others who raised his ego, and that barrier of self-centeredness grew without a fill limit. However, it took several years for him to find the person who would make him see things from a different perspective, a person who showed him that there were other possibilities than just being flattered by other voices, but only being observed by eyes other people's. his.

Deku changed everything.

It changed the whole panorama, it opened the whole perspective to the things that used to pass by.

And without letting much time go by, he introduced Deku to his parents, and finally let him visit their home, of which, Deku was immensely shocked with how huge it was, without stopping to comment on how big it was, in addition to that his astonished expression was not erased from his face. He liked seeing him that way, so easy-going and happy to finally get to know part of his private life, since they were already together and Katsuki was no longer lying, so everything was much easier to do.

When his mother had a look at Deku, she was fascinated with his personality, saying reckless comments on the face of the poor Deku, who became a bundle of nerves at having his parents in front of him.

"I-I am I-Izuku Mi-Midoriya." He introduced himself tremulously, his lower lip trembling, his posture as straight and firm as a log, his cheeks painted red. A visual mess for Katsuki, a fun and cute mess. "N-Nice to meet you!" He made a clumsy formal bow, outlining a shy smile. His parents observed him with interest, in space his mother, who was the first to speak to him.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku" His mother replied, forming a malicious smile. Katsuki squirmed at the sight of his mother's expression, for it meant danger. But he knew very well that doing something about it carried a worse danger, so interrupting her wasn't the best option. "You are the reason that our slimy son has canceled a bad marriage, thanks for that"

Deku stared at her in shock, not knowing what to say.

"Em" He hesitated, fidgeting between his hands, which were playing with each other.

"Don't talk about me like that!" Katsuki protested, growling at her. His mother laughed mischievously, and his father expressed that he already knew the direction the conversation would take.

"Nice to meet you, Izuku" His father intervened, extending his hand politely to Deku, who likewise accepted the gesture.


"Izuku, if it's not too much trouble asking you" His mother spoke, moving her eyebrows. "What did you like about this one?" He pointed at Katsuki with mock disgust.

"Hey!" Katsuki boasted, noticing that Deku was thoughtful and somewhat puzzled by the question.

"Eh, I" Deku tried to say, stammering with his tongue.

"Don't answer her, Deku!" He gave him a push with his hand, puzzling him.

In that, his mother struck Katsuki back with outrage.

"Hey, don't do that to Izuku!" She scolded him with a crooked grimace. "What a stupid son, hitting the only one who supports him"

"To me, Kacchan is cute" Deku issued sporadically.

"Cute? This rude savage?" His mother pointed him out with great skill, enraging Katsuki, who in turn was flushed with praise from Deku. Did a person as kind as Deku think that about him? "And what is that about Kacchan? That's what they said to Katsuki in childhood"

"Ah, well" Deku looked down, intimidated by his mother's ease in generating conversation, but he giggled without flinching. "That's how I like to call Katsuki"

"Patience is a virtue with you, Izuku" His mother stated, while his father cast sidelong glances at Katsuki, who was as red as a tomato. "Because putting up with someone with the character of Katsuki is a huge job; he has always been that explosive, he gets mad at everything and never says what he feels"

Deku smiled politely, nodding in affirmation. Katsuki, for his part, felt exhibited by his mother, but he would do nothing to stop her, because she would continue hitting him in front of Deku without shame.

"Katsuki is nice to me" Deku muttered, shaking his head nervously.

His mother laughed, at this, Deku was taken by surprise.

"Kacchan, did I say something wrong?" He whispered into his ear, sounding very unsure.

"No" He denied quietly.

You never say anything wrong, he thought.

"Oh, thank you." He separated away from him and continued smiling and trying with his best effort to follow the conversation of his mother, who made him very difficult, but in no time did Deku shut up and put things off, but chose to not to dare and take advantage of his experiences as a hero and as a person to prove to his parents how capable he was to take care of him, and protect him.

After the talk, Deku stood at the door when he was saying goodbye to his parents, who after all ended up receiving him very well and it could be interpreted that they accepted him on his first visit to his house.

Deku looked very determined in what he would say, despite how red his face was.

"Thank you very much for having me at your house" He said gratefully. "And for letting me be with Katsuki, whom I will take good care of, please don't worry about that, I will always take care of him and protect him"

"D-deku…!" Katsuki sighed, captivated to the core of the way Deku had to handle things, no matter how awkward such actions entailed.

"It doesn't take that much formality to care for this brat" His mother assured, giving Katsuki a big zap on the back of the neck, who growled annoyed at the interruption of the environment.

"You are very kind, Izuku, thanks for telling us that" His father intervened, calm and serene. "Katsuki changed for the better since he knows you, so please, continue taking care of our son"

Deku's face lit up and his eyes glowed bright, a beautiful smile rising to his lips.


Katsuki was satisfied with that visit, realizing that the communication between Deku was improving from there, because making a change took a long time to become aware of what he said and what he did and one of the most difficult steps of his new style of life, was to introduce Deku to his parents so they could meet the man she fell in love with and thought she would love forever, no matter how cheesy that sounded on her lips, that's how things were now.

Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a woman, but he abandoned all habits harmful to his mental health after that event.

Although time passed without much background, rather than nurturing his relationship with Deku, watching it flourish during that time, grateful for everything that was happening and seeing Deku so happy, contagious all the happiness in every part of his body.

As much as he regretted his mistake, it was a lesson worthy of having learned and taken as his own, because if he hadn't seen his mistakes at some point in his life, it was the best thing he could do.

Gradually, he found a balance between everything that happened and he was already detached from the past, using it as a tool to motivate himself and inspire himself to grow and advance, in order to stay by Deku's side.

However, after so much calm, he supposed that a hurricane would come upon his life, unleashing storms or lightning, but that in the end he would overcome the challenge and return to the exact point, to the place where he should stay to continue being himself, without caring the circumstances that usurped with his person.

And he knew that something would happen when he began to notice that Deku behaved in a different way; that is, his behavior always used to be very energetic and smiling, but it changed to how he used to be when he was under a situation of stress and indecision, but that didn't detract from his willingness to pay attention to the details that he told him when they went out to their dates. Deku never missed any details related to Katsuki. Never.

Katsuki sensed that Deku would tell him at some point what was tormenting his head, but it seemed that he was still thinking it, doubting it, before making a decision, or in other words, taking letters in the matter and saying it to his face.

Deku's nerves were overflowing, but Katsuki knew that it was better to talk to him, because he was starting to get impatient for more than he said to himself that he would not ask him anything about it, Deku's behavior was too evident to continue pretending not to. Nothing was happening or he was even aware of what was happening.

What will go through Deku's mind? Katsuki was dying to know. It made him tingle with the palms of his hands, the tip of his tongue, the threads of his heart, every corner that pumped the blood with fervor; the sounds sharpened as his senses alerted him that it was better to speak meddling in the matter that was getting into Deku's mind. And as he would, he and Deku met on one of those days, before Katsuki's patience was shattered.

Katsuki was at the agreed spot, frowning embedded in his forehead, his arms crossed and taut, his hip leaning against the edge of a bench, because he didn't even think about sitting around waiting for Deku in the damn park in which he told him to go.

"Kacchan!" The usual laughing and joyous "Kacchan" was the first thing his ears caught from a distance, followed by a sound of rushing footsteps, which meant Deku was in a hurry.

"Deku" He pronounced shortly, when Deku arrived in front of him with his forehead a little sweaty and his appearance significantly busy.

Is he he eating well?

"Sorry for the delay." He took a deep breath. "I couldn't be on time"

"It's okay" He said in a bad way, capturing the sharp attention of Deku, who intercepted him about his mood. "It has to do with your stupid nerves, I've had enough!" Saying that, Deku stopped, widening his eyes. "Tell me what the hell is wrong with you, because I'm tired of you not being the same, it's frustrating not knowing what is going through your head"

Deku began to hesitate, scheming things in his mind, and it seemed like it because his eyes moved from side to side in perfect synchronization.

"Tell me!" Katsuki demanded impatiently. Deku blinked in surprise at his behavior.

"Did you notice?" He asked, half scared.

"I would have to be blind to not notice your absurd behavior" He claimed, grimacing in disgust. "Such a stupid nerd you ended up being"

"There is Kacchan" He sighed overwhelmed, running a hand through his curly hair. "I didn't think you were going to notice"

"Well, I realized, so don't run away and tell it to my face!" He exasperated, emitting frenetic breaths.

Deku fiddled with his hands, nodding slowly, as if he was coming to terms with himself. Suddenly he stepped forward from him, looking nervous.

"The thing is that I've been thinking about it for weeks and I couldn't reach an agreement" He started, his voice reflected internal nervousness. "I thought if I did, it would go very fast with you, and" He breathed out shortly. "And I didn't want to overwhelm you with my feelings"

Katsuki was offended at that.

"Don't you think I can tolerate your feelings?" He laughed as a defense mechanism, so as not to look vulnerable. "I'm not as weak as you think Deku, you're underestimating me"

"It's not that!" Deku replied, alarmed. "What I'm trying to explain to you, Kacchan, is that I don't want to rush you into something you don't want"

"And what is that? If you don't tell me, how will I know, you idiot!"

Deku hesitated for a few seconds, running another hand over his curls, following the course of his pants pocket. Just then, Katsuki understood what was about to happen, and fear and nervousness began to take hold of him, but he liked the feeling very much.

Suddenly, Deku knelt before him, taking a deep breath, at the same time that his face was turning red, holding in his hands a little black box and inside it, a ring exposed for his eyes to see. It was a simple ring, but carefully painted on the edges in the colors of his hero costume.

He saw him inhale, lifting his chest, releasing:

"Katsuki, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Marry Deku?


Katsuki processed it with all the anxiety in the world, getting excited because it was something he had wanted for a long time and that was happening right before his eyes, he would take the opportunity as soon as it presented itself.

Seeing his lack of response, Deku added:

"I promise to take care of you, protect you and love you always, Katsuki, I will do my best to make you happy and always keep you in love with me, I will try to give you everything you need so that you never lack anything" He assured so willingly that just looking at him was enough to provoke him chills all over hid body "If you need time to"

Katsuki cut him off, taking Deku by the lapel of his shirt, colliding his lips with his, almost instantly they parted because Deku looked worse than confused with his action.

"Do I have to spell out my answer?" Katsuki teased haughtily. "Besides, I don't need time to think about my answer"

Deku blushed even more, processing his gesture, but Katsuki was not there to wait for Deku to react, and kissed him again as many times as necessary, until Deku understood his answer.

"Wait." Deku shook off the exchange, still doubting his kisses. How unsure was Deku of his answer? To some extent he was justifiable, for his previous actions, but it was not enough just to doubt, but to act. "Is, is it a 'yes'?" He was still holding the box with the ring inside.

Katsuki stole another kiss, blushing as much as Deku.

"It's more than a yes" He accepted the proposal that Deku proposed to him, he also placed the engagement ring on the corresponding finger, thus sealing their relationship and the future that awaited it to grow and continue to evolve, to merge its colors, forming one.

Deku smiled capturing the warmest smile he could have made, hugging him very tightly.

"I love you, Katsuki" He said resting on his shoulder. "I never thought of loving someone as much as I love you"

"Hm" He nodded embarrassed, feeling exactly the same as him. Katsuki never thought to love someone as much as he did for Deku.

"I promise I'll take care of you" He swore fervently, holding on to his grip.

"I'm not a lady to be treated like this" He grumbled, hugging him too.

"It doesn't matter" Deku assured, giving a slight laugh. "I love you as you are, I don't care what has happened in the past, that won't change my feelings for you"

"Idiot" He muttered, choking on embarrassment. "I love you, Deku" The aforementioned breathed with joy. "For what you are, I don't want you to change"

"I won't" He said, planting a kiss on hid cheek, which he didn't avoid due to embarrassment. "And you don't either, Katsuki, that's how I fell in love with you, because you are you"

"You're so cheesy, silly" He scoffed.

Deku laughed at his comment, adding something else:

"I love you, Katsuki" He said, as he brushed his lips gently over his, gazing at him with half-open eyes before kissing him.

Katsuki Bakugou was about to marry a man.

And it all started with a lie.






P.S. I finished it abruptly, but the goal was to make it a short and concise story.

I found the link to the photo where I was inspired to write the story, I'll put it later.